
This is not a page or section that I've paid much attention to for years. - DC 3-17

There are  many good  Zen and Buddhist site. These are just a few that I've rubbed shoulders with. Go to their links and you'll probably find whatever you're looking for.  I add links here not and then but this whole page hasn't been updated in a long time. It's not really a problem. Things are pretty easy to find on the web. Still, anyone who wants to send in additions, subtractions, or corrections to this list is encouraged to do so. - DC

shunryu suzuki dot com - the archive comes to you

zmbm dot net - a site for Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Buddhist groups and teachers in Shunryu Suzuki's Lineage or closely related.

The San Francisco Zen Center's Web Site which covers the City Center, Green Gulch Farm, and Tassajara.

John Tarrant's Pacific Zen Institute

SCBA website (Soto Zen Buddhist Association of North America).

Zenshuji, the Soto Zen temple in Japantown in LA - gratefully remembering Kobun Chino

Jisho Carey Warner's Stone Creek Zen Center of Sebastopol and Graton, California

Soto Zen Temples and Centers around the world

Zen Conversations and Profiles by Richard Bryan McDaniel

The Chronicle Project - stories of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Independent Meditation Center Guide - created by Peter Ford

Dharma Net's Buddhist Info Web - Worldwide directory of centers.

DharmaNet's Guide to Meditation Practice Groups

Dharma Net's list of Thai temples in North America

Here's a Tricycle list of Dharma Centers that I found buried in the Dharma Net site but which works best right off the Tricycle site

Shambala Sun - extensive links, recently updated [6/2000]

Tricycle: the Buddhist Review
Tricycle: the Buddhist Review's Links Page - good links.

Buddha Net
Buddha Net's Links - lots of links.

Education about Asia website - see article on Shunryu Suzuki written for them.

Huston Smith's web site

The contemporary writer Thomas Moore as in Care of the Soul.

Peter D. Junger's Samsara site and here's the link to his site's section on Buddha Dharma and here's the page on Rev. Koshin Ogui. This site is well worth looking into. Check out the Buddha Dharma links. There are many I didn't know of. And you may find other sections of his website of interest. - DC

Early Tassajara Alumni - what's happening now - 7/07

New Links, Messages with lin ks suggested

Santa Rosa Creek Zendo

A new zendo in San Francisco

These are both part of PZI, Pacific Zen Inst.

Peter Ford's Independent Meditation Center Guide

11-07-14 - Gabor Terebess is a dharma heir of Hakusan Kojun Noiri with an extensive Hungarian Zen web site. Noiri was a dharma heir of Ian Kishizawa whom Shunryu Suzuki's studied with. We're going to be linking to some of the many pages on Terebess' site relevant to cuke material. Here's the Zen Index. Here's his page for Shunryu Suzuki with lots of links to cuke and and Have linked previously to Kojun Noiri page from here on cuke. Here's Gabor Terebess' page for photos of him and non English text. Lots of other links there but that's enough for now. - thanks Peter Ford for reminding me of Terebess - dc

Peter Ford's site

10-17-14 - Dragon's Leap - Check out Michael Wenger's site for his teaching, art, news, suggestions, and his San Francisco Avenues group.

6-30-14 - Nevada City True Nature Zendo run by Jenny Wunderly. Teacher, John Tarrant of PZI.

9-04-14 - An intro to Beginner's Mind Zen Center - in Northridge, LA (CA) - teachers Peter and Jane Schneider - from the SFZC Sangha News.

Appalachian Dharma & Meditation Center - learned about this dharma center from Peter Ford in Tennessee who's doing some significant revising of the presentation of Shunryu Suzuki lectures on which will be making its debut there in the future. And one thing we'll be doing is linking each lecture to its presentation on other sites, mainly SFZC's excellent site for this. - dc

9-02-14 - Dr. Falota has spent nine years working on a site on Chinese medicine. No links yet but a neat home page. He's an old cukester who's spent years in China.

5-27-14 - Had a fascinating evening with Ian Shortreed. Check out his website, Kyoto Gardens. Twenty-three years ago he gave me a CD Rom that is now this web site. As we walked by the Gosho, the Imperial Palace ground, he said that the vast public park in there is the best garden in Kyoto and always open.

5-19-14 - Linked to the Sasaki Archives where, I just learned, they excerpted from and linked tomy piece on Joshu Sasaki entered last August.

5-07-14 - Got an answer from a member of Bozeman Dharma Center concerning looking for Buddhist's in Bozeman. It's under the guidance of Anam Thubten whom Katrinka and I went to hear talk several times before leaving the Bay Area. He would be one of the best reasons to return. - dc

Got an answer from a member of Bozeman Dharma Center concerning looking for Buddhist's in Bozeman. It's under the guidance of Anam Thubten whom Katrinka and I went to hear talk several times before leaving the Bay Area. He would be one of the best reasons to return. - dc

Renee Roehl's Rantology

5-06-14 - Layla Bockhorst Smith not only has a sitting group in Corte Madera, CA, Mountain Root Sangha, she has one in Montana. Montana Zen Meditation Center.

3-13-14 - We're in Kuala Lumpur now staying at CLIC (Cooperative Learning Initiative Community) that's in a residential area. It's also a school run by Wai. Her husband is Vidya. I met them through Alan Senauke.   - more in Saunters

Vidya's website - Samma-ajiva (right livelihood) dot net - Beyond Buddhism - transcending self, transforming society

Vidya's blog

3-02-14 - Amarillo friend Jim Griffin has some nifty stuff on Japanese film, jazz, funnies and comics in Uncle Griffie's Jazz and...

2-03-14 - One Drop Zendo in Gemany - Hokuozan Sogenji

Here are some photos from there and a poem from Zsolt Suto

1-31-14 - Check out John Halpern's Waking Buddha film project "A film about Waking Up. Here's the Waking Buddha website.

His prior film is Refuge.

12-14-13 - True Nature Zendo in Nevada City, CA

12-07-13 - Center of Gravity - a Buddhist practice site - thanks Howie Klein

10-23-13 - Jikoji Newsletter

10-05-13 - ONLINE ZENDO is a cyber practice place out of Aut SitImprovising a meditation retreat for people on the autism spectrum

It's founded by Gregory Yates who says: All people of any denomination or experience are welcome in the zendo. We sit with our microphones muted so the zendo is silent. gives information about our mountain sittings for adults on the autism spectrum.

9-23-13 - The nice lady from Burma who cut my hair gave me this link: Theravada Buddhist Society of America - Half Moon Bay, CA

9-20-13 - I was brought to Zen Buddhism by the teaching of Shunryu Suzuki. I invite you and hope you'll invite others to join my new forum dedicated to Zen Buddhism. Thanks! Jeremy Lee

Zen Buddhism Forum

8-19-13 - Joined the folks at Dharmata across the bridge to Point Richmond for the Sunday morning program with Anam Thubten Rinpoche guiding meditation then giving a talk where he said that we're all in the great university of life from which we never graduate, just die. Then he met with anyone who wished for a brief chat and blessing. He's got a couple of books one can find on the Dharmata site. One of them I recall has a neat title: No Self, No Problem. Lots of people. Met Cynthia whose website is Good Morning Poetry - a site of poetry and more for Chogyam Trungpa.

6-12-13 - When in Fort Worth, sit eves Monday at TCU and Thursday at a Catholic girls' school with the sangha of the Fort Worth Zendo, associated with the Dallas Maria Kannon.Zen Center.

