Cuke Ads


Nothing new here but we leave old stuff on anyway. - DC

8-11-15 - Soen Nakagawa brush painting - I have to sell this treasure from my meditation room in order to send to my daughter to an out-of-state university,.N.J. Pierotti - a long time cukester See it on this page for it on Etsy.

4-12-14 - David Loy and John Tarrant will be at the Rockridge Meditation Community in Oakland, CA, Monday night. The Rockridge teacher is David Weinstein.

View more on this event here.

John Tarrant is the head teacher of the Pacific Zen Institute in Santa Rosa, CA.

David Loy website

4-06-14 - Danny Parker Seeks help collecting material for book of Ed Brown's talks and more. Read on and help him.


3-22-14 - Shambhala Center Presents Book Reading by David Schneider on Philip Whalen

Crowded by Beauty, The Poetry of Zen Monk Philip Whalen

at the Shambhala Meditation Center of San Francisco
1231 Stevenson Street

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
6:30 – 9 pm

Relevant links on David Schneider cuke page   and Philip Whalen cuke page

I don't think this book has been published yet. - DC

3-20-14 - Erik Storlie’s new memoir: Go Deep & Take Plenty of Root:  A Prairie-Norwegian Father, Rebellion in Minneapolis, Basement Zen, Growing Up, Growing Tender has received some great reviews.

Check it out at beginner zen dot com and on Eric Storlie's cuke page

- Amazon link

3-15-14 - Kelly Chadwick left the wine biz last year to pursue his passion of working with trees. Check out Spirit Pruners.

Kelly Chadwick cuke page


Living Color: Painting, Writing
and the Bones of Seeing

Coming March 11th

go to Natalie Goldberg dot com for more


3-13-14 - Presenting Suzuki Roshi's Teachings - with Sojun Mel Weitsman 
August 29- September 1 (Friday- Monday) - All are welcome.

2-20-14 - By All Means by Edward Espe Brown, illustrated by Margot Koch, with a painting by John Simpkins --Missing Links Press, San Francisco (112 pages)

Review by Catherine Gammon on

Publisher's Flyer PDF

To order, send a check for $20 plus $6 shipping/handling (California residents please add $1.80 sales tax) to Edward Espe Brown, 75 Sequoia Road, Fairfax, CA 94930.  Please include a note that it is for the book.  Alternatively, you may pay using the PayPal button on the Audio Dharma page.

2-18-14 - Meditation cushions & bells fundraiser for Orchids & Bones Zendo in Minneapolis, Minn.

2-02-14 - Fundraising appeal for Diane Di Prima - Poetess with Parkinsons - with a letter and a poem from Diane. Cuke Archives has made several small donations.


Diane Di Prima cuke page


1-30-14 - Norma Fogelberg writes:

Over the past 10 years, I have chosen a yoga practice that supports my zazen practice, in terms of body alignment, breath and preparation for the physical ease of sitting.  My yoga teacher of many years, Kate Vogt, studies and teaches the Mohan's system of yoga, which is grounded in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.  This practices gives direct breathing and movement techniques that I have found very useful in supporting my sitting practice. I wholeheartedly recommend the Mohan's 2014 Yoga Study Program. The SVASTHA WEST COAST website  provides in-depth information on both the Mohans and the Yoga Study Program.

1-23-14 - Cuke's Most Important Thing in the World Award goes to:

One Earth Sangha -

International Dharma Teachers’ Statement on Climate Change

Endorsement Sought by Dharma Teachers and Sangha Members Worldwide

"Climate change is the most serious issue facing humanity today. It is already seriously impacting economies, ecosystems, and people worldwide. Left unchecked, it will cause tremendous suffering for all living beings."

I signed it and I hate to sign things or belong to anything. I'd say the quote above was an understatement. - DC

--- posted in  Climate Change

1-21-14 - Bob Gordon plays his uke and tells stories of the rock stars at the Panama Hotel in San Rafael, CA, on Wednesday Jan. 22nd.
Read about his show, now called
Bob Gordon & the Ohana Ukelele Band





 12-26-13 -


Arnie Kotler Editing Services is open for business.  

