- Shunryu Suzuki Index  - WHAT'S NEW - table of contents


2014 Suzuki or Suzuki student or friend related posts -
from What's New which has it all going back 13 years.

Go to Suzuki related posts 2013 and 2012 and 2011

For Suzuki related posts going further back in time, just look through the What Was New for that year.

A presentation of All Shunryu Suzuki lectures, lecture notes, and comments from the SFZC's Wind Bell publication 1961-2012 now combined with links to the complete Wind Bells with cover images added - also links to the page on where audio, verbatim transcripts, other edited version can be found. Today featuring # 66 of 110 selections (approximately). - in 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Frequent posts featuring these one by one not repeated below.

A complete collection of all Wind Bells (1961-2012), publication of the SFZC - from the 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Frequent posts featuring these one by one not repeated below.

Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments - Frequent posts featuring these one by one - some repeated below.

Shunryu Suzuki Lecture Transcripts 2012 and 2013 --- INDEX - lectures and comments added to the digital archive this year - 2012.

Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki - Putting up each of the entries from this book one at a time. Anecdote Index.

2013 Scans - Almost daily from mid April posting one or more scans of material from the Crooked Cucumber Archives and other backlog -  to post, work with, and present in other form on cuke later from anywhere. Much great Suzuki material and other. Won't sort out what's what thoroughly till next year. Thanks Warren Lynn.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Ananda Claude Dalenberg's  Newsletters added in 2014

This column last updated 11-12-14


11-12-14 - Ken Knabb (Bureau of Public Secrets) will have a table at the Howard Zinn Bookfair, as will more than 70 other radical groups and publishers: Get the lowdown on Ken's cuke page




 - Gabor Terebess writes: I am so happy to see your Kishizawa page!!! Maybe you remember Suzuki-roshi's most beautiful memories about his master, Kishizawa (though he doesn't say his name); here is the original lecture from your fantastic website (On my site I put the Hungarian version of the above text translated from ZMBM).

11-11-14 - Terebess site page for Kojun Noiri, has photos and info on Kishizawa Ian, Noiri's master and Shunryu Suzuki's 2nd teacher.

Cuke page for Ian Kishizawa - just starting.



When Shunryu Suzuki would arrive at Tassajara, he'd go straight to the zendo and offer incense. Once when I drove him in from the city, we walked into the zendo and up to the altar, I lit a stick of incense and held it vertical before him. He took it and, before he placed it in the bowl of ash, turned to me and said, "Many temple have burned down from one stick of incense." Then he offered it, bowed three times to the floor on the bowing mat, and we departed that building that burned down a decade later - though probably not from a single stick of incense. - DC in Brief Memories

11-09-14 - A brief memory of Shunryu Suzuki from Stuart Lach's email of 1/28/03 re-linked to two days ago, a memory of from Tassajara's first practice period in 1967. That letter has more memories from then and some critical analysis of some traps we tend to fall into - including Suzuki.

Created a Stuart Lachs cuke page - lots more there and lots elsewhere on the web. A lot of stuff that shouldn't be brushed aside I think. - DC





11-08-14 -  - Click to enlarge today's photo. SR0150 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive. That's Shunryu looks like at the old Sokoji during some big ceremony with his ceremonial hat on doing something at an altar.


11-07-14 - Gabor Terebess is a dharma heir of Hakusan Kojun Noiri with an extensive Hungarian Zen web site. Noiri was a dharma heir of Ian Kishizawa whom Shunryu Suzuki's studied with. We're going to be linking to some of the many pages on Terebess' site relevant to cuke material. Here's the Zen Index. Here's his page for Shunryu Suzuki with lots of links to cuke and and Have linked previously to Kojun Noiri page from here on cuke. Here's Gabor Terebess' page for photos of him and non English text. Lots of other links there but that's enough for now. - thanks Peter Ford for reminding me of Terebess - dc

Emailing Terebess about a few subjects, read Stuart Lachs' letter posted on cuke again. Check it out. I do sympathize with his comments toward the end about Shunryu Suzuki's comments from Crooked Cucumber on meeting with Soen Nakagawa in the summer of 1971. Here's the chapter he referred to - 19-Final Season - it's right at the first. Am slipping a link in there to this part of Stuart's letter - one of the only notes in the empty note side of Notes on the book. - dc

11-06-14 - An email with memories of Phillip Wilson

click on photo to go to page with more photos of Phil and Shunryu

------------- from cuke photo page


11-05-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo. SR0173 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive. That's Grahame Petchey and I bet it's at Eiheiji in 1963 but it could be when he'd returned to US.

One reason I'm posting these photos is to force myself to go through them and make notes which can be done by anyone in - and to isolate those we have questions about and try to get a few who were around then to fill in some of the blanks. - DC


11-04-14 - A week ago or so Daya Goldschlag sent an email about Elizabeth Sawyer's recent shuso ceremony in Sonoma County at the Back Porch Zendo.

Elizabeth Sawyer

11-01-14 - Chart - Shunryu Suzuki Lecture Transcript Categories and Info - Nov. 1, 2014 - by DC

posted in Documents relating to Shunryu Suzuki Lectures


10-31-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo. SRC0045 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive

Picking these at random. Reminds me how much work there is to do with them in terms of notes.

10-31-14 - Adding note to Index posted yesterday which identifies which lectures contain which key words and names saying that some of the lecture file names in the archive on have changed. Will post a chart tomorrow that indicates those changes. - dc

10-30-14 - An Index of the 2004 collection of Shunryu Suzuki Lectures - Created by Shinshu Roberts (SFZC link) pictured on the left. She's the co-founder (with Daijaku Kinst) of the Ocean Gate Zen Center located in Capitola, CA. Here's a Sweeping Zen interview with her.

This index was of greater use for searching before the searchability we have now with the Internet. But some may want to access it here or print it up as it does show the information in a unique way - for instance, showing topics and subjects mentioned by Shunryu Suzuki in his lectures and where they can be found. It would be good for someone to update the index by including all the additions to the Suzuki lecture archive since 2004 which can be accessed at - DC

Posting this index on a new page named Documents relating to Shunryu Suzuki Lectures

10-29-14 - Farewell Miriam Bobkoff who died on October 23rd. - thanks Elizabeth Sawyer


The details of her passing the most recent post on her Ocean in View blog


Miriam, madam librariam. Knew her at the SFZC but the strongest memories are when she was working in the library in Santa Fe and I was doing spelling and fact check for Thank You and OK there - downtown and in a branch near where Elin and I were living July 92 - July 93. Always kind and helpful. - DC



Miriam Bobkoff cuke page


10-28-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo. That's Silas Hoadley on the right. Is that Mel Weitsman in back? Ken Strauss with the beard? Need to go through the photos with some others. There are no notes with this one. - SRC0013 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive




East Coast Ladies  - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Just some names with a few tiny notes scribbled on a piece of paper but there could be, should be, maybe is a piece to be written there, a piece of what made the quilt American Buddhism. Yvonne Rand has talked about them. Incomplete of course. Ruth Fuller Sasaki isn't on the list. One thing I mention to folks on this side of the world that's different about a lot of the Buddhism in the West is how women do not take a back seat. That goes back to early days. - DC

10-27-14 Narcissus Robert Quagliata's talk at the SFZC City Center this October 22nd.

 - thanks M Katz



Narcissus Quagliata cuke page



10-26-14 - New to transcripts in progress - A fragment from a shosan ceremony occurring at the end of a fall-winter practice ceremony in which students are asking the abbot, Shunryu Suzuki questions. It was found in the middle of audio file 68-02-00-G which was thought to be just a Togen Sumi lecture. This is only the first pass. Am seeking ears of others to do a better job. Just go to this link to read the very brief transcript in progress with question marks for parts not understood. There's a link there to the audio. Send suggested solutions - Contact DC. Thanks. - DC

Another photo of Marian Derby Wisberg doing her Punch and Judy puppet show 1954 in San Francisco.



posting on Marian Derby Wisberg cuke page



10-25-14 - Cindy Derby is Marian Derby's granddaughter, an artist and puppeteer. Here's her site, Cindy Derby dot com. And here's a page on it for something I didn't know about Marian - Marian Derby's puppet days.

That's Marian bottom left.

 - thanks Steve Meek for sending this info and link

posting on Marian Derby Wisberg cuke page

10-23-14 - Here's the photo of Mitsu Suzuki, Shunryu's widow, by Barbara Wenger that couldn't get to show up yesterday. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge or just go to Mitsu's cuke page to see it large.


10-22-14 - Barbara Wenger sent a photo of Mitsu Suzuki, Shunryu's widow, a color photo of Mitsu with balloons at Green Gulch. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge or just go to Mitsu's cuke page. She sent another one two that I can see in my computer but not online. Both photos posted or trying to post on Mitsu's cuke page.

There are a few tickets left for the Nov. 5 Greens dinner and event in San Francisco celebrating twenty years of Community Grows founded by Barbara.