2-08-13 - Non Duality dot com - thanks Andrew Main

11-18-12 - Mysterion's Postulates

10-14-12 - The Diggers Archive with a photo gallery featuring the photography of Chuck Gould.

9-24-12 - Fat Free Buddha

9-14-12 - Alan Chadwick dot org - a site for the great gardener and character who started the gardens at Green Gulch Farm.

8-28-12 - The First Church (First Congregational United Church of Christ) in Santa Rosa has offered a room for further organizing. In the next step I wish to have a lot of flat space to lay materials out. Thanks to senior minister David Parks-Ramage. - DC

8-12-12 - Last person I talked to at the party last night at Greens I asked at the desert table I was sitting next to what her tie to the SFZC was and she said she'd walked out of a boring event across the way there at Fort Mason and noticed a lot of activity happening at Greens and so she came in to check it out. We got to talking and I was telling her about Evolutionaries, a book Loringsent me I'm digging and how it's about everything always evolving, not just the biosphere, with innate intelligence and creativity, constantly being born, and Evolutionaries are the ones who are not just riding the wave but driving it as well (to draw from a Shunryu S. lecture), doing our best to wake up, accept things as they are, and  make them the best they can be as Shunryu also said and I pointed out that she, as a therapist was doing her part and said got a card? Here's her site:Joanne Davis MFT dot com.

8-09-12 - If you want to know where to go sit, go to gosit dot org, the Meditation Center Guide

8-03-12 - Where to sit in San Rafael

Ron who wrote me, DC, yesterday about where to sit in Sebastopol wrote back.

Thanks very very much for your great research tailored to my question regarding where to sit in Sebastopol! And sorry about the difficulty in getting back to me. Now you can find me easily as long as you email me from addresses I have written to you on. Do you belong to a sangha or group?

DC answer: I consider my sangha to be whomever or whatever I'm with at the moment, still a pie in the sky/face hippie at heart. My lineage is with the Shunryu Suzuki founded SFZC and the many branches from there such as Richard Baker's Dharma Sangha though I've hung with John Tarrant and the PZI folks up in Santa Rosa a lot in the last decade. Am close to Shodo Harada's One Drop Sangha as I studied with him for four years in Okayama a couple of decades ago, was close toDainin Katagiri and there are various groups in his lineage, like the folks in the Chogyam Trungpa Shambhala lineage. Like Advaita Vedanta and the many teachers in that broad tradition, especially Mooji, and loved living near the Ramana Ashram in Tamil Nadu, India, last year. Now am living in San Rafael, CA and sit, as I have time, with the following groups:

Dharma Eye Zen Center - Monday eve - led by SFZC abbot Steve Stucky
Mt. Source Sangha - Thursday morning (also SFZC offshoot)
Pacific Zen Institute 
(PZI) - new Wed. morning sitting led by Chris Wilson at same place and hour as Mt. Source.
Open Secret Bookstore - has the trippiest meditation room imaginable, filled with statues, rugs, and relics from Asia and elsewhere. Lot of New Age stuff. One can go in there and sit anytime they're open - as long as there's not an event in there.

Also in this area I join
Green Gulch Farm (SFZC)
Spirit Rock 
Layla Smith's Mt. Root Sangha in Corte Madera
Ron and Joan Wada sit in Fairfax now on Wednesday Eve now that Edward Brown has disbanded that group. Contact DC if you want info on that.

Urban dharma has five listings for San Rafael alone, only one Zen, but I see the one for Dharma Eye is the old Bayview address so don't know which are current.

There's more around here of course but that's all I'm going to look for now. I like to go sit with all these and any others I stumble across. - dc

8-02-12 - Got an email from someone who just moved there and asked me where to sit. Here are some suggestions. It was fun looking into it. I tried to email back Ron Fein who asked the question and that sent me to a page where I'd have to fill in stuff to send to him to get approved to send it and one of the boxes to write stuff in had an image next to it with hard to read disguised letters that I couldn't make out. So if you follow cuke or have a friend who does who'll tell you Ron you'll find your answer. - dc

Dharma Net listings for Sebastopol

Many Rivers Books and Tea has the most complete list. Talk to Jim Wilson there. He has a some sittings and knows a lot.

Most the following groups are listed in the above

Stone Creek Zen Center in nearby Graton - many zazen periods

Back Porch Zendo - Sebastopol address but closer to Occidental - Tuesday eve early - cuke link

Rocks and Clouds Zendo - Wednesday night in Sebastopol

Pacific Zen Inst in nearby Santa Rosa - Monday eve, Sunday morning

Russian River Zendo in Guerneville - Saturday morning program and more. Check the calendar also for Healdsburg Tuesday eve sitting.

Sonoma Mt. ZC (Genjoji) - residential, many open zazen periods

Shambhala Meditation Center in Santa Rosa - check calendar

Meditation in Sebastopol - got this page Googling "meditation in Sebastopol." Twenty suggestions - some pretty trippy stuff identified by distance from Seb.

7-18-12 - American Humanist Association - more on this to come. - dc

7-03-12 - Keith Martin Smith has an interesting site which features a book he wrote on Denis Kelly, Heart Blown Open: Of Saints and Sinners - that's a link to a page with excerpts. Lots about Alan Marlowe in the book and some about Shunryu Suzuki. Alan introduced me to Denis in 1972. More to say, but later. He's a Zen teacher now, Jun Po Denis Kelly. Here's his site, Mondo Zen. - thanks bro Lor

6-30-12 - Nityanjali and the beginnings of a practice center in the Shunryu Suzuki lineage in Tiruvanamalai, Tamil Nadu, India where I was last year. This is a project of Shindo Gita Gayatri who was very helpful to me there last year and with work on the Suzuki archives at the City Center in past years. Gita was ordained as a priest in the SFZC by Paul Haller who is to be involved in this project. - DC

6-16-12 - Yesterday interviewed on Expanding Mind radio by Erik Davis' co-host Maja D'Aoust (super cool site).

)6-12-12 - Antaiji website and its interesting German abbot, Muho. The temple became famous because of former abbot's Sawaki Kodo and Uchiyama Kosho. -  thanks Silas Hoadley.

6-06-12 - Collaborating With Angels, Rob Lee'smemoir about Issan Tommy Dorsey and Maitri Hospice is being serialized in an online magazine -

6-03-12 - Going to the Back Porch Zendo for an afternoon sit just outside of Occidental, CA.

Excellent Sebastopol Many Rivers Books and Tea also lists Back Porch Zendo on their Sonoma resources page.

6-02-12 - Vedanta Society of Northern California - dropped by their Olema retreat center last Sunday on the way home and happened into their yearly gathering. Very friendly. Loved it. Like being back in India. - dc

5-30-12 - Get requests to exchange links quite a bit, mainly from sites I don't want to link to cause there's no reason and the requests are obviously mass mailed form letters. Usually I just erase them, but I liked this one. - dc


Title: Inspirational Talks

Description: The INK conference in association with TED is an annual conference that aims to fuel innovation and foster knowledge by bringing together world’s most fascinating speakers & doers. They provide inspirational & Motivational talks and videos of the world's most fascinating motivational speakers from a range of disciplines such as art, architecture, dance, design, music, science and technology.