Services include

•  Editing

•  Ghostwriting and Coauthoring

•  Packaging

•  Author Tours and Publicity

•  Self-Publishing Guidance

•  Help Getting Published


My background:


Founding Editor and Publisher of Parallax Press — edited works by Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama, Joanna Macy, and many others


Founding Editor and Publisher of Koa Books — books on personal transformation, social justice, and Hawaii


Please call or email if you are interested.





Arnie Kotler Editing Services provides:

  Substantive developmental editing

  Coauthoring and ghostwriting

  Book marketing and publicity

  Book packaging

  Self-publishing guidance and help getting published

Arnie Kotler Editing Services

PO Box 822

Kihei, HI 96753

12-24-13 - Sacramento Buddhists Seeking a Home - an appeal from the Sacramento Dharma Center

12-18-13 - Cuke Archives is gonna send a few bucks to Titus. Maybe you too?:


I've created a Fundly campaign to raise money to help establish Soto Zen practice in my new home of Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the request of my teacher, Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton, PhD. The long-term hope is to create the possibility of a group affiliated with his temple in Chicago, Ancient Dragon Zen Gate.

I hope you can take a moment to look at the link, and consider making a small donation to help. If even a few dozen people donated a few dollars, we'd be well on our way to achieving our goal. I already have some substantial contributions, but I have a ways to go and not much time to meet my deadline.

I know you all have many demands for your resources in these challenging times, and I appreciate your considering this request at the year's end. Please feel free to forward to anyone else you think might be able to help.

Many bows of thanks! 

Titus O'Brien

(Keizan Hoshiki)

10-29-13 - Workshop at the Chaple Hill Zen Center: Suzuki Roshi's Commentary on Dogen Zenji's Receiving the Marrow by Bowing

On Sunday 17 November at 11:00, Michael Quick will lead a discussion on Suzuki Shunryu Roshi’s unpublished 1930 thesis, written while he was a young student at Komazawa University. The thesis attempts an interpretation of Dogen Zenji that situates him within both Soto tradition and then-current research on the concept of religion, with a focus on the Raihai Tokuzui (Receiving the Marrow by Bowing) fascicle of the Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye). This workshop will go from 11:00-2:00 and will include lunch. Suggested donation is $20. Michael is a third-year doctoral student in the Department of Religion at Duke University.

 Chaple Hill Zen Center website events page

10-15-13 - Sweeping Zen's Alan Tebbe's kickstarter fundraising for a film Zen in America

[The money was successfully raised. - dc]

10-13-12 - Daughters of Fire - Hawaii novel - deep rifts in paradise - published by Arnie Kotler's Koa Books. Look up author Tom Peek's book signings like November 1 - 12 in Northern CA.

9-22-13 - Zen in America documentary by Adam Kō Shin Tebbe fundraising drive

Adam is founder of Sweeping Zen

9-18-13 - Got this strange message: Read your Jr Hi article.  Try pickleball.  You'd b a natural.  Good conditioner, low stress & sociable sport.  You can play anywhere in country.  Great low impact exercise for old(and young) monks and Zen priests.  Check out in your area.  "Have paddle, will travel". Searched and found this: Pickleball is a highly contagious, progressive and incurable disease.

How could I resist with a come-on like that?

Brett writes his band Everest Cale wrote a song about Nuclear War titled 'Fossils'.  It is their newest single.  You can stream 'Fossils' on Soundcloud. Here's their Facebook page and here's more on these folks. Posting this on Defuser Music dot com which has a nuke song section.

We can play Pickleball as we wait to see which threat gets us first. Good luck human race. - dc


9-02-13 - Fri, Sept 6:  A Vision of an Enlightened Society, Public Talk with Kazuaki Tanahashi - 7 to 9 PM at the Santa Rosa, CA Shambhala Meditation Center

An evening with Kazuaki Tanahashi, renowned calligrapher, author, translator, Zen teacher, and peace activist.  This evening's lecture is not to be missed by anyone interested in art, peace and enlightened living.  Net proceeds go to A World Without Armies (AWWA), a peace organization founded by Tanahashi Sensei to work on global demilitarization.  Learn more at  Suggested donation: $20 ($15 members).  To add to the pleasure of the evening, we have just learned that Kaz will be bringing a collection of his calligraphy.