Explore Community Grows

posted in Ads and Announcements and  Engaged Buddhism/Current Events

For historical reasons and to honor the work of those who did the early transcripts of Shunryu Suzuki lectures, transcripts of 75 of them have now been entered onto They can be found by clicking on Early Zen Center Transcripts in the Other Associated File? window or by looking in More Files of a lecture. Next year, if I don't get eaten by a shark, they will be featured one by one here on cuke. But even then Peter Ford who entered them into the site would probably carry on. He's been doing a ton of work on all this. Me too. More to come on all this of course. - dc --- posting on cuke's Shunryu Suzuki lecture posts page

10-21-14 - Click on thumbnail to enlarge.

John Nelson, the USF Buddhism etc prof whose Bali blog was featured yesterday wants to know who that is to the left of Shunyryu Suzuki in this photo and also I'd like to know who that is behind him. I keep thinking his name is Larry. The SFZC has used this photo numerous times through the years. It has a number in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive but can't look for that now due to its rank on the priority list.

Please send any answer to this query - Contact DC. Thanks, dc

posted on cuke photos page

10-20-14 - View (bigger than below) and read the two versions of the the Heart Sutra Chant card used at Sokoji in the sixties with Shunryu Suzuki's minimal translation that ran below the kanji. I forgot this was on cuke so am reposting. - dc


The one page two sided card.

10-18-14 - Christmas card from Marian Derby and Jack Wisberg - undated but I'd say ten years ago or so - the lack of scan of the other side makes me wonder if it was blank. - dc

 - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Marian Derby Wisberg cuke page

10-16-14 -

Click to enlarge today's photo, the fourth of Shunryu Suzuki working with Bob Watkins at Tassajara in 1967 - SR0233 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes - but needs more notes. This is the fifth of six stone work photos that will be posted.

That's Mike Daft in the middle of the photo. He was a quiet, unassuming guy with a dry sense of humor. I wonder what happened to him. I don't remember him beyond the first year or so of Tassajara. Like many of those who'd been around longer, he called Suzuki, sensei, not roshi. The only specific memory I have about Mike is that he told me that once he was in Sokoji when no other students were around and Suzuki Sensei and Okusan, his wife, were having an argument in the kitchen. Mike said that Okusan got so frustrated she grabbed a big bunch of flowers out of a vase and bashed her husband over the head with them. Mike tiptoed out, deciding to talk to his teacher some other time. - posted in posted on Brief Memories

Updated the Memorial Page a bit after putting Rowena Pattee Kryder on it. Many names from the past not there. Just started it a few years ago. Searched for "rip," "dead," "passed," and "dies" in this year and last's What's New. Added about a half dozen, among them Chris Pirsig who was mentioned recently. His brother sent some comments and a correction adding to the page for the song for him. If you think of someone not there just sent it - Contact DC. - DC

10-15-14 - Shunryu Suzuki student and visionary artist Rowena Pattee Kryder passed away on October 11th. See note from her family and from Friends of Rowena on the Rowena Pattee Kryder page - thanks Paul Shippee

Farewell Rowena. See you in my visions. - DC


For over a month now been putting beaucout time into reviewing and organizing the history of work with Shunryu Suzuki transcripts and will be posting this earlier work on cuke and and systematically featuring it bit by bit on What's New. While preserving this pioneering work and linking to the efforts of others, will continue developing our presentation and expanding the archive of material lightly edited for readability and your viewing and listening pleasure. A special thanks to those who've helped recently, especially Peter Ford in Tennessee who toils daily in the depths of the cuke mines. - DC - posted in What We're Doing

10-14-14 -

Click to enlarge today's photo, the third of Shunryu Suzuki working with Bob Watkins at Tassajara in 1967 - Bob offstage to the left SR0232 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes - but needs more notes. This is the forth of six stone work photos that will be posted.

To find out more about Bob or anyone mentioned on cuke, just put their name in the search box up top on this page or on the home page and see what comes up.

cuke photos page

Here's the 5th of five Gordon Geist light edits of Shunryu Suzuki lectures that were missing from the collection of now 51 of them from him on See post below on 10-02-14 for the 1st and more info.


Lecture given on 70-05-10 - was the source for the chapter  of Not Always So called "Not Sticking to Enlightenment" on p. 131.  - the light edit


A page for that lecture and click on Minimum Edit Transcript

--- posting on cuke's Shunryu Suzuki lecture posts page newly created today just for you and so that the main lecture page can be spiffy and unencumbered with all those notes.

10-13-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo of Bob Watkins at Tassajara in 1967 taken at the same time as the photo posted yesterday - Suzuki's head to the right. SR0231 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes - but needs more notes. This is the third of six stone work photos that will be posted.


cuke photos page

10-12-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo of Shunryu Suzuki working with Bob Watkins at Tassajara in 1967. SR0230 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes - but needs more notes. This is the 2nd of six stone work photos that will be posted.

To find out more about Bob or anyone mentioned on cuke, just put their name in the search box up top on this page or on the home page and see what comes up.

cuke photos page

Here's the 4th of four Gordon Geist light edits of Shunryu Suzuki lectures used in Not Always So that were missing from the collection on See post below on 10-02-14 for the 1st and more info. The 2nd one went up on the 4th and the third on the 8th.


Lecture given on 71-02-12-B - was the source for the chapter  of Not Always So called "Not Sticking to Enlightenment" on p. 131.  - the light edit

A page for that lecture with links to other versions and audio.

--- posting on cuke's Shunryu Suzuki lecture posts page newly created today just for you and so that the main lecture page can be spiffy and unencumbered with all those notes.

10-10-14 - Here's the 3rd of four Gordon Geist light edits of Shunryu Suzuki lectures used in Not Always So that were missing from the collection on See post below on 10-02-14 for the 1st and more info. The 2nd one went up on the 4th and the third on the 8th.


Lecture given on 70-03-15 - was the source for the chapter  of Not Always So called "Everyday Life is like a Movie" on p. 49.  - the light edit

A page for that lecture with links to other versions and audio.

--- posting on cuke's Shunryu Suzuki lecture posts page newly created today just for you and so that the main lecture page can be spiffy and unencumbered with all those notes.

For the whole archive go to

Gorden Geist memories of SR - 15 years ago

Click to enlarge today's photo of Shunryu Suzuki working with Phillip Wilson at Tassajara in 1967 or 68. SR00094 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes - but needs more notes. This is the first of six stone work photos that will be posted.

cuke photos page

10-09-14 -

Click to enlarge today's photo of Shunryu Suzuki in monk's begging gear on one of his visits to Japan from the US. That's Hoitsu his son to the left and maybe members of the Sokoji San Francisco congregation to the right. SR0176 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes but needs more notes.

cuke photos page


10-08-14 -

Click to enlarge today's photo of Shunryu Suzuki in the background with the high ceremonial hat. Maybe that's Maezumi to his right. SR0152 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes

cuke photos page

Here's the 3rd of four Gordon Geist light edits of Shunryu Suzuki lectures  used in Not Always So that were missing from the collection on See post below on 10-02-14 for the 1st and more info. The 2nd one went up on the 4th.

Lecture given on 71-02-12 - was the source for the chapter "Not Sticking to Enlightenment" on p. 131.  - the light edit

A page for that lecture with links to other versions and audio.

--- posting on cuke's Shunryu Suzuki lecture page  but for the whole archive go to

Gorden Geist memories of SR - 15 years ago

Jerry Bollick's blog and poetry.

Jerry Bolick on his history with the Buddhist Bookstore and Ananda Claude Dalenberg

10-07-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo of Shunryu Suzuki with Yvonne Rand in his study and meeting room at Page St. City Center in SF. SR0002 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes

cuke photos page

Shunryu Suzuki lecture from the 1990 Wind Bell volume 24, issue 2.

In the new presentation of All Shunryu Suzuki lectures, lecture notes, and comments from the SFZC's Wind Bell publication 1961-2012 now combined with links to the complete Wind Bells with cover images added - also links to the page on where audio, verbatim transcripts, other edited version can be found. Today featuring # 79 of 110 selections (approximately). - in 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

10-06-14 -  Some early pages of Snail Zen by Marian Derby - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Marian Derby Wisberg cuke page

And just added this note to Marian's cuke page: Massive correspondence between Fran and Marian is now in the cuke archives - too much to process and post though someone else can do it later. - DC

  - Click to enlarge today's photo of a bunch of us after some ceremony at Tassajara before or after the official posed photo - probably after my shusho, head monk, ceremony in the spring of 1974. - DC Not from the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes though there is probably the same photo there. The last of four from Richard Baker scanned in Crestone, Colorado.

cuke photos page

10-05-14 - Here is a link to the 4-minute trailer for Painting Peace: The Art and Life of Kazuaki Tanahashi

Kazuaki Tanahashi cuke page


10-04-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo of Shunryu Suzuki in front of his cabin at Tassajara. Not from the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes though there is probably the same photo there. This is a cropped one I think - maybe from opening day. One of four from Richard Baker scanned in Crestone, Colorado.

cuke photos page


Here's the 2nd light edit of two (now four) Gordon Geist light edits of Shunryu Suzuki lectures used in Not Always So that were missing from the collection on See post below on 10-02-14 for the 1st and more info.