5-26-12 - Stephen Nachmanovitch Free Play Productions

5-24-12 - Two unconventional enlightenment sites:

J. Stewart Dixon's Attainingpie dot com - and don't miss Attainingpie-page/2/

Jed McKenna's

5-02-12 - Shodo Harada Roshi's One Drop Zendo site has a new look. He was my teacher in Japan 1988-1992. His US center is on Whidbey Island. - dc

4-23-12 - Taiyo has a website for his photos.

3-19-12 - Check out Ray Watkins'  The best Tai Chi DVDs for Home Mastery. Ray is working on an overhaul of the cuke Shunryu Suzuki lecture transcripts as found here and on Here's his blog for musings.

2-21-12 - John Freese's blog - Loved his short, basic description of Buddhism and meditation. John is from my hometown of Fort Worth. He and his twin brother were for years monks with Thich Nat Hahn. John has spent time practicing elsewhere such as at Zen Mt. Monastery in Mt. Tremper, NY, and in Thiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu India where I was last year for four months. Small world story. I met John because my mother knows his father through the Ft. Worth Opera and he came over to say hi and he told me where he'd been in India and I said, oh that's where I'm going. Another friend in Fort Worth inquired about where he could go for a retreat so I connected him with John we met with him and also just sent him this list of links which I share. - dc

2-09-12 - Discover How Meditation Helps People Suffering from Chronic Illness inMedicine and Meditation by Nancy Welch

1-29-12 - TWIT - This Week in Tech - TWIT.TV - lots of good stuff, great science shows. Out of Petaluma and run by Leo Laporte and his gang.

12-29-11 - 84,000 (pages) - Translating the Words of the Buddha (into modern languages)

12-19-11 - A Quiet Mind, site of Kozan Robert Jackson, Zen Failure Junior. He's at Jikoji.

12-18-11 - What I'm Thinking About Now - Peter Levitt's Weblog

Peter's website.

11-18-11 - Etsuko Yoshifuku is here studying the Rosen Method of bodywork with Marian Rosen who I think she said is 97 like my mother. See What's New for today to learn more about Etsuko and her hubby Shin.

11-15-11 - Just went to the annual IHS (the Institute for Historical Study) dinner. It's an organization out of Berkeley that can be very helpful for independent historians like me. They're my fiscal sponsor which means if one wants a tax deduction for a generous gift to the vital work I do, the donation should be made through the IHS. At the dinner, Richard Herr, Professor Emeritus of History, UC Berkeley, gave a talk on The Rise and Decline of the Homogeneous Society, which means like everyone has to be the same and speak the same language and keep immigrants out and such. I was tired and he kept me awake. Anyways, thanks IHS! And don't forget to Donate - dc

11-14-11 - Kyoto Journal - the great magazine now only on the web.


See cool Zen Monster release card


click on thumbnail to enlarge


Zen Monster dot com

The release party for Zen Monster was at the Brooklyn Zen Center.

11-07-11 - Michael Hofmann is a sumi-e artist who returned this year from 38 years in Japan. He moved to Sonoma County where I live and we met at PZI's Monday evening sitting. We had some Kyoto friends in common. Here's his website. Here's a bit more on him at cuke-the-arts.

11-05-11 - Buddhism Now Blog - thanks Howie

11-02-11 - Was reminded today of Tibet House

Wikepedia on Tibet House

10-30-11 - Talking to a woman about getting Crooked Cucumber into Chinese and she sent me links to two organizations he's involved with. Here they are:

The Dondrin Chojin Association

Help Without Borders

The earth is our destined carrier.
All lives are our shipmates.
To help with compassion is our only direction

10-31-11 - Went to Oakland's Kojin-an yesterday Sunday for zazen and service and had tea with the folks there afterwards. This is Gengo Akiba Roshi's temple next to the home of him and wife Yoshi of Yoshi's Jazz Clubs and Restaurants in Oakland and SF. Kojin-an is a beautiful place, good people. - dc

9-03-11 - From

Toward understanding E-Prime


Working with E-Prime (PDF)

Discovering E-Prime (PDF)

Thanks Anderew A

9-01-11 - Soy Info Center - Bill Shurtleff's life work, bigger than the universe. Check out his History of Erewon on the Free Online Books page. - and check out the real paper books on tofu, tempeh, miso.

Bill Shurtleff cuke link page

8-17-11 - Sugoi Sekai [Wonderful World] - interesting stuff from a veteran of Japan and Zen and more. - Thanks MK

8-14-11 -

China Galland - her website - has done noble work with a cemetery in Texas. See this video clip from YouTube from which you can see other YouTube videos she's got there.

8-08-11 - check out Lawrence Shainberg's website

7-18-11 - The Buddha Garden, a commercial site that sells Buddhist stuff, sent cuke alist of Thai temples taken off the "Dharma Net's Buddhist Info Web - Worldwide directory of centers" list above and asked if I'd put this link on I wouldn't have done it cause it's obviously just a way to get their link out, but they also included a good link (for Soto Zen centers outside Japan) to replace a broken link, an old one that no longer worked. I checked the source view of their link to Thai temples and it stated right there that it came from the Dharma Net site so I checked into that and found it needed a more clear designation on cuke and I also discovered that the Dharma Net listing of Thai temples had no clear way to know about it or get to it, found no link to it. The home page of Dharma Net has a link that says to listings of groups geographically and by tradition but I find no link to listing by tradition except by using a search engine. I did that and found it and by going backwards on the URL got to the hidden directory for that page which has some other links which are quite useful but which I don't see any way to get to - see below. 

Dharma Net's list of Thai temples in North America

DharmaNet's Guide to Meditation Practice Groups

Here's a Tricycle list of Dharma Centers that I found buried in the Dharma Net site but which works best right off the Tricycle site

So I thought that Buddha Garden earned their link here though I won't buy anything from them. Nothing personal - I don't even have an altar. Compare their method to this sleazy attempt to get a link. - dc

7-13-11 - James Ishmael Ford's Monkey Mind Online

7-12-11 - Cukoo Crazy Zen

7-02-11 - Thoughts on Therafields from Brenda Doyle who got hold of us looking for a practice place in the Shunryu Suzuki lineage in Toronto. We sent her this link to practice centers in this lineage which surely needs to be updated. If you know anything, let us know - contact DC. Thanks. - dc


And the faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will. No one is master of himself if he have it not. An education which should improve this faculty would be the education par excellence. -- William James

Got that off Marc Lesser's ZBA Associates website (leadership with mindfulness and emotional intelligence). Among other things they're doing is attention training.

6-07-11 - Bill Scheffel's video site which has videos on Jakusho Bill Kwong among other things (see

Scheffel's web site - Western Mt.

5-23-11 - Rant-ology!

5-02-11 - Alan Chapman and Open Enlightenment dot org

Here' s one of his videos

Found him Guruphiliac

5-01-11 - Eric Arnow's Bumble Buddhist

4-29-11 - NHNE's "Big Mind" Resource Page from Bro Lor

4-26-11 - I love it: ACT ZEN

and URBAN ZEN - Arian's into this. And they have a clothing line.

But then again, so does cuke.

4-05-11 - CHAMA WITCHES, the blog of poet Stephen Frost previously seen on cuke as artist Stephen Frost, who I first met as Father Stephen Frost who ran the Catholic Church's Newman Center at Sonoma State College. I see his Nepsis site with both art and writing is still there. But today the focus is the mystical CHAMA WITCHES which link will be tucked in cuke-the-arts-writing.