Click on this thumbnail and you'll see the flier for this event with details.


Kazuaki Tanahashi on cuke

Our Center is on the second floor of an old school building at 709 Davis Street, reachable only via 8th Street. 

8-15-13 -

Dizzy Sushi by Melissa White, an old friend from Santa Fe tells her story of living in Japan

Buy Dizzy Sushi here


click thumbnail to enlarge


7-25-13 - Fund to help Dianne Di Prima, diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease - Cuke Archives made a small donation.

Diane Di Prima cuke page


a New book by Brad Warner


A Talk with Brad Warner about this book

related videos with Brad - this one and this one and this one

Brad Warner is elsewhere on cuke. Do a site search for him using the search box above or a web wide search to learn even more.

Brad's cuke page

5-30-13 -  Today is the 100th anniversary of the T-shirt. Check out cuke T-shirts and other consumer items at the Cuke Basket on Cafe Press.

4-11-13 - QUESTION: Should have paid ads? Received this yesterday:

I need this type of placement could you do this?

1. We will provide php file with plugin source code
2. Webmaster will need to FTP to root folder of blog, then open folder wp-content/plugins
3. Webmaster will need to create folder 'footerlinks', then enter that folder and upload php file that we provided
4. Webmaster will need to log into blog admin area, click 'Plugins' in left menu, click 'Installed' in submenu, find plugin named 'Footer Links' and click 'activate' link
5. After that links will appear at the bottom of the blog like here  see our links in footer.Very simple work just 1,2 minut only,Our links show on your old ABOUT PAGE.

i can give you $175 for uploading our php file for 1 year time period only.

Let me know are you agree if you agree then send me paypal id please.

Waiting for your Answer

[name withheld]

ANSWER: I didn't answer.


3-16-13 - Thannal, hand sculpted homes, from friend Biju Bhaskar in Tiruvannamalai, India. Help them to help nature.

2-25-13 - April Bodman writes with a question: I've been trying to find a recipe for the hot ginger drink they serve before bed during Zen Center sesshins. I've searched all of the ZC cookbooks and tried Googling it every possible way I can think of....nothing. Do you happen to know how they make that? Also I'd be interested to know the history....Is it a traditional japanese concoction or just something one of the inspired cooks at Tassajara dreamed up? Hope you can enlighten me. If you've got a lead on this please send it here. Thanks. - dc

3-05-13 - Thanks to BC Computer Services in Fort Worth, TX (817920-0909) (erin.bienert[at] for quickly and cheaply finding and fixing the problem with my Asus X202E Touch Notebook - cracked screen made touchpad useless and touch function go haywire so they disengaged that which isn't necessary anyway.

2-13-13 - Seeking donations for Asa Horvitz's Koans and Performance Project born out of the work of John Tarrant and Pacific Zen Institute. 

Groundbreaking multi-disciplinary performance based on Zen Koans, created by theater artists and musicians from Denmark, Poland, and the US.

Asa writes: Dear Zen friends,

I took up Zen in High School and, after college and after studying performance on a Fulbright in Poland I had this idea of bringing together a group of international artists to explore koans and to create a multi-disciplinary performance piece with one foot in the group theater and experimental music tradition and another foot in work in the koan world. After a year of intensive fundraising and development, this project – the Koans and Performance Project – is close to becoming a reality.

So I am writing to ask for your help.

We have just put up an Indiegogo campaign to raise the last chunk of money that we need to pay our performers and do our first big round of work this spring.

 Here is a link to the site

2-11-13 - Dear Friends,
    Zen Center will be hosting a very special event to honor Mitzu Suzuki Sensei, the wife of Suzuki Roshi and teacher of Japanese tea ceremony for many of us.  She will be turning 99 this April 23rd.
    We will be gathering in the Buddha Hall at the SF Zen Center at 3:00 pm on Sunday, April 7th to have a simple tea together.  There will be time for sending our memories and regards to Suzuki Sensei by video.  Perhaps we will be able to Skype with Suzuki Sensei.
    For those who can stay, we will be having a Bento Box dinner at Zen Center following our tea and appreciations.
    Please come.  This event is open to anyone who knew Suzuki Sensei or would like to know more about this incredible woman.  And do feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested.
    Please let me know as soon as you can if you will be able to attend and if you will be staying for dinner.  More details to follow.
Mary Watson [If you need help contacting Mary, please contact DC.]