69-06-22 - Direct Experience of Reality - the light edit

A page for that lecture with links to other versions and audio.

--- posting on cuke's Shunryu Suzuki lecture page  but for the whole archive go to

Kazuaki Tanahashi answers question about character Shunryu Suzuki used after his name in calligraphy for Beginner's Mind posted yesterday.

(pronounced "sō" meaning "Old Man."

Thanks Kaz - DC


Kazuaki Tanahashi cuke page

10-02-14 - Today's image is Shunryu Suzuki's calligraphy for Beginner's Mind that was scanned from a first edition of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind.

click on thumbnail to see it large and read more.


Going through what transcripts we have and making a chart. Gordon Geist in Norway did a bunch of light edits of verbatim Shunryu Suzuki lectures including all of the lectures that comprised Not Always So, a collection of Suzuki's lectures edited by Edward Brown. Gordon translated it into Norwegian as he did ZMBM. He did all that years ago. I noticed in the chart that there were two (now four) Suzuki lectures that were part of Not Always So that didn't have light edits by Gordon so I emailed him and he sent them. I forwarded them to Peter Ford who operates these days and he included them there. So here's the first one:

69-03-09 - Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha - the light edit

A page for that lecture with links to other versions and audio.

--- posting on cuke's Shunryu Suzuki lecture page which is a big mess but there are lots of cool links on it for enthusiasts. But it's not organized and much more complete like


9-30-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo of Shunryu Suzuki in monk's begging gear taken in Japan at his temple Rinsoin. Not from the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes though there is probably the same photo there. One of four from Richard Baker scanned in Crestone, Colorado.


 cuke photos page


Long letter from Marian Derby Wisberg to DC August 5, 2008 
- in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives
Marian Derby Wisberg cuke page



 Thinking of the following quote from Hamlet: ‘There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Got it from Falling Through the Ice: The Path of a Zen Methodist by John Hiestand whose mom and sis sat with Shunryu Suzuki in Los Alto. More on that book tomorrow.

9-29-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo - not from the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive with notes though there may be the same photo there. One of four from Richard Baker scanned in Crestone, Colorado. Richard and Virginia Baker with Shunryu Suzuki. Richard is departing for - will ask him later. - DC

Will put it on the cuke photos page




9-28-14 - Mitsu Suzuki, Shunryu's widow, with DC back in April when Katrinka and I visited with her. This was a couple of weeks before her 100th birthday. That's her daughter Harumi in the background. Photo by Katrinka McKay

click on thumbnail to enlarge or just go to her cuke page.

See Saunters page for April 7th and 8th for report on that visit with Mitsu Suzuki, AKA Mrs. Suzuki, Suzuki Sensei, Okusan.

 - this posted in - Saunters too


Yes it's Mike Dixon in yesterday's photo. Adding it to his cuke page. Check it out.

9-27-14 -

Click to enlarge today's photo - SRC0080 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive - with notes.

(cuke photos page)


Not sure who this is and it's not in the notes on I think maybe it's Mike Dixon. Will ask. - DC

Yes it's Mike Dixon. And don't know who the kid is.

Putting more hours into current cuke project of getting the early Shunryu Suzuki lecture transcripts ready to include in the archive and feature one by one here on cuke. This is not the early Los Altos transcripts which are already on cuke and It's all the ones that existed before the verbatim project at around the turn of the century and were used in making the verbatim lectures checked against the audio and then forgotten - except in cases where the audio was lost in which case they were gone over and named unverbatim. The verbatims and unverbatims are all featured on There are some of those early ones on the cuke lecture page from posts way back, but most have been in storage and it's time they were recognized again. Will start featuring them when done with featuring the Suzuki lectures from the Windbells which are another batch of early transcripts. So that's one thing that's happening at cuke industries these days. - DC - posted on What We're Doing

cuke lecture page and

9-26-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo - SRC0151 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive - with notes.

(cuke photos page)



9-24-14 - Donn Deangelo's Montage of his Shunryu Suzuki photo with the Heart Sutra





9-23-14 - Larry Cooper's film Tassajara 1968 now at in low resolution (thanks Peter Ford) for easier loading in addition to the bigger file that was there. Check it out at this link or at the site's video page.


And here's Larry's original note about the film on the cuke video page - followed by a bit written on it when it was first uploaded.



Click to enlarge today's photo - SRC0002 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive - with notes.

(cuke photos page)


photo by Rowena Kryder. And please remember Visionary Artist Rowena needs our help -  

Rowena Pattee Kryder page



9-20-14 - Click to enlarge today's photo - SR00094 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive - with notes.

(cuke photos page)


Rowena Kryder bio - books by and about


And please remember Visionary Artist Rowena needs our help -  - Rowena Pattee Kryder page

In memoriam Niels Holm. Two photos by Gregory Johnson just taken in Port Townsend, WA posted on the Niels Holm Memorial Page.

Here's one. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.


Look for his name on a stone.


That's today's photo.

9-18-14 - From the SFZC - Everyday Enlightenment: Shunryu Suzuki’s Expression of Zen Practice

led by Abiding Abbot Rinso Ed Sattizahn

September 30 - December 6

Residential, commuter and online options available


 - posted in Ads & Announcements


Click to enlarge today's photo - SR0175 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive - with notes.


(cuke photos page)



9-17-14 -


Click to enlarge today's photo - SR0151 in the Shunryu Suzuki photo archive - with notes.


(cuke photos page)




9-16-14 - Having won the International Warren Harding Award for Most Boring Website Presentation for every year for over a decade, we've decided to start including a thumbnail photo with each day's post (Click on it to enlarge). Info presented with photos works better on websites. Research has shown that info with a photo is remembered better - even if the photo is unrelated. Haven't done this because 1 - It takes time, 2 - it makes the file bigger and shower to load 3 - Didn't care - just want to keep uploading stuff without any standards. But the vote of the steering committee is to try to be more appealing. Dog photos would probably work best, but we have all these low res photos of Shunryu Suzuki so we'll go through them. This photo with notes is here higher res as SR0001 at - DC - Posting this note on the cuke photos page but not the following photo thumbnail posts.

Here's a more accurate version of Shunryu Suzuki lecture #12 on the Lotus Sutra from the fall of 1968. Lecture name 68-10-00-K surely given later on in November but most of these lectures weren't dated so they were named that way a while back. This will be added to where the link to that lecture is this. A text file of this PDF should replace the existing work in progress. Not going to do that now though because Peter Ford who manages the site is being inundated by me with emails about a transcript project we're involved with.

Don't know why this transcript by the meticulous Brian Fikes is not in the transcript archive. I found it about a year ago comparing old transcript collections from the SFZC with what we've got now and included it in a group to be scanned. There still might be some others that haven't made it to the current so called complete archive. When I get back to the States I plan to see that all those old transcripts are carefully checked again to make sure there's not some other transcripts that could be added - among tons of other archive stuff to go through in storage. - DC - posting this in the cuke Suzuki lecture section.

9-15-14 - There will be a viewing of Rowena Pattee Kryder's art later this month in Pipersville, Pennsylvania, USA. Here's the invite.

And please remember Visionary Artist Rowena needs our help -  - Rowena Pattee Kryder page

And Rowena's situation makes me think of the Zen Aluminati - not forgetting those among us who are old, sick, lonely, forgotten.

The Zen of “The Zen of Steve Jobs” - Adding yet another to the on the Kobun page in the Kobun-Jobs-Zen area

9-11-14 - Posting better versions of her famous to us photo of Shunryu Suzuki taken by Rowena (Leary) Pattee Kryder - The original color and an uncropped black and white. Posting on the Photos page at the bottom. wrote about - it can be downloaded from photo section in low or hi res. It's SRC0001 or in BnW as SR0063. Including the story below of Layla and Jim Bockhorst saw it when visiting Rowena and persuaded her to let the SFZC use it.

And please remember Visionary Artist Rowena needs our help - One of Suzuki Roshi's early students, Rowena (Leary) Pattee Kryder  is in poor health and reaching out for assistance, both financial and help in finding an assisted living facility. - thanks John Sheehy - Rowena Pattee Kryder page


9-08-14 - Lew Richmond writes:

I have been invited by the new online magazine to lead a 4-week online class on Aging as a Spiritual Practice during October 2014.  The class will run for 4 weeks, will be fully interactive, with opportunity for realtime discussion. In each class I will give a talk on a topic from my book, teach a contemplative exercise from the book (or a new one), and have Q & A and open discussion.  The class will be recorded so people who missed it can tune in any time.  There will also be weekly readings written especially for the class, a blog-type discussion forum, and other features.  I am excited about this opportunity to teach Aging as a Spiritual Practice more widely in this way.  For information or to register click here:

Aging as a Spiritual Practice Online Class 


Lew Richmond cuke page


Shunryu Suzuki on paradox - an email and response about whether Suzuki really said that.