3-31-11 - When in Alaska, be sure to stop at the Achorage Zen Community for an enlightening sit. Just got an email from their Director Shogen Danielson and realized they weren't in the Dharma groups in or related to Shunryu Suzuki's lineage section of the links folder. But now they are. Congratulations.

2-10-11 - Loved this LSD documentary short from the fifties which is an add for Don Lattin's book, The Harvard Psychedelic Club. Check em both out if you're of a mind. And may we stop the cruel and religious-persecutorial war on drugs (read people).

1-4-11 - The Occidental Laguna Sangha headed by Bruce Fortin meets in Sebastopol, CA, on Sunday mornings. Go to their site for details.

1-3-11 - A librarian sends this: I became interested in Buddhism after I was assigned a research project in the field. In the course of doing my research I came across this great article  [in the Guide to Online Schools] that covers the history, Mahayana, Theravada, and Vajrayana and thought you might enjoy it as well. - thanks Lauren - I've removed the link because it seems this was a mild sort of scam to get a link for the Guide to Online Schools that I fell for and received a warning email about, saying that Google is aware of this organization using deceptive emails to get links. Nothing too bad - it just linked to a bunch of articles on Buddhism with info you could find without my help. Sorry cukesters. I've written to "Lauren" and asked what library she's associated with. No answer. She claims to be with the Pacific Northwest Librarians but that seems to be a shell site with no links to anything. I've also written to an actual NW librarians group to ask what they think - no answer. But really, I have no time for this. It was just sort of interesting. - dc

12-28-10 - Check out Stephen Colgan's Buddhism-in-SF articles at the SF Examiner's website. Good going Stephen.

12-05-10 - Russell Delman teaches Zen and Feldenkrais. Check out his website - interesting bio. He does workshops in Germany at Johanneshof (among other places) where I was last year and then on a Skype call son Clay mentioned that he was working on Delman's home with Sawyer Construction

12-01-10 - Sweeping Zen - "the definitive online who's who of Zen"

11-30-10 - Time for another plug of Gloria Simoneaux's Harambee Arts.

11-27-10 - Brian Howlett's art and poetry sites and blogs.

11-11-10 - Eihei Peter Levitt is a poet and Zen teacher who worked with Kaz Tanahashi translating Dogen's Shobogenzo. Go here for more on that.

Here's his web site.

He's a lay entrusted teacher (from Norman Fischer) in the Salt Spring Zen Circle, Salt Spring Island, BC.  Contact is and/or [two-five-zero-537-9567].

Also, what was the Iron Bell Zendo in Sacramento is now: 

Valley Streams Zen Sangha - Sacramento - 916-456-7752 - 

email is

10-29-10 - Speir Publishing has moved  these two books to WillowBrook Publishing. Go there and you can see a video of Paul Speir talking briefly about WillowBrook and then you can click on the books to see the videos for them.

I am happy to use the non web-based institution of to host my web sites. I pay a little more but boy is it worth it.

10-28-10 - Check out Mike Dosho Port's blog, Wild Fox Zen. Mike is a dharma heir ofDainin Katagiri

I see Mike has got a medal for being a Top Buddhist Blog. Never heard of that so I went there. Take a look. Some good links there.

10-22-10 - Zen Monster, Vol. 1, #2  is now on sale @ all 3 ZC bookstores or online @ www.spdbooks.comand 'google' Zen Monster on the site; its around $10. And don't forget Zen Monstor Vol. 1, #1. You canorder them both fromSFZC Bookstore. Check out the Zen Monster website.

9-23-10 - Open Buddha, an interesting site.

9-20-10 - In Fort Worth visiting mother and friends. Planning to go to Dallas on Wednesday to zazenitate with the folks at the Maria Kannon Zen Center. Here's a link on that site to their teachers.

The Fort Worth Zendo is associated with MKZC in Dallas. They meet each Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Catholic Renewal Center, Nolan High School, 4503 Bridge St, FW, 76103
All lineages and religions are welcome to come sit in traditional silent meditation.

9-19-10 - Edward Brown, teacher of the Peaceful Sea Sangha, is offering a Fall Retreat - October 28 - 31 at Green Gulch Farm. Details about Edward's fall meditation retreat are now available. Check the calendar on their website for info and a flyer and more info on more happenings.

6-16-08 - Mark Foote whose site is Zen Mudra came to the reading last night. Check out this animation he did with Adobe Flash:

The Bridge That Flows (Zazen)

6-23-10 -

The Dream of the Turquoise Bee

Cultural Diplomacy in Eastern Tibet

Website:         Email Address:


Website:         Email Address:

6-10-2010 - The Austin Zen Center

Steve's blog about the Austin Zen Center, a center in the Suzuki Roshi lineage.

6-11-2010 - Yard Dogs Road Show - What a group. Why is this here? There's a reading for the book, Decomposition (see cuke page on this book and Bay Area events), on Friday 6-18 5pm at Reader's Books in Sonoma, CA (and Lilla and Andy's (the owners) son is in the Yard Dogs Road Show and is also into mushrooms and is I think involved with providing the mushroom snacks for the event.

5-30-2010 - When in Albuquerque sit at the Desert Mirror Zendo.

5-29-2010 - There exists only the present instant... a Now which always and without end is itself new. There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.

Meister Eckhart - The Eckhart Society

5-28-2010 - Bhikku Bodhi lectures online - thanks Ron Browning

5-19-2010 - Roller Doll Skates! - Where Katrinka and I hang out when we're in Bend and we're in Bend. This store is run by Dee Moralizer with assistance from her mate, ref Foul Bundy. Catch them at a Lava City Roller Doll bout.

5-17-10 - Check out Father Steve Frost's Nepsis Foundation - very cool, check it out. - dc

5-15-10 - Fierce Grace, an inspiring film about Ram Dass.

Ram Dass dot org

5-11-10 - Reb Anderson dot org

5-10-10 - Shogoji where practiced for a little over a month in Japan not long after arriving there in April of 1988 with Dainin Katagiri Roshi and Nonin Chowaney and Ekai Korematsu. In Thank You and OK, called it Hogoji. - dc

5-02-10 - Dean Radin - check out his books on this site.

12-22-09 - As Christmas approaches, a few favorite Christians come to mind such as Brother David at

12-20-09 - my name is alex lorch and i am one of two founding members of eyes of compassion zen center in salinas, california.  i began my residential zen practice with a year and a half stint at green gulch from april 2008 to october 2009.  the other member, and resident priest/teacher, is shinko rick slone.  rick received dharma transmission from norman fischer in march 2009 and initiated eyes of compassion in september.  the center works in very close partnership with the franciscan workers of junipero serra (in fact, we all live in the same group house).  we are all integral in running dorothy's place, a soup kitchen and community center located on soledad street, salinas' skidrow.  the zen center offers free guest student stays in additional to longer residential stays of anywhere from 3 months to 23 years and beyond.

i am writing to you in the hopes that you will add our center's contact info to the page of sfzc-affiliated groups as well as to the page about engaged buddhism.

eyes of compassion zen center
715 jefferson street
salinas, ca 93905

12-19-09 - Mark Petchey is doing great considering severe brain damage. He's enjoying his life and is awfully good natured. Here's his website. Review the history on his cuke page.

12-18-09 - Enjoyed visiting Dragon Mountain Temple out on the valley floor in Crestone andShumei next door to CZMC.