12-19-12 - cuke's holiday gift suggestions - or post holiday or 2013 holiday.

11-09-12 - Lew Richmond and Peter Coyote to give benefit performance for people who are ill - Saturday, Nov. 10 at 2 pm, at the Community Congregational Church, 145 Rock Hill Dr. in Tiburon  -  Well-being Fund created

10-16-12 - Only two days to go for Jamie Fox to achieve his Kickstarter goal of $30,000 to fund his documentary film on the BP oil spill. Jamie is already an acclaimed documentary film maker.

10-01-12 - Community Grows - Barbara Wenger continues greening up the Koshland Park and San Francisco and SF youth. Give generously.

9-29-12 - Welcome, to Jikoji's Sunday Programs - south of San Francisco, near Santa Cruz

9-19-12 - Robert Moses, the inspiring leader of the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer Project,  will be in the Bay Area at an Oakland church near Mills College raising funds for Ron Bridgeforth [see article in SF Chronicle]. While he is here, he would like to meet with Bay Area veterans of the Mississippi Movement to discuss plans for a 50th anniversary gathering of the Mississippi Summer Project. He was truly a moving and humble spokesman for non violent change - and that's change I hope for. - DC - Read details

9-13-12 - Cooking from the Summer Garden with Deborah Madison

with Deborah Madison and Koyo Dan Welch September 28-30, 201

A benefit at and for Crestone Mt. Zen Center

8-01-12 - Standing at the Blue Cliff: The Enlightenment Talks

September 13 – 16, 2012 at the Santa Rosa Creek Zendo

A retreat exploring the seminal koan text the Blue Cliff Record and implications of enlightenment with John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland

7-06-12 - Sue Moon will be guest editing another issue of Inquiring Mind, the spring 2013 issue, along with editor Barbara Gates, and Sue writes, "Because it's a different sort of issue than usual, we are sending out a call for submissions." Here it is:

The spring 2013 Inquiring Mind will feature stories and poetry. Please send us creative work that comes from a dharmic perspective, but you don’t need to mention the Buddha unless you feel like it. 3,000-word limit for stories.  Deadline: October 1, 2012.

Check out the website, which will give you a sense of the printed magazine if you're not familiar with it.  Send submissions to

5-21-12 - Stephan Bodian's School for Awakening begins this fall.

4-19-12 - Help needed for Diane Di Prima - on Shambhala Sun Space

Diane Di Prima cuke page

on the Poetry Foundation site

Donate here

Diane di Prima on Wikipedia

Diane was a student of Shunryu Suzuki and other Buddhist teachers and is Poet Laureate of San Francisco. Get well Diane. - dc

3-17-12 - Consider Crestone Mountain Zen Center as a possible venue for your group retreats.

They still have availability for 2012, and we are accepting reservations for 2013 and 2014. For more information please visit their website or call the office at 719-256-4692.

Crestone Mountain Zen Center is a year-round Zen practice and retreat center in one of the most secluded and extraordinarily beautiful places in the country. The Center is located on 240 acres of piñon and juniper forest, at the foot of majestic 14,000-foot peaks and above the vast, ancient lakebed of the San Luis Valley.

CMZC has been hosting meditation, yoga, music, dance, bodywork, writing, and psychotherapy groups for more than twenty years.

Della Goertz memorial coming up the 16th of March

3-17-12 - Save the Date!

In honor of its 50th anniversary, the San Francisco Zen Center is pleased to announce two very special offerings to be held at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center (Zenshinji)

Alumni Celebration Weekend Retreat
April 26 – 29, 2012

50th Anniversary Sesshin
April 29 – May 4, 2012

DC note: Shunryu Suzuki arrived in the US in May of 1959 and people started sitting with him right away, but he wasn't officially installed as the abbot until May of 1962 and the SFZC wasn't officially named and incorporated until August of that year. See Shunryu Suzuki chronology.