Subject: Suzuki quote and internet arguing


In the course of making this page, realized that a special page - Shunryu Suzuki quotes and excerpts from lectures and memories - would be useful so gathered put this exchange there and added pre-existing links to other related material. Enjoy. - dc

9-06-14 - Brought the Shunryu Suzuki Index up to date on the right column where Suzuki or Suzuki student or contact related posts from What's New are separately listed. That way someone who wants to see that sort of post history can skip the foreign country observation, bleeding heart liberal, and lizard people posts. Repeating posts like all the Suzuki lectures and Wind Bells and Ananda's newsletters aren't repeated - they're mentioned up top. So zip down it back a few years and see what's been done. - DC

9-05-14 - Remembering Suzuki Roshi - A talk given by Rev. Edward Brown, Rev. Peter Schneider, and Rev. Les Kaye in honor of the 50th anniversary of Suzuki Roshi's arrival in America, on Saturday, May 23, 2009, at City Center. (from the SFZC site)

- What's with them using the "Rev." ??? I searched the site and don't find that usual. Some people like Myo Lehey use it. It was used along with sensei for Shunryu Suzuki until Alan Watts' letter of 1966 said it wasn't right and that we should use "roshi" for him. Go to that story from Crooked Cucumber on the Alan Watts page.- posted in Suzuki Stories

9-04-14 - An intro to Beginner's Mind Zen Center - in Northridge, LA (CA) - teachers Peter and Jane Schneider - from the SFZC Sangha News.

Peter and Jane Schneider cuke page

9-03-14 -- Jeri Marlowe sent a copy of a letter she received from her brother-in-law, Alan Marlowe, back in 1972. That letter is now posted near the bottom of this new cuke page created for Alan with links to other entries.

8-28-14 - A number of times I heard Shunryu Suzuki say that everyone is doing their best. - posted in DC Brief Memories

8-26-14 - The Melanthium Band - Lew Richmond

I have recently become part of a new music group called THE MELANTHIUM BAND--trumpet, violin, string bass, piano.  Many people who know my books and teaching may not know that I was trained as a classical pianist and composer, and now I have returned to that.  Our musical style is best described as contemporary classical, with a jazz inflection. Most of the pieces are my original compositions.  In order to distinguish that activity from my Buddhist teaching and author work Melanthium has begun its own Constant Contact mail list identity.  I have taken the liberty of adding your name to that list, so from now on when you get an email from "The Melanthium Band" you will know it is my group.  You can read about the musicians, hear a YouTube clip of excerpts from a recent concert, and read up on the pieces we play.  Our website is here:

Tom Silk wrote recently, "Lew Richmond has hit a home run in his composition of a tone poem that serves as a soundtrack for a 20 minute pilot film on the natural glories of Buddha and West Marin." 

Lew Richmond cuke page


8-22-14 - Mitsu Suzuki (Shunryu's widow) recent haiku collection, Temple Dusk, Translated from the Japanese by Zenshin Eitan Bolokan, being released in Hebrew.

Here's an announcement of the release event in Israel. [Can't get this link to work on site though it works from the email received]

See more on Mitsu and the English version of the book.

 - posted with prior communication from the translator, including comments on the recent situation in Israel.

SF Chronicle review by Alix Madrigal of DC first book from 1994, Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan. - in Group TY  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives.

Thank You and OK! home page

8-20-14 - There's been some correspondence between Joel Weishaus and DC now posted on his cuke page. In response to being asked if he'd ever met or seen Suzuki Roshi he responded:

It must have been around fifty years ago, so I hardly remember. A room, and zufus, A hallway. Suzuki talking in rather broken English. It's all misty.


posted on Brief Memories of Shunryu Suzuki and added to the end of his cuke page.

Natalie Goldberg's letter to DC on Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan. - in Group TY  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives.

Thank You and OK! home page

8-17-14 - The video of Vera Haile Dalenberg's Memorial service on 7/31/14 in case you were unable to join us. There is also a link to the short photo slideshow we played at the service.   Both are posted on her website ata

posted on the Ananda Dalengberg cuke page along with other posts about Vera, Ananda's widow who died on July 9th.

8-16-14 - Joel Weishaus is a writer who makes a number of appearances in Ananda's Newsletters: 1983 #3, 4, 5; 1984 #8, 10, 11; 1988 #27; 1990 #30-31. Have been corresponding with him about Marian Derby Wisberg whom he met at Tassajara in 1969.

When references and links start piling up for someone we make a cuke page for them. Here's a cuke page for Joel Weishaus. Putting some comments from him on Marian and a link to his Beginner's Mind Project (previously featured) and to list of books he's written.

8-14-14 - Rowena Pattee Kryder page created as her name came up recently among folks emailing about Reed oral history, work being done by John Sheehy. If you want to contact John about Reed just shoot an email to dchad[at]cuke[dot]com.

And here's the cuke Reed page- Rowena's not in there yet but will be.

A Warm and Present History: A Tribute to the Archivists Who Visited City Center - from the SFZC's Sangha News. DC added this comment: Good work. Keep it up. Sorry I wasn’t able to attend the name that monk night, something a number of us have talked about for years. Maybe we could set something up with a Skype conference call to include some early students who could help.

 - posted in cuke Sangha news

8-13-14 - Bill Redican's Shunryu Suzuki lecture master log from his valiant work over a decade ago - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

The archive is more complete now and there have been many changes, but this is an important archival document. It's a PDF of about 120 mgs. Thanks to Jean Selkirk for creating this PDF. Bill's work concentrated on lectures with audio.

Posting also in the cuke Suzuki Lectures section. is where the whole archive is located.

8-11-14 - Jeff Broadbent will be speaking at SFZC Page Street Tuesday August 19, 7:30 pm.

"Way-Seeking Mind: Lay Wanderings in East/West Heart/Mind Scapes"

I highly recommend this talk. Jeff has a broad range of education, experience, and practice most relevant for today's engaged Zen students with an openness to revealing the demons as well as the angels that he has encountered on his path.

Jeff first encountered Zen in 1956 at the age of twelve at a Quaker retreat center in Pennsylvania when he met Sohaku Ogata from Shokokuji in Kyoto. After entering college young, dropping out, and involvement with civil rights and peace movements, in 1964 he started practicing with Hakuun Yasutani and Eido Shimano at New York Zen Studies. As a conscientious objector he worked in a hospital. After meeting Shunryu Suzuki and Richard Baker in New York in 1967 he went West and became an early Tassajara student. He returned to college, majoring in Religious Studies-Buddhism at UC Berkeley, living at the Berkeley Zendo. Following Suzuki’s advice, he studied in Japan for a year starting in 1971 and became a lay disciple of Suzuki's younger brother monk, the revered Hakusan Kojun Noiri. After further practice with renowned teachers in Thailand and India, Jeff studied sociology with the eminent sociologist Robert Bellah at UCB and then did graduate work at Harvard in the sociology of religion. He spent three years in Japan working on his thesis about environmental protest. He joined the sociology faculty at the University of Minnesota in 1986 and practiced with Dainin Katagiri. For years Jeff has been leading a global research project on climate change.

For much more detail on all this in Jeff's words, an interview, his Zen bio, links to his projects and translations, see the ever expanding Jeff Broadbent main page on

With gassho - - David Chadwick

8-10-14 - SFZC Page St. Rokuchiji (officers) meeting minutes 1971 - posted in the Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments - with the 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

8-07-14 - Mary Quagliata memories of Shunryu Suzuki went up a while back. Her art gallery and video page linked to from there have great material. Don't know how much of it is new - it all looks new to me. Enjoy. - dc

8-06-14 - Alan Marlowe's Great Moment - a Tassajara Story

8-05-14 - About thirteen years ago was driving a friend named Judy around Marin and Sonoma. After Green Gulch Farm we dropped by Peter and Wendy's at Muir Beach. My friend said that I'd been introducing her to the Buddhist scene in the North Bay and asked Peter if he had any advice. "Yeah," he said. "Beware of teachers."  - dc  - posted in ZC Stories

8-04-14 - Grahame Petchey Japan diary 1963 or part of it - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Grahame Petchey cuke page

8-03-14 - Shunryu Suzuki lecture from the 1969 Wind Bell volume 8, issue 3.