12-17-09 - Met a fascinating writer named Douglas Penick in Boulder.

12-16-09 - Remembering the Boulder Zen Center and their zendo in their Briar Rose Bed and Breakfast.

12-13-09 - Wish I had more time for

12-13-09 - Wish I had more time for

12-12-09 - While at Naropa, I was introduced to Shaking Medicine and Creative Therapy during a superlative Boulder conversation.

12-11-09 - Visited Naropa University where I'm on a waiting list for a Frederick Lenz FoundationNaropa fellowship grant to work on the Shunryu Suzuki oral history where it intersects with Chogyam Trungpa

while staying at the Briar Rose Bed and Breakfast.

click on thumbnail to enlarge

11-11-09 - Please help Buddha Statues Now

11-05-09 - Shores of Zen - a new Zen website by by Jiryu Mark 
Rutschman-Byler featuring his new book, Two Shores of Zen. - check it out

11-03-09 - Sarlo's Guru Rating Service - 1600 or so of them he says. It's dizzying to go through this site. So many humorous and conflicting thoughts come to mind. His opinions are interesting and don't overwhelm the data.

11-01-09 - Hoff Berg Garten - sort of like Country-place Mountain Garden Hoff means "court" but I think here it refers to it being in the country. Anyway, this place is next door to Dharma Sangha's German retreat, Johanneshof. (see - there's that "hof" again). See the nice photo of Robert. It's his place. He's a really sweet guy. Actually, here's the homepage. It's great - organic garden, native plants, sells seeds online. - dc10-24-09 - Mooji - the latest greatest Advaita Vedanta guru. I'm a sucker for this stuff. - dc

10-21-09 - The Zen Site

10-18-09 - From near Shunryu (and now Hoitsu) Suzuki's temple in Japan, comes Shizuoka Tea. Heard about it from SFZC alum Kirk Rhoads whose brother Kent now lives in Shizuoka and is gathering up these leaves for you.8-02-09 - The Worst Horse is cool.

8-05-09 - The Worst Horse is cool. - Thanks Howie

8-04-09 - Willem Malten has some new thoughts on his blog.

7-03-09 - Jacqueline Kramer's Hearth Foundation--a home for spiritual parenting and homemaking.

3-30-09 - Cool Inquiring Mind Blog

3-21-09 - Jerry Bolick's poems now on his blog,

Meditations from the Slow Lane

Personal writings from a life explored through Buddha Dharma and poetry.

3-02-09 - Lew Richmond has a new blog - Aging as a Spiritual Practice.

3-01-09 - - my son Kelly is an amateur mycologist so when I got a request to link to this site in return for a link from it to cuke, I couldn't resist. - dc

2-18-09  inserting this link a few places on the site. - dc

2-12-09 - Under the whether or not but coming up to share son Clay's MySpace music link. Beware, death metal. He's the drummer. - dc

2-05-09 - Gloria Levine writes about Harambee Arts

1-23-09-Link to Eric’s blog from Israel

1-17-09 - The National Religious Campaign Against Torture reminds us that torture is a moral issue, enlists religious organizations to join in opposing torture and works toward a change of policy by the US government.

1-15-09 - The informative Free Speech TV

1-13-09 - Check out books and writing by old friend Jane Bay. It's funny but the term "old friend" seems to have worked better when we were younger. As we get older maybe it would be better to say "dear friend."

1-08-09 - David Cohen home site and this is his news site - the limping gazelle.

1-06-09 - Check out Willem Malten's blog

1-05-09 - HFA - the Humane Farming Association - founded by Brad Miller who many of us know from the SFZC years past. In the Fauna Ahimsa section which has more links about the HFA, origin of Ahimsa in Jainism and Buddhism, and more.

1-03-09 - Happy New Year to Jana Drakka. Check out this latest article on the work she does in the Tenderloin of SF from the San Francisco Street Sheet. Cuke's Jana page.

12-26-08 - Bend Zen Group - where dc and Katrinka will be Monday night.

12-25-08 - Check out Stephan Bodian's site for a dharmic Xmas best wishes titled Joy to the World. Don't know how long it will remain up front.

12-24-08 - check out Stephan Bodian's site for a dharmic Xmas best wishes titled Joy to the World. Don't know how long it will remain up front.

12-23-08 - Check out Shambhala SunSpace with neat links and spotlights - like a tip of the hat to with a Teaching of the Day from Shunryu Suzuki - can't link to their individual pages - just search in their site search box for "shunryu."

12-01-08 - As the holiday season approaches, let's remember Koa Books, founded by our old friend Arnie Kotler, and let us likewise look at the Speir Publishing Bookstore to see if there might be an item or two or three that grabs our fancy.

11-25-08 - In keeping with the firmly established policy of enlightened nepotism, proudly presents the website of Camille Koué, DC's niece.

11-14-08 - When in Colorado visit this Zen Boulder Colorado Bed and Breakfast - the Briar Rose Bed and Breakfast. It's beautiful, has a scrumptious breakfast, run by students of Zentatsu Baker Roshi, and has a zendo. It's across the street from Naropa University.

10-24-08 - The entire Shobogenzo and much more on the Talks page of Shasta Abby. This group offers a lot. Recently I heard that they went total dana, meaning that they're not charging for anything but relying on contributions. I also heard that this approach increased their income. Anyone who can corroborate this please let me know. Right now I don't have time to look into it. Too busy herding the cats. - dc

10-19-08 - Check out the One Drop Zendo site. Great photo of Shodo Harada whom I studied with in Japan and who was our constant benefactor. 8-10-08 - Welcome to Heart Like Water

6-28-08 - Hollow Bones - it's a dark web site. I can read it better by hitting Cntrl + a few times to zoom in. Interesting Rinzai Zen site. Thanks JS

6-19-08 - Check out Two Balding Fat Guys. See the one on bass - that's Paul who is to publish an upcoming venture of mine. Paul was chosen by the cuke board of directors after an exhausting search for the best in POD - print on demand. You'll be hearing more about this. Anyway - check out their songs. When I get around to it I'll start a Christian section on cuke and Two Balding Fat Guys will be there. - dc

6-10-08 -

Inquiring Mind

(an old cover I like)

Inquiring since 1983

Check it out. - dc

6-04-08 - Check out Clark Strand on bridging Buddhism and the Bibleand on the World Wisdom site and here's an article by him on meditation with gurus.

5-16-08 - Here's another entry from Danny Fisher's blog - A gentle reminder from Tai Situ Rinpoche. - thanks to Anna Noe Bonas for sending these Fisher blogs

5-15-08 - Check out Danny Fisher's "blog of an American Buddhist Chaplain." His May 17th entryis an interview with James Zito, the producer/director of the documentary Compassion and Wisdom: A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life.

5-13-08 - Check out the website for Alex Murawski, the artist who did the great cover forThank You and OK! an American Zen Failure in Japan. And click on that thumbnail to enlarge.

5-04-08 - In today's Report on Celebration of Philip Whalen at the SF Public Library, there were a number of links such as to the sites of John SumserPZI, Dharma Dog, Gary GachSteve SilvermanPoetry Center and American Poetry ArchivesMichael McClure and Ray ManzurekBill BerksonClark Coolidge, and Alastair Johnston.

5-08-08 - Also, in looking at one of a zillion links on Philip I was reminded of the web site of Miriam Bobkoff.