See cool Zen Monster release card


click on thumbnail to enlarge


Zen Monster dot com

Available through SPD

With a contribution by DC as well.













Taigen Dan Leighton's latest book, Zen Questions: Zazen, Dogen, and the Spirit of Creative Inquiry is now available. Congratulations Taigen!

 - Wisdom Publications link to Zen Questions

Excerpts from Zen Questions related to Shunryu Suzuki

Taigen's cuke link page for much more

Crestone Colorado vista Vista from way above Crestone Mountain Zen Center (CMZC).



This is a great place to practice or to hold workshops and retreats. - dc

Here's the zendo.

Crestone Mt. Zen Center Zendo

Calling all SF Zen Center alumni! Please offer your input on our newly forming alumni organization by taking our survey. An alum is defined as someone who has completed at least one full practice period at CC, GGF, or Tassajara, and/or has received the precepts from an established teacher at San Francisco Zen Center. See our introductory letter on the SFZC alumni home page. Please help us get the word out by  emailing the survey link to friends and posting it on your blog or Facebook page, if you have one. Let's explore the possibilities of reconnecting our wider sangha.

Fire Monks released July 7th.

Fire Monks events page on Colleen Morton Busch's Fire Monks' website - San Francisco ZC on 7-14, Green Gulch Farm on 7-17.

Fire Monks Facebook page

There's a note in the back of the book that says for history on fire at Tassajara (and that area) go to So that's there now plus more on the book, including a brief review by DC.

Shambhala has brought John Tarrant's Bring me Rhinoceros back out

Look at Tarrant Works

and his Zenosauras blog

Check out Tarrant's books on cuke.

and PZI (Pacific Zen Inst)

Santa Rosa Creek Zendo with Monday eve gathering and Sunday Morning at the Creek.

A new zendo in San Francisco

A message from our worthy friends at the Chapel Hill ZC, the only Soto Zen temple of Suzuki Roshi’s lineage in the southeastern United States.

Fungi-Inspired Poems

a new book by Kelly Chadwick and Renée Roehl

  (now in its second printing)

Decomposition is a stunning achievement – foxfire for the mind.... Humorous, authentic, and intelligent, Decomposition is not to be missed. -- David Rose in Fungi Magazine

Read about it, how to buy, and see a nifty photo of the authors

Zen Monster, Vol. 1, #2  is now on sale @ all 3 ZC bookstores or online @ and 'google' Zen Monster on the site; its around $10. And don't forget Zen Monster Vol. 1, #1. You can order them both from SFZC Bookstore. Check out the Zen Monster website.


See cool Zen Monster release card


click on thumbnail to enlarge


Books by Dainin Katagiri -  compilations of his lectures

Out of Afghan!

Get a hit from Nisargadatta

click on thumbnail to enlarge

When in Colorado visit this Zen Boulder Colorado Bed and Breakfast - the Briar Rose Bed and Breakfast. It's beautiful, has a scrumptious breakfast, run by students of Zentatsu Baker Roshi, and has a zendo. It's across the street from Naropa University

Beltane Flowers

Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page

Kyoto Art and Antiques  Tell 'em cuke sent you. - dc

Buddhist Peace Fellowship

Sick of the corporate media?

Need tech support? Try David Cohen, Tech God at Tech Light
who helps out a lot. Thanks - DC

Check out Andy Ferguson's
South Mountain China tours         More on cuke on Andy
with it's fantastic videos of China and Chinese Zen

South Mountain China Zen Tours 2010 Report by fearless tour leader Andy Ferguson
Also check out Andy's momentous Zen's Chinese Heritage, Wisdom Publications and there's a video on these tours on the South Mt. site. Andy Ferguson cuke main page - a site for the music of DC - the mediocre, the bad, and the awful

donate to etc and help keep DC afloat. Mail a tax deductible donation or use PayPal or make a direct contribution. Thanks gassho metta - dc


photo of this bodhidharma by Doug McKechnie

Original site designed by Sheryl B at the end of 1998 and later redone by The Empty Wig  who made the above banner. The work of both is still all over the site.