In the new presentation of All Shunryu Suzuki lectures, lecture notes, and comments from the SFZC's Wind Bell publication 1961-2012 now combined with links to the complete Wind Bells with cover images added - also links to the page on where audio, verbatim transcripts, other edited version can be found. Today featuring # 50 of 113 selections (approximately). - thanks Peter Ford

8-02-14 - Marian Derby letter to DC explaining what she thinks the source of the box of Shunryu Suzuki Los Altos Lecture transcripts with editing marks that ended up in the SFZC library closet - all of which now are in lecture archive on - - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Posting on the cuke lecture and quote page and The earliest apparently verbatim lectures from Los Altos. Tons of posts and info sort of confusing needs to be reorganized especially in light of what is known now. Also need to do corrections of info in Crooked Cucumber and even the more recent Afterward to the 40th edition of ZMBM.

ZMBM page which has a useful chart and links to source lectures

Marian Derby page

8-01-14 - Paul Discoe on the cardboard zendo at Burning Man speaking in 2009 at Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA. Wonder if it's still going up. Looked this up after seeing examples of Burning Man sculpture posted t on Huff Post today. Huff Post also in the past posted that video excerpt on cardboard zendo.

Paul Discoe cuke page


7-31-14 - Joshu Sasaki dies at 107 on July 27th - Huff Post - thanks Howie Klein

LA Times another LA Times and Shambala Sun and Sweeping Zen

DC on meeting Joshu Sasaki

Joshu Sasaki cuke page

7-29-14 - By Laws of the San Francisco Zen Center 1968

posted in the Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments - with the 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

7-27-14 -  A page of selected Shunryu Suzuki quotes sent by Bill Redican fifteen years ago or so. - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives and posted on the cuke lecture and quote page.

7-25-14 - On the Hebrew translation of Mitsu Suzuki's Temple Dusk and comments on the situation in Israel. Emails with Zenshin Eitan Bolokan.

7-24-14 - Another NY Times item: They made the correction sent in for the Albert Stunkard obituary linked to here on 7-22-14:

Correction: July 23, 2014 

An obituary on Monday about Dr. Albert J. Stunkard, a pioneer of eating-disorder research, misidentified the man who inspired his interest in Buddhism. He was the author D. T. Suzuki, not the Buddhist monk Shunryu Suzuki.

Mickey Stunkard's cuke page and interview

Correction email sent to New York Times

This may be the high point of my career. - DC

7-22-14 - Dr. Albert J. Stunkard, Destigmatizer of Fat, Dies at 92 - NY Times - thanks Carol Schmitt

Mickey as we called him. One of the senior Zen practitioners and teachers in the West. He sat with Shunryu Suzuki at Tassajara and in San Francisco. He was DT Suzuki's doctor in Japan after the war and studied with Muira and Yasutani and knew Soen and Edo.

There's a mistake in the article which states toward the end in a brief bio:  serving as an Army physician in occupied Japan, where he became a student of Shunryu Suzuki, a Buddhist monk who later helped popularize Zen Buddhism in the United States. The experience made Dr. Stunkard a lifelong Buddhist practitioner, he said.

Stunkard was introduced to Zen by DT Suzuki in Japan after the war. He practiced with Shunryu Suzuki at the San Francisco Zen Center and at the SFZC's Tassajara Zen Mountain Center for brief periods in the late sixties and early seventies.- DC

Mickey Stunkard's cuke page and interview

Correction email sent to New York Times

7-20-14 - Phillip played dumb (Note on Phillip Wilson [1st name misspelled like in Crooked Cucumber] from Peter Snyder observation.  DC adds - and he'd frequently talk in almost baby talk.  With random other notes in darker ink. - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Phillip Wilson cuke page

7-18-14 - Note from Charlotte Selver to DC that her husband Charles Brooks has died - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Charlotte Selver cuke page

Loring Palmer on the Fourth Turning (of the Wheel of the Dharma)

Loring's cuke page

7-17-14 - Vera Haile Dalenberg's memorial and light reception will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral (in St. Francis Hall) at 1111 Gough St, in San Francisco, from 5:30-7:30 pm, on Thursday, July 31st.  

 Flowers may be delivered to St. Mary's Cathedral, as long as the date and time of Vera's memorial are specified. 


Posted on Ananda Claude Dalenberg page


7-15-14 - RIP Vera Hale who died on July 9th, widow of Ananda Claude Dalenberg, dear friend and woman of the good fight for the underprivileged, . Read her obituary and more at Vera Hale dot com. Condolences to her twin daughters Diane Dalenberg Schoonover and Laura Dalenberg whom she was so close to. She was also a very loyal and loving wife and partner of Ananda. - DC




7-14-14 - Magnanimity - a lecture by Dainin Katagiri from the SFZC Wind Bell Vol. 18 #2, 1984 - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

7-12-14 - Some DC scribbled Japan notes 1994 doing research for Crooked Cucumber - in Group I  of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Today starting Group I  with Note from Huston Smith to DC - undated (around 2008) in 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives

Crooked Cucumber Insert - the photo insert in the book - linking to this also from Crooked Cucumber - the book

JPEGs of the same (better)

From Cuke Archives 2013 Scans ---- Crooked Cucumber group

7-04-14 - Happy Birthday USA - read the NYTimes obit on former Marine and hippy commune founder Steve Gaskin linked to yesterday to get his comments on the USA constitution and so forth.


Two old time Zennies remember Steve Gaskin - looking for more


Interview with Sojun Mel Weitsman in SFZC Sangha News- July 2, 2014

DC favorite parts and a few comments on that interview posted at the bottom of cuke interview with Mel.

7-03-14 - Stephen Gaskin, founder of The Farm, dies at 79

Gaskin on cuke

From Cuke Archives 2013 Scans - Richard Baker Folder created today - a few items here. Also creating the Richard Baker cuke page. Not much there. Zentatsu Richard Baker Roshi is a dear friend and teacher of mine who has been completely supportive of cuke archives, work, projects, and me and mine all the way back to the first day I walked into Sokoji. - DC


6-30-14 - More from Rick Levine on Lloyd Reynolds

6-28-14 - Jeff Broadbent is currently leading a global research project on climate change

Jeffrey Broadbent University of Minnesota personal page

A recent email is posted at the top of Jeff's cuke interview page

On that page are links from seven years ago to climate work Jeff was doing.

His email signature includes: “The world is much more interesting than any one discipline.”  – Edward Tufte

also posted on Climate Change

Jeff Broadbent cuke page

6-26-14 - Must add this to the Niels Holm memorial page.

As I was reading your travelogue I got distracted with the interview with Niels .... just reading it  ...   I could visualize him sitting there telling the story ...  he really was a spiritual warrior  ....  though he had an over inflated view of his own attractiveness ....  you couldn't trust him 3 seconds with a woman ... wouldn't matter if it was your wife even   ....  however like Dogen says ... the boundary of enlightenment is not well defined. One of Niels' best stories ... I don't know if you have it or not ... was when he set out sailing in Canada or Alaska in his life boat ... and was getting swept into this giant rock and there was nothing he could do to escape ... when finally it seemed inevitable that the next wave would crash his boat into the rock a huge wave came out of nowhere and swept him and the boat completely over the rock unscathed. Remember when he told that story to us ... when we were all drinking that tequila that Rosie used to bring back from Mexico  .... the way he described the ending ... such enthusiastic mania  ...    had to love the guy.  - Andrew Atkeison


6-17-14 - Audio of an interview with Niels Holm which starts in middle of interview II here - that's over half way through that interview and the audio is still 1:14:25 long.

I don't do much audio but some people want to hear Niels so I told them if I ran across a tape with him on it I'd post it.

I actually told people when I interviewed them that I wouldn't keep the tapes and that they could edit anything in the future - so they'd speak more freely. I erased lots of them and recorded over them. Now I think that was shortsighted. But no matter. Look at the post of a Nisargadatta quote on the 16th. That's the sort of thing I tell myself. Or Philip Whaten's "Just enough survives," which is a cuke motto. - dc

Niels Holm Memorial Page

6-16-14 - Why I Stay in Monasteries - written a while back by Eric Arnow, sent to his Uncle. Posted at the bottom of his cuke interview. Eric's cuke page

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

71-12-17  - The first meeting after Shunryu Suzuki died. Baker and Katagiri are now being called roshi. Don't think Shunryu Suzuki's picture is used on altars in zendos as planned at this meeting. Maybe it was for a while. Katagiri did preside over the 1972 winter-spring practice period as he had the prior fall-winter one but none after that.

These are the last board and meeting notes in this series. It's the only one for 1971 and there were clearly some missing from earlier years. Made copies about twenty years ago in the records storage room at the City Center of the SFZC. These are the only ones that were found there.

6-06-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

70-07-22,23 - Couples don't need to use same name, just need permission from Suzuki or Katagiri to live together. $5,000 for building improvements City Center. New days they allocate 20 or 30 times that much for a study. Dan Welch to be next board meeting chair. [These days Dan is back in Santa Fe planning on opening a small independent zendo].