4-16-08 -

Kyoto Art and Antiques is having an open warehouse sale in Seattle, May 1-11. See the PDF flier for this auspicious event. Even if you don't want to buy anything, just go by and say hi to the charming proprietors who are old friends of mine. Also, their wares are superlative. Tell 'em cuke sent you. - dc

4-08-08 - When I first came to the SFZC back in '66, Daniel Eggink was still around. He had a shaved head (the first to do so) was one of the fascinating characters around that scene. Here's his website's bio page - from there one can explore. [more on this date in Others] - dc

3-25-08 - Oops, linked to the wrong Robert Adams site yesterday. That's the one he specifically doesn't recommend. Here are the suggested ones and Andrew Main's note on Adams.

3-24-08 - Robert Adams - an Advaita teacher - check out Robert Adams Infinity Institute - thanks Andrew - this was a mistake, not the site Andrew intended. See tomorrow's post on it.

2-27-08 - Met at a San Rafael coffee shop recently with Dr. Lew Lancaster who for decades was with and head of East Asian Studies (or something like that) at UC Berkeley, who knew Shunryu Suzuki who joined him for some class events, and who has been doing some highly impressive work in Buddhist archiving for quite some time. Check out Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative. That's him in the image to the bottom left. Lew was president of the University of the West for a few years. Here's a bit about him on their website. (more on Lew later)

2-25-08 - Check out Urban Dharma and Kusala Bhikshu

2-22-08 - Ross's Bolleter's website-warpsmusic - Ross on cuke

2-01-08 - You may wish to sit online at the Treeleaf Zendo and read the Treeleaf Blog.

1-17-08 - Brad Warner - Brad's blog  with Brad's books - yesterday's entry with cuke comment.

12-29-07 - Balaam's website: Inspired by Tolstoy
Balaam's cartoons

12-16-07 - DC sez: Had a Port Townsend visit which included a stop at the incredible Phoenix Rising book store and more - buddhas, jizos, boddhisattvas, crystals, tankas, incense,  CDs. Katrinka and I spent a while looking around and talking to Jill, the owner, who sends this message: As all the great teachers have taught through the ages first we learn to love and honor ourselves, and then to extend that love and respect outwards to our family, our community, and then to all our neighbors And then peace will prevail
In Spirit,

Also - take a look at Gloria Simeneaux's worthy and impressive Harambee Arts: Let's pull togetherTM.  This is Gloria's new project to work with children in sub-Saharan Africa who have been traumatized by the AIDS epidemic, civil wars, famine and displacement. Gloria is the creator of Drawbridge, an arts program for homeless children.

10-16-07 - Was compelled to bring you more Alan Watts Theater animation from The guys who do South Park - see 10-14 in WHAT WAS NEW for first posting.

10-01-07 - Read Andrew Main's informative message about Karl Renz Advaita-like independent teacher - with more links and quotes and schedule of immanent Bay Area trip.

  Joy can provide tech support in the South Bay. She gives a senior discount and is able to translate complicated Tech Speak into simple English. Her services include installation, upgrade, repair, tutoring, data recovery, security. Contact Joy at And thanks so much to Joy for donating a laptop to and thanks to Tech God for arranging this noble gift.

9-30-07 - Happy 50th CBA!

On this last day of September, turns toward Cambridge to acknowledge with a deep bow the 50th anniversary of the Cambridge Buddhist Association (CBA). (read moreon cuke) Read more in a profile of the CBA from the Pluralism Project.

9-24-07 - thanks Cheryl F for alerting us to THE LEAF, the log of Treeleaf Zendo where, among other things, you can sit online with a virtual community. Check it out.

9-08-07 - Thanks to Ken Ireland for sending Katrinka McKay (via the PZI Talk listthe wild and whacky Episode 6 of the Stuart Davis Show (Zen and the Zen of Zen) as found on YouTube, or check it out on the Stuart Davis Show, presented by Integral Naked, from the Integral Institute founded, I think, by Ken Wilber.

8-16-08 - Ekai Korematsu Osho is in Australia at Jikishoan.

Sunday, August 5, 2007 - Front page Atlanta Constitution Zen news from 8/03 - Silence, please!Atlanta gets its first Zen master. Congratulations to Michael Elliston of the Atlanta Soto Zen Center

Monday, July 30 - Check out Bruce Lipton's Biology of Belief - thanks to Mary E.

7-23-07 - Swami Beyondananda Calls for Impeachment - Check out the Swami's wake-up-laughing website.

7-20-07 - IMPEACH 'EM BOTH NOW - with lots of links

7-19-07 - I know a cool thing to do on cuke - have a list of web sites of people associated with this site which is mainly people from back in the Shunryu Suzuki era, or at least for now, do a list of links relating to Early Tassajara Alumni which is what I'm working on - the Early Tassajara Alumni.

7-06-07 - check out 
and the home for the website of Brother David Steindl-Rast, a dear friend and good friend to ZC through the years, starting with the first practice period at Tassajara. - DC

2006 photo by Jim Nichols

5-15-07 - Check this out:
VerbatimIT - Verbatim Instant Transcripts
VerbatimIT transcribes online events or recorded media.
VerbatimIT offers an easy-to-use dictation system:

Thanks to 
Alan Kelly, owner/operator of VerbatimIT for transcribing an interview I did at Tassajara recently with Steve Allen (no relation) of Dragon Mt. Temple.

4-29-07 - - website of The Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, CA

The National Religious Campaign Against Torture.

Nonesuch School, Sebastopol, CA - Clay's school

Niels Holm suggests:

Papaji and Gangaji and Adyashanti - three Advaita teachers

And then there's Stephan Bodian.

The work of Robert A. Johnson and Ken Wilber and The Alphabet versus the Goddess

Three builders: Hundertwasser and Gaudi and Rodia.

Nanda Town and Mosaiyaco - Silas Holm's work

DC turned Niels on to Bashar

4-04-07 - Check out U. G. Krishnamurti, no relation to J. Krishnamurti, though they both come from India and were sponsored by the Theosophical Society for a time.

3-30-07 - A Course In Miracles is, I bet, the most popular channeled teaching of all time. I say that without really knowing but what would compare? Many people I greatly respect have deeply studied ACIM. I see it as a mind-only spiritual teaching that uses Biblical language and emphasizes love and forgiveness. Not what some Buddhist web-surfers would be interested in, but for some others this gift will be appreciated. There are, of course, sites on the web that are easily accessed. I get a daily email from Joseph G Veit with brief lessons from ACIM. I asked if I could mention him here and he said, "I am happy to include anyone who sends an email to with a request to receive the daily lessons."

Teachings like the following from ACIM help me not get caught by the theistic language and make me feel right at home: 
My thoughts do not mean anything.

Thanks Joseph. - DC

3-25-07 - Here's Gary Gach's web site.

3-20-07 - Here's Adyashanti's home page.

3-19-07 - Link trading with Manyzone dot com's Buddhism pages.

And check out The Meditation Spot - a good place to send those who inquire so they can make up their own minds which way to go. Other links like this requested.

2-26-07 - Spirituality and Practice - Resources for spiritual journeys just set up a new web site and emailed me to fix their links so I looked it over and thought I'd mention them again here. Squeaky wheel. See their review of Crooked Cucumber. is a multifaith website on ways to practice spirituality in everyday life. You'll find book, audio, and film reviews; ideas and links for 37 essential practices; e-courses; online practice circles; teacher profiles; inspirational quotes; video and audio clips; articles; daily celebrations; discussion guides; galleries and art meditations; blogs; and more."