6-02-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - Wind Bells, publication of the SFZC

Vol. XVII  - 2012  - Zen Center 50, Fifty Years of Wisdom and Compassion

That's the last one - each Wind Bell has been featured here in What's New. Also - now all of the hundreds of PDFs posted here on cuke since last summer, the 2013 Scans, have been optimized for size so they'll load quicker and with OCR for searching. - thanks Peter Ford


2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

70-05-20,21 - Ralph Silver and crew go to Tassajara to film segment for film, Sunseed (now on in film section). Rohmer's film didn't happen. Wonder if they have any footage? Beck's cabin didn't happen. Don't think Santa Barbara house happened. Dana Fraser didn't go to Tassajara to translate for Tatsugami. Other little stuff did happen.

5-29 and 30-14 - I'm so happy to present Catherine E. "Betty" Warren - Nitsa Marandonatou's wonderful Book on Betty Warren with many photos - feel free to download. It is not available via regular sources. Each copy cost Nitsa over $125.  - thanks to Peter Ford for making it websize

Betty Warren cuke page

Loading late again today. Almost time to upload tomorrow's so let's let it count for both cause pretty busy these days. Today's the third and last day in Koyasan, tomorrow early go to Tokyo to meet the CEO of Samgha, publisher of the new translation of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind and Zen Is Right Here (Zen Wa Ima Koko). Zip there on the Shinkansen - over 500 kilometers in a little over two hours. More on Koyasan.  - more in Saunters

5-28-14 - Made some corrections to the Philip Whalen interview thanks to a note sent by David Schneider that is now tacked to the end of the interview. Don't know quite how long ago the note was sent. If I don't do something right away it can get lost in a sea of notes, emails, and thoughts. Thanks David. - dc

5-27-14 - Interview with Daigan David Lueck

5-23-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - All Shunryu Suzuki lectures, lecture notes, and comments from the SFZC's Wind Bell publication presented in this index of PDF images with OCR (optical character recognition) and links to page for the lectures now being worked on.

Religious Activity  is from the 1962 Wind Bell volume 1, issue 13.

Eiheiji report first day.

5-21-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - Wind Bells, publication of the SFZC

Not a Wind Bell, but the Tassajara 25 Year Anniversary Book

Off with Katrinka to Fukui Ken tomorrow then to Eiheiji for a night, Eternal Peace Temple - one of the two main training temples of the Soto sect where Shunryu Suzuki practiced after college and where some of his early students went like Jean Ross, Grahame Petchey, and Philip Wilson. Not bringing my Zenbook so no post tomorrow. Hoitsu Suzuki arranged it. We are to be Sanrosha.

Here's the Sanrosha Guidelines PDF

Here's the Sanrosha permission

A little intimidating. Was there in 91 with Katagiri's widow, Tomoe. We were special guests. I called it jidai geki (period theater). It's like going back in time. We'll see how it is this time. Pray for us. - DC

Wikpedia Eiheiji page

Here are some photos or just do a Google photo search for Eiheiji

posted in Saunters

5-19-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group

The Way of Eiheiji - booklet to accompany the recordings done by Elsie Mitchell in 1959. Way of Eiheiji cuke page (with old scans)

Elsie Mitchell main page 

Linked to the Sasaki Archives where, I just learned, they excerpted from and linked to my piece on Joshu Sasaki entered last August.

5-18-14 - Putting this in the Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind section:

The old 1979 Japanese translation called Shoshin-Zenshin [Beginner's Mind-Zen Mind] (which never heard anything good about) published by Hakuba Shobo

The new 2012 Japanese translation called Zen Maindo Biginaazu Maindo (Japanized English title). This is published by Sangha which also published Zen Is Right Here in March of this year. This is an Amazon link and ZIRH Japanese version, Zen wa Ima Koko is one of the suggested other books listed with cover. Here's that Amazon link.

5-17-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group

ZC history items from Wind Bells

Draft page for Wind Bell with ZC history info - for WB Vol.XX-2, fall 1986

Group A - Added two page scan to Diamond Sangha newsletter 1970 review of ZMBM - July-Dec., New Series, Vol.1 - Nos. 4-6. Still last page of review, p.4, missing.

5-10-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

70-02-16 - Statements by Sotan Tatsugami and Shunryu Suzuki on establishing Buddhism in the West.

5-08-14 - A page of a Shunryu Suzuki lecture edit draft for 1967-01-12. We're trying to determine whose hand the edit marks are in, probably either Trudy Dixon or Marian Derby. - more in lectures

balloons5-06-14 - Mitsu Suzuki turned 100 this April 26th and forgot to post a happy birthday greeting to her here. Maybe forgot because had posted about her and that upcoming event earlier in the month when Katrinka and I visited with her. So today went back and put that happy birthday greeting in on 4-26-14. Also added this greeting to the Mitsu Suzuki page. In this way the past changes.

Was reminded of this because Layal Bockhorst Smith  mentioned it in an email. Layla has a sitting group in Corte Madera, CA, Mountain Root Sangha - and in Montana. Montana Zen Meditation Center.

Any Buddhist or Buddhist fellow traveler in Missoula out there? Please contact us.

You might not notice this link on the Mountain Root Sangha page to mountains walking.

Layla Smith (Bockhorst) page

5-03-14 - On April 12th early that morning Huston Smith fell and lost consciousness. Throughout the next week his health continued to deteriorate and the Dalia Lama sent an emissary to read the Tibetan Book of the Dead at his bedside. However, after a couple of days Huston regained consciousness, gradually began to eat and drink a little, and is now much improved in mind, body and spirit. Although his hearing has greatly deteriorated, Huston has regained both his wit and wisdom. He has confined himself to bed and tires very quickly. - from an email received by DC

Peter Malakoff responds to DC comments on the 4-30-14 post on his memories of walking into Tassajara and meeting with Shunryu Suzuki.

5-02-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

70-02-15- Yoshida Roshi (not Yoshida) coming - female priest from Japan who taught us how to sew okesa and rakusu, the vestments signifying ordination.  She had studied with Hashimoto who Katagiri studied with. It was that lineage, not Suzuki's that this sewing came from.

4-30-14 -  A memory of hiking into Tassajara and meeting Shunryu Suzuki from Peter Malakoff's blog which contains more about hiking in the wilderness around. Tassajara and a lot more than that. - thanks to Marilyn Sandperl

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group - Outline of Shunryu Suzuki college thesis

Japanese group - Flyer from Shoganji, the temple where Shunryu Suzuki was born. Note on it says Butsumon Sogaku died November 22nd, Showa 8 (1933) - a note I took while in the founder's hall with the markers of past priests. Added this date to Suzuki chronology.

Katrinka and I were just there a month ago and have some photos she took to post. - dc

4-29-14 - All Shunryu Suzuki lectures, lecture notes, and comments from the SFZC's Wind Bell publication scanned and presented here as PDF images with OCR (optical character recognition). We'll be featuring them one at a time here on cuke. - Thanks to Peter Ford for getting this together.

All entries for the first few years are based on notes. Recording began midway through 1965.

The first entry, True Zen, is from Wind Bell volume 1, issue 2.

4-27-14 - DC introduction to the Japanese translation of Zen Is Right Here.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Ananda Claude Dalenberg's  Newsletters

Nuts are expensive here except for peanuts, a legume. But sesame seeds are reasonable - tan or black - and there are both types of sesame butter and you can get the seeds roasted and roasted and ground. In the morning I eat a banana with sesame butter and we love gomashio, sesame salt, which I quickly make by combining roasted sesame seeds with the roasted, ground sesame. Excellent on brown rice or vegetables.

Here's a story about the beginnings of using sesame salt at Tassajara.

4-26-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

70-01-02 - Suzuki comments on how to use upstairs and downstairs rooms at new building (which is not what happened) and on oryoki (which was not to be used as much as the thought it would be outside of Tassajara). I see my name mentioned about something I don't recall. $50 donations to Peggy (Jiyu) Kennet's group and Blue Mt. Meditation Center (had no idea about this). Super low amounts to charge for coming summer's Tassajara guest season and for people's stipends. Other details.

Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki -

Part Two - America - 1959–1971 - Chapter Nineteen --  Final Season ---- 1971

 - with a column for notes and links to come on the right

4-25-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group

Sokoji, Soto Zen Mission items from San Francisco Public Library archives


Sokoji page



Wind Bell Vol. VI Nos. 2-4, P.4-6

This is a piece found in a Wind Bell a couple of years ago that wasn't in the archive. But I mistakenly only got the first paragraph then (which was transcribed by old SFZC Zennie Edgar Arnold in Munich). Here's the rest of it did this morning. It will be entered into the archive at soon as 67-08-00WB-A.- dc

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

4-19-14 - Updated the John Steiner interview with some links to noble activities he's been involved with. He's been an engaged Buddhist from before he was a Buddhist and since. - posted also in Engaged Buddhism

4-18-14 - Visited with Jim Morton today. He was a Shunryu Suzuki student who went to Japan in 72. He's a calligrapher, artists, and sculptor. He's doing well.

Interview with Jim Morton from September 2012.

4-16-14 - Miriam Bobkoff's blog of years is coming to and end.

Letter from Miriam about going to Sokoji in 1965.

Issho Fujita suggested Crooked Cucumber to the publisher he works with but was told it's too long. A number of people have tried and failed to get it published. Fujita pointed out that Hoitsu Suzuki said it had been translated. I said yes, by an old student of Suzuki's who'd been asked by the family not to publish it after everyone who looked at the translation including Kaz Tanahashi and translator Shin Yoshifuku said it was not anywhere near publishable quality. It was useful for the family though who were grateful to be able to read it in that translation.

Created a cuke page for Issho Fujita

4-15-14 - Yesterday posted about Zen Is Right Here now available in Japanese. I only learned about this because Issho Fujita got hold of me a few months ago with some questions concerning the translation. I thought he was the translator but he wrote me that the translator is "Toru Shimakage, the president of Sangha, a Buddhist publishing company, maybe the most active in publishing books on Buddhism in Japan now. I just did proof reading and editing. And I wrote a commentary on the significance of Suzuki Roshi in Zen in America." Fujita was the teacher at Pioneer Valley Zendo in MA for 17.5 years. He is now working at Soto Zen International Center located at Sokoji in San Francisco as Director, a position that requires him to travel a lot. He's in Buenas Aires today. He spends part time with his family in Hayama Japan near Kamakura in a beautiful estate with a zendo and traditional buildings in a natural setting bordered by a stream. He's done a lot of translating too. - dc

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group - Rosa Gustaitus LA Times West Magazine March 9, 1969 article on Tassajara

4-14-14 - Zen Is Right Here is now available in Japanese as Zen wa Ima Koko.

The whole name, with subtitle, in Japanese appears to be long like the American version. (Zen Is Right Here: Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki, Author of "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind")

zen wa ima koko senkiyuuhiyakurokujiyuunendai amerika ni zen o hirometa suzuki shiyunriyuu no oshie to itsuwa (some weird romanization there maybe from translation software for web)

That translates as the Zen (is) Now Here: teaching of Shunryu Suzuki (who) spread Zen in Sixties America anecdotes

Here's a link to a page for the book on Yes Asia.

Zen Is Right Here page on cuke.

4-11-14  -  Daya Goldschlag (dc 1st ex) writes about Mitsu Suzuki after reading posts on DC visit with her in Saunters.


4-10-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group

Nona Ransom notes (some in her hand) - Nona Ransom cuke page

Notes on Richard Baker, Shunryu Suzuki, Ananda Claude Dalenberg

4-08-14 - Shunryu Suzuki's widow, Mitsu Suzuki, showed me how she could see Mt. Fuji, Fuji San, from her window.  - more in Saunters

Mitsu Suzuki page

4-07-14 - Spent the night at Rinsoin, Shunryu Suzuki's home temple, and sat zazen this morning with his son the present abbot, Hoitsu, and Hoitsu's son Shungo, also a priest and next in line, and some men from Yaizu. After breakfast and laundry, Katrinka and I visited with Mitsu Suzuki, Shunryu's widow, and she gave me a copy of her new collection of haiku, A White Tea Bowl: 100 Haiku from 100 Years of Life - edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi, translated by Kate McCandless, introduction by Norman Fischer. - Amazon link

SFZC event: A White Tea Bowl: A Book Event Celebrating Mitsu Suzuki Sensei’s 100th Birthday

Mitsu's 100th birthday is coming up on the 26th of this month and she's doing great, quite energetic, walking well, was quite affectionate, hugging me repeatedly. Most touching.

Hoitsu's wife Chitose drove us to Mitsu's. Also there were Mitsu's daughter Harumi and Hoitsu's sister-in-law, Mitsuyo, who is visiting from San Francisco.

Hoitsu is now the Seido of a practice temple in Okayama where he's leading a one week sesshin this month and going there for a week every month. He'll also spend a week at Eiheiji later this month.

Mitsu Suzuki page --- Hoitsu Suzuki page  - posted in Saunters and Sangha News

4-06-14 - Peter Matthiessen has died. - thanks Brit Pyland

NY Times

SF Gate



Peter Matthiessen’s Homegoing - NY Times Magazine - thanks Doug McKechnie


Peter and his wife who died soon after, Deborah, were at Tassajara with Suzuki Roshi and the rest of us for a while. He became a priest in Maezumi's White Plum Asanga. I loved his At Play in the Fields of the Lord. He gave 1st wife Daya (Dianne) and me The Tree Where Man Was Born for a wedding present. The cuke bibliography, lists his book, Nine-Headed Dragon River:Zen Journals 1969 - 1982 with the following: "Matthiessen's path includes a bit of Suzuki, more background accounts of Soen Nakagawa, Yasutani, and Eido Shimano Roshis." He was helpful to me over the phone with research on Crooked Cucumber and sent this blurb. He's been a diligent, articulate trooper for harm reduction. - DC


Danny Parker Seeks help collecting material for book of Ed Brown's talks and more. Read on and help him.


4-05-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group

Wesley Williams 1974 letter to the SFZC on Shurnyu Suzuki, having read ZMBM.

3-31-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Wind Bells -  Volume XXXV-1 - summer, 2001

Now they're all up. Will continue to feature one every few days but they're all there - all 102 of them, publication of the SFZC - 1961-2012 -  - plus the Tassajara 25 year anniversary book

at the Wind Bells page

3-30-14 - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

69-09-17 - Report on letter from Kobun Chino to Shunryu Suzuki. Talk about member dues, supporting new priests, about the new building at Page St. where they haven't moved yet. Suzuki on sitting in the new building and Sokoji, the temple they'll be moving from. Suzuki on one day sesshin and oryoki and how many zazen periods to have in new building.

3-27-14 - A White Tea Bowl: 100 Haiku from 100 Years of Life - by Mitsu Suzuki, edited by Kazuaki Tanahashi, translated by Kate McCandless, introduction by Norman Fischer.

Amazon link

SFZC event: A White Tea Bowl: A Book Event Celebrating Mitsu Suzuki Sensei’s 100th Birthday

From SFZC News

SFZC Board Meeting Abbreviated Minutes (3/19/14)

approved an amended Deed of Gift sending the Zen Center archives to Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley. - thanks Michael Katz

3-21-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group

Steve Tipton letter to SFZC on making Shunryu Suzuki lectures more accessible back when we were first beginning to share the unpublished material more widely. Now it is all available at the Suzuki Roshi section of the SFZC's website which is very well presented, the focus being the Dharma Talks Blog moderated by Zen Center Priest Korin Charlie Pokorny and in completeness at

3-20-14 - Erik Storlie’s new memoir: Go Deep & Take Plenty of Root:  A Prairie-Norwegian Father, Rebellion in Minneapolis, Basement Zen, Growing Up, Growing Tender has received some great reviews.

Check it out at beginner zen dot com and on Eric Storlie's cuke page

- Amazon link

3-19-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group - Niels Holm to DC 2007

in Japanese Group

letter from Mitsu Suzuki on To Shine One Corner of the World (Zen Is Right Herre)

3-18-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - H Group

Letter from Elsie Mitchell in support of Cuke Project (she used DC name but it's for this work)

Institute for Historical Study (IHS) a Cuke Project fiscal sponsor - IRS tax exempt letter

3-17-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

69-07-15-16 - [This link no longer applies - see three files it was broken up into at link below] Long, should be broken up into multiple PDFs, poor quality - that's the way it was when I copied it twenty years ago. Lots of important stuff. July 24th board meeting included in this group accidentally. Note on that reads "We resolve to buy the building at 300 Page Street."  Shunryu Suzuki announces resignation from Sokoji and --- more here

Fred Kimball, Psychic Friend - part one of a four part article

3-14-14 - A nice clip of Shunryu Suzuki on YouTube from his San Do Kai talk that was filmed at Tassajara. (The kanji on the blackboard are by yours truly. - DC)

You can find all Shunryu Suzuki video at And this link will go where there are some links to other compilations at the Suzuki video link here on cuke.


3-13-14 - Warm Weather and Warm-Hearted Practice —Linda Galijan, Tassajara Director from Tassajara News.  - posted in Climate Change

Presenting Suzuki Roshi's Teachings - with Sojun Mel Weitsman 
August 29- September 1 (Friday- Monday) - All are welcome.

3-11-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives.

email on Crooked Cucumber 1999 from friend of mother's friend. - Group CC

------------Crooked Cucumber main page

dc note about Della Goertz for event for her at the SFZC City Center 2002 - Group H

------------Della Goertz cuke page

letter from DC in Japanese to Mitsu Suzuki 2001 - Group Japanese -

------------Mitsu Suzuki cuke page

3-10-14 - Shunryu Suzuki memorial at Green Gulch Farm

3-07-14 -

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - Group H - Letter from Shunryu Suzuki former student Asaoka

with photos of DC 1994 trip to Japan to gather information for Crooked Cucumber bio of Suzuki.

photos one - DC with former Suzuki students Asaoka, Amada, Suetsune, Hoitsu Suzuki with rakusu, his wife Chitose top left, Ms Suzuki and her daughter at bottom. Asaoka multiple times.

photos two - with former SFZC abbot Christina Lehnherr at bottom right.