2-23-07 - A World Without Armies - See What's New for this day for a bit about an evening AWWA meeting in Mill Valley.

Talked that night also with Mel Van Dussen about his TV show, Present. Check out the show's web site.

2-12-07 - The Shambhala Shop and Vajradhatu Publications  - from Chogyam Trungpa's sangha.

2-08-07 - some recent additions

Krishna Satsang

Link to Education about Asia's website and 
Link to page on the 2006 Winter Issue with article by DC on Shunryu Suzuki.

Here's a link to Josh Wolf's home page. Check it out and help Josh. Josh is Liz Wolf's son. 


Check out Andy Ferguson's
South Mountain China tours.

That's the Andy Ferguson of Zen's Chinese Heritage.

Don't forget Cafe Press's Cuke Basket for your holiday shopping spree.
Note the lengthy ad mere inches below.
especially note that it includes 
a new product line - tee shirts etc 
from Andy Ferguson with the likeness of Huangbo (Huang Po) 
and a quote from that great master. 
Go with Andy to China 
and maybe he'll take you home to visit Huang.

click thumbnail to enlarge

12-03-06 - Check out Jim Dreaver and the Way of HarmonyI like receiving his Wisdom Mailings. - DC

11-20-06 - Check out The Buddhist Channel - Bringing Buddha Dharma Home

11-14-06 - Zsolt Suto in Romania sends the following message and fascinating suggested link about Alexander Csoma de Koros, a very early explorer into the depths of Tibetan Buddhism:

With this short mail I wish to inform you about the new project I am working on/for. It is called Koros-Tibet project.

The project's site is here:  - I warmly invite you to have a look at it where you will find a short description of what the project is about.

10-15-06 - Natalie Goldberg, Zen writer, student of Dainin Katagiri, and more. Check out her books and all.

10-08-06 - Check out Jane Bay dot com.

7-08-06 - Zen Doctor is a trip.

God-u-Like - An Irreverent Look at the Faith Industry. - for your artistic side.

6-16-06 - Backyard Zen is sorta weird. [now it's gone - 5/07]

2-17-06 Don't forget Many Rivers Books and Tea in Sebastopol, California.

2-3-06 - Check out the new one page web site for the DT Suzuki Documentary Project. The film, named A Zen Life, is by Michael Goldberg.

1-19-06 - Check out the web site for The Work of Byron Katie.She's mentioned a few times on this site but no need to find that - just go to her site. - DC

12-28-05 - Check out Doubtboy, especially this video - he's a Zen guy now in LA who started in Ohio in Kobun Chino's lineage and went to Japan where he studied with Gudo Wafu Nishijima. There are links on this site to info on a Santa Monica sitting group, his books (Hardcore Zen), and comments on this and that. Thanks to Rachael Flannery for sending this to me.



12-26-05 Check out Mark Foote's The Mudra of Zen.

10/16/05 - Go to David Cohen's site Why? It's cool and he's Darlene's brother and he helps me DC with computer and tech problems and he may very well be able to help you with yours.

7/22/05 - Check out Dharma Dog. That site is no more. Brian Howlett's art and poetry sites and blogs. - 11-27-10

7/22/04 - Zen Room Practice Group, Cocoa, Florida
Tuesday, Thursday evening zazen and discussion
Saturday morning zazen & tea
Contact: Danny Parker (321-783-8181)

4/21/04 - I have been practicing Zen for many years, but informally. I have Zen list on Yahoo, called Zen Forum and it has over 300 members. I also have a website dedicated to action figures, and I would be happy to exchange links with your site if you are interested. [Sure. - DC]

4/02/04 -, comprises photographs taken during my three year residence in Japan from 1995-98. Thanks, Michael Thaler, a big fan of Thank You and OK! 

And thanks to Michael for these great photos. - DC

3/10/03 - check out

3-22-03 - Just got a note asking if I'd trade links with the following: I said okay. I'm just doing it because more links helps both of us to be ranked higher on searches. So I think I'll start a link section which says "Links obtained in trade merely to boost search engine score." - DC

2/6/03 - Dr. George Marshall and his book, From a World of Madness to a World of Sanity: Guides for Action.

2/9/02 - Check out Rowena Pattee Kryder's  web site at

7/12/01 - from the Mountains & Rivers Order
Dharma Communications(
Zen Arts ( [sorta works]
Zen Mountain Monastery (

This group led by Abbot John Daido Lori, seems to have their act together. With Dharma Communications, they have the same initials as me - coincidence?

4/11/2000 - Friends of Nebraska Zen Center,
 Our newly re-designed website, including pages displaying my calligraphy for viewing and sale is now on-line. It's at Please check it out and let me know what you think. All feedback will be appreciated. Thanks, Nonin Chowaney

3/20/2000 - Check out the Missouri Zen Center at

11/23/99--Today there's an interview with Edo Shimano Roshi conducted by DC on June 26, 1999 at Daibosatsu Zendo in the Catskills a couple of hours out of New York City. A beautiful Zen monastery modeled on traditional Zen monasteries. See the website of his group, the Zen Studies Society at

11/04/99--From Jack Van Allen: Think you might have some fun with: [link doesn't work]

Indeed. It's called Dharma the Cat and it's cool--check it out. A great Buddhist link with other great links on it.--DC

10/30/99--updated 7/07 - Carl Bielefeldt is the old Suzuki student involved with this outfit. Carl Bielefeldt, Selected Publications - Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies

10/19/99--Crooked Cucumber is [was] published in England by Thorsons, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers. ISBN 07225238876 
10.99 pounds

It's [was] available from (the UK's Harper Collins website). Also, an additional new site will be live in January. The book is also available on

9/19/99--Have had some exchanges with poetess and dear friend Jane Hirshfield recently. Try this site and see all the books she's written, read her poems, get her as a guest speaker: Jane Hirshfield. Thanks Jane--Love, D

9/8/99--from Jim in Fort Worth: try this site--Maria Kannon Zen Center Then go to Zen links then click the Texas link from geocities. [Messing around on these links there's lots of stuff on Texas Zen and good general Zen links. Ignore password if you get asked for one.--DC]

Check out Paul Maxwell's NETWORKS column in the Cyberslice section of Tokyo's Asahi Evening News, August 2, 99. It's got some great links. I'll list them here. For more info go to his column.  

The BIN is part of a Web ring that allows you to drift along to a seemingly endless series or related sites. Some of these can be fun, like the Blue Iris Sangha in New Orleans

 The graphics are clean and fresh, and there is commentary in verse on a famous Zen koan:

Tricycle is one of the best general-purpose, English-language magazines on Buddhism, and their homepage offers brief excerpts from the newsstand version (of course)

  for "Essential Buddhadharma (in under 10 minutes) try

Photos both exotic and puzzling are on display at, as well as examples of tantric art. 

To really plunge into Tibetan Buddhist art, visit Jade Buddhas.

Women Active in Buddhism have a homepage at

Not far from where I live, Jakusho Bill Kwong Roshi lives and teaches at Genjo-ji, Sonoma Mt. Zen Center, near Sonoma CA ( 6367 Sonoma Mt. Road). See their web site for more info on them and for directions to get there.--DC

Jack Elias' site - Finding True Magic   Jack has integrated dharmic perspectives from 32 years of Buddhist practice and study into his 12 year career in the field of hypnotherapy as a teacher and counselor. Through his vocational school, the Institute for Therapeutic Learning, he certifies hypnotherapists in his unique blend of Eastern and Western perspectives and techniques called Transpersonal Hypnotherapy/NLP. His book, Finding True Magic, is unique and innovative in the field of hypnotherapy.--from his website.