3-06-14 - Two new abbots for the SFZC - Furyu Nancy Schroeder and Rinso Ed Sattizahn step up.

Statue of Shunryu Suzuki at the SFZC's City Center Gets a New Seat

3-04-14 - Some Japanese - Kanji for Kishizawa and other plus possible Shunryu Suzuki kanji relating to Richard Baker - should separate.

3-03-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

69-05-07 - Lots of interesting discussion. Suzuki comes in toward the end.

3-01-14 - Why I Became a Buddhist, Meeting My Two Spiritual Teachers, Ascending and Descending Spirit by Paul Shippee


2-26-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - Group CC -

Doug Luskatof - sp? - Suzuki student comments on Crooked Cucumber

Bellingham Herald - review of To Shine One Corner of the World which now in Zen Is Right Here.

Crooked Cucumber reviews page

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - Group CC -

Two reviews of Crooked Cucumber from way back in 1999.

Washington Post

Primary Point - Chogye Int'l ZC of NY

2-22-14 - Gordon Geist remembers Shunryu Suzuki - submitted in 1999 and good to read again. - with an intro by DC

2-20-14 - By All Means by Edward Espe Brown, illustrated by Margot Koch, with a painting by John Simpkins --Missing Links Press, San Francisco (112 pages)

Review by Catherine Gammon on

Publisher's Flyer PDF

To order, send a check for $20 plus $6 shipping/handling (California residents please add $1.80 sales tax) to Edward Espe Brown, 75 Sequoia Road, Fairfax, CA 94930.  Please include a note that it is for the book.  Alternatively, you may pay using the PayPal button on the Audio Dharma page.

Edward Brown Cuke Page

2-19-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - Group H -

A College Activist Comes Home - by Betty Warren

Betty Warren cuke page

2-18-14 - Found some notes to add to the Bob Watkins page.

Bob Watkins told DC 3/19/10


SR told him, "You may leave the monastery but the monastery won't leave you."


"I found a better word for you than patience. It's constancy." Suzuki Roshi to Bob working under the bridge over the small creek


Little by little was a big teaching of his. Big things are accomplished in small increments.


Kotoku Bunryu. Bun from Kobun and Ryu from Shunryu. [Given to Bob by Kobun Chino when he was ordained]

2-15-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives. - Group H - Note from Daya (Dianne) Goldschlag - Dr. Bill Wenner saves her - Daya wrote for me to read at his memorial. - dc

2-12-14 - Alan Chadwick dot com - A Gardener of Souls - now has a page on Paul Lee and Richard Baker.

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

69-03-31 - Talk about Abbot Shunryu Suzuki signing Board resolutions or not and talk about Jean Ross being shuso soon, whether to leave Sokoji or not, Richard Baker in Japan with Suzuki comments.

2-11-14 - Jack Goldberg's name came up and found this PDF of a 1974 letter from him to Richard Baker with a dream about Shunryu Suzuki. So here it is - posted in the new H Section of 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives.

2-10-14 - Our Great Friend and Teacher Kobun Chino  ---- in DC Writ

2-09-14 - Sixty-nine years ago today at 2:15am. more in dc misc 4

2-08-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Adding the Tassajara 25 Year Anniversary Book to the Wind Bell page. All these scans will be better organized and presented at some point. Now we're just getting them on cuke one by one.

2-05-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

69-01-25 - These Mt. Yogis referred to are Dr. Ajari, Neville Warwick and students. And DeRopp and his students want to visit. That's Robert DeRopp who wrote Drugs and the Mind and who had a community near Genjoji. Ah - Huey Johnson's name (misspelled) meeting with Yvonne. He was head of the Nature Conservancy and suggested ZC to George Wheelwright who owned Green Gulch. Suzuki commenting on Jean Ross as Shuso and women students. They're talking about adding a 2nd zazen period in the morning. I forgot it was added that late.

2-02-14 - Fundraising appeal for Diane Di Prima - Poetess with Parkinsons - with a letter and a poem from Diane. Cuke Archives has made several small donations.

Diane Di Prima cuke page - updated


1-28-14 - Sweeping Zen article and discussion of Brian Victoria's articles on DT Suzuki and the Nazis

2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

66-09-17 - About buying the Horse Pasture near Tassajara. Thoughts of asking Red Skelton for a donation. Morley Baer who does photo workshops at Tassajara has offered photos for fundraising brochure. Art sale (mislabled exibition) might be at Cody's (misspelled like many words) in Berkeley. Chet Helms has offered the Avalon Ballroom. Alan Watts letter on what to call Suzuki and a vote on the matter. Wonder where that letter went.

1-24-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

66-09-14 - Love to read this stuff. They're just talking about buying land near Tassajara. We forget that until the last minute, the fundraising was for money to buy the Horse Pasture, 160 acres near Tassajara that had no road leading into it, no structures, had little flat land, no sizable creek. After we'd raised the money for the 20k down payment (as I recall) Bob Beck said he and his wife Anna were prepared to sell Tassajara itself. Richard Baker let the board know, they approved immediately, and all of a sudden we had Tassajara and 280k more to come up with, a large payment due in March. What a bold move. I was a spectator. Good going gang!

1-22-14 - SFZC, Tassajara in The 60s Communes: Hippies and Beyond

1-21-14 - 2003 Lecture on the Enmei Jukku Kannon Gyo by Mel Weitsman

on the Berkeley ZC website. - thanks Elizabeth Sawyer. Two mistakes I think are the "Jukko" in the title and in the line "And if you do something wholesome, unwholesomeness follows." which I assume should be "wholesomeness follows." - dc

1-15-14 - Thomas Moore's new book, A Religion of One's Own, is now out and he's doing book signings. Check it out at his website. He wrote me that there are a few paragraphs in it from our exchange last February and David Miller was kind to write that these paragraphs can be found on pp. 31-32. Maybe I can get an ebook here in Bali. - dc

Here's a piece he  wrote on A Religion of One's Own on Real Clear Religion.

66-05-21 - More talk about buying land near Tassajara. They say it would take three and a half hours to drive there - four at the least back then - and over a day to walk from Big Sur - nope, I made it in nine hours. Suzuki asks about where Yasutani can hold a sesshin.

1-13-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

66-04-02 - 25 to 30 sitting every morning. Up to 70 expected for sesshin. The sixties is getting into swing. One thousand Wind Bells being mailed out. First taping of Suzuki lectures runs into problems. The first one we have in July 26th - but there are still those missing Los Altos tapes that I feel bad I haven't followed up some leads on. Interesting first mention of Tassajara. Richard Baker has talked to the owner and plans to drive down there with "Reverend Suzuki. Rev. Katagiri."

I remember Dan Welch saying that they sat on hard wood at Ryutakuji in Japan where he went in the early sixties for over a year - Soen Nakagawa's place. I thought that must impossibly hard but I remembered it through the years when I had to sit on the floor with no cushion sometimes for long periods. If in Japan it would be usually on tatami. India I got used to sitting on hard floors with thin, very thin, cushions. Sort of like sitting on a hard floor without any cushion. Here I was sitting on our tile porch floor every morning with no cushion and then when we got yoga mats used that. Today got a two inch square foam-filled and a kapok-filled one so now it's back to the cushy sitting. I'd gotten used to nothing but when I tried them in the store I thought oh that's nice.  - this will be posted in Saunters when the problem is solved. It's solved

1-10-14 - Added to the 1995 Tom Wright interview: Tom assisted with the translation of Shobogenzo Zuimonki that Shohaku Okumura did years ago and it is still available at the Sanshinji website.

Thanks to BC for this last tip and for correcting the spelling of the word "bated." And Okumura which I checked on the Sanshinji site and found it misspelled there in one place too.

1-08-14 - Rules to Live By - by Edward Brown, published in Buddhadharma last fall.

Edward Brown cuke page

1-07-14 - 2013 Scans from Cuke Archives - Early ZC board and biz meeting notes with DC comments

65-12-18 - Love the budget figures being discussed. And here's an early mention of Zen Macrobiotics: "Rev. Katagiri brought up the inadvisability of the so-called Zen diet which has nothing to do with Zen. Members of meeting agreed but did not come to a decision on how to handle the matter." Notice that Gordon Geist is at the meeting. More on him later.

Emminent Buddhist scholar Dr. Edward Conze  audio sent by his student Rick Levine has been worked on with noise reduction by Charlie Wilson. Much more clear now. Find them on Rick's cuke page.

Go to Suzuki related posts 2013 and 2012 and 2011