"It is a great pleasure to have a copy of your book. Finding True Magic...provides a great amount of practical information and creative guidance on the knowledge of mind/body derived from various disciplines of the Eastern and Western world." Tulku Thondup, Tibetan Meditation Master, author, The Healing Power of Mind

[Jack has a lot to offer us all. Please visit this old Suzuki-roshi student at his website and read his interview on this site with links to more. -- DC] 

Click here to find out about the writings on engaged Buddhism of Ken Knabb at his website called the Bureau of Public Secrets, "This website features selections from Ken Knabb’s Situationist International Anthology (translations from the notorious group that helped trigger the May 1968 revolt in France) and from Public Secrets, the recent collection of Knabb’s own writings. New texts and updates are being added every few days." [This is a really big interesting site with a lot to look through.--DC]

7/5/1999--Greetings. Last night I found my computer on HotBot and it had performed a search for Crooked Cucumber. I had a friend over but he's not likely to have done that. I was slightly mystified but chose to direct my attention to the sites that came up. There were twenty sites listed. I thought they were interesting so here they are.. I'm going to put the appropriate ones here under LINKS.--DC

[First there was this:]

Search Partners
· Research "crooked cucumber" at AtHand Yellow Pages.[That didn't seem to work but I didn't try very hard.--DC]
· Start a "crooked cucumber" group at [Didn't pursue.]
· Find books on "crooked cucumber" at [I checked that out and went on. They had some reviews and the table of contents--and VERY favorable position on top before one sees the smaller bookstores that came up. Among the sites listed below was:]

Lewis Richmond Home Page
The greatest thing for a human being is to find joy in your work.  -- from
[I read Lew's book before I went on my booksigning tour and I was glad I did. Good suggestions light on theory.--DC]

"This deceptively simple, immensely practical book is as useful as a fine shoe. Like good footwear it is made to be used, built to last, and with the kind of fine style that derives from a perfect matching of form to function. I have become so attached to it, that leaving the house without one or another of Lewis's practice in mind, is like venturing into the wilderness without my boots." --Peter Coyote, movie actor and author of Sleeping Where I Fall.

It also mentioned Lew's new CD of piano music LAKE OF NO SHORE. Check that out too.

Lew and I are dharma brothers, who, along with Angie Runyon and Ed Brown, were ordained by Suzuki-roshi just before he died. He runs a successful software company in Sausalito now, plays music, and teaches Zen.


On Lew Richmond's site he had a link to BROADWAY BOOKS at  our  publisher's web site and bookstore locator,. a link to Random House books. seemed to work better. [It was a little slow for me. I want to go back and try it again. I need to try to maximize my computer's speed. Also, Lew's book had a lot more on it--go check it out. Guess I should feed them some more material.*]

[There were some other sites which sold books. I should have a section for that on this site. Where to buy. I can't list every store in the country so I'm not sure, but it seems it would be good to put down the ones that come up on a search and the ones I read at or where I know the people there. ]

There was Open Secret Bookstore Online.
Open Secret Bookstore offers thousands of book titles, videos, music
and sacred art images from around the world. We will research any title
or product for you as well..

There was Powell's Books, the largest new and used bookstore in the world.--

review of Crooked Cucumber was on the Spirituality and Health website.

There was Page One Bookstore in Albuquerque where I read on March 18th. [I couldn't get on this one.] .

Ibis Books is a Bookstore for the Spiritual Seeker. We carry books on Astrology, Buddhism, Druidry, Enochian, Gnosticism, Hinduism, Magick,Meditation, Qabalah, Runes, Sufism, Tantra, Taoism, Tarot, The Craft, Thelema and Zen. Books on Zen for the Spiritual Seeker--

[And there was]

In the Whole Earth Magazine,   the summer 1999 issue, there's  a review of Crooked Cucumber by Katy Butler.[ It's short so I'll put it here: Buy their magazine. It still fills an important nitch.--DC]

Shunryu Suzuki-roshi came to San Francisco from Japan in 1959 when he was 55, fulfilling a lifelong dream. Before he got here, Zen was an idea, not a practice. He made it stick. He taught Americans to sit zazen; founded Tassajara, the first Zen monastery where women practiced as (almost) equals; and forever altered our cultural landscape. Just how remains a mystery. In Japan, he was an ordinary country priest, in a dying religious tradition, with an almost moribund temple. He needed his American students as badly as they needed him.

This subtle and generous biography, by a "loose cannon" among Suzuki's early students, helped me understand the forces that shaped Suzuki in Japan, and how, before he died of liver cancer in 1971, he transmitted to Americans something both within and beyond both cultures. The book snuck up on me, much like the Soto Zen tradition, which emphasizes zazen and the awareness of everyday things rather than dramatic breakthroughs. (As Suzuki's successor Richard Baker once said in a ceremony, "Walking with you in Buddha's gentle rain/Our robes are soaked through.") Crooked Cucumber is a deceptively unassuming introduction to Zen tradition and to Suzuki, mostly through his own words, liberally scattered through its pages ("Life is like stepping onto a boat that is about to sail out to sea and sink"). It made me want to sit again, to wholeheartedly live my life with all its difficulty, and more than that: to be flexible and kind.

ALSO in the same recent summer '99  issue of Whole Earth Review was Patricia Holt's article "Book Brawl, Independent bookstores, the Internet, chain stores and discount houses duke it out." Makes you think.


The Zen Center of Chapel Hill{Me old buddies led by Zen teacher Pat Phelan. I gave a talk there while on my tour and miss them already.] Chapel Hill (NC) Zen Center is a Soto Zen meditation group in the lineage
of Shunryu Suzuki-roshi and affiliated with the S.F. Zen Center.


Link to Sedge Thompson's West Coast Live for many reasons. It's a great, satisfying, eclectic show with especially well-chosen musical guests. On May 15th, 1999 the live show was broadcast from the Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse in Berkeley.  [I was on that show and so were Charlie Musselwhite, the Bobs, and an Australian woman named?* who wrote an interesting looking book on Japan called?* My wife, who speaks her mind, liked my interview, and I felt okay too, but, Michael Newell, a friend in prison who heard it, thought I was too speedy and didn't give Sedge Thompson enough room. Newell had kinder words for Crooked Cucumber. I'll print both here in time.* This show is available for download (15mb), or as a RealAudio stream at WHYY 90.9 FM.

Spirituality and Health: Spiritual Rx
books|audios feature films|videos Guidance, wisdom, and practices for
your spiritual journey from today's media, recommended by Frederic and
Mary Ann Brussat, authors of Spiritual Literacy. Archive of Reviews
Search our reviews database (and..


Some Buddhist magazines listed in alphabetical order. They're all good:

Shambhala Sun
Tricycle: the Buddhist Review
Both excerpted Crooked Cucumber in their spring '99 issues.

[more magazines to come]

[This came up too:]

Crooked Cucumber (frame navigation)
Shunryu Suzuki, Crooked Cucumber,Biography, Zen
Buddhism,Suzuki Roshi,Ze
99% 2/17/99
[I can see I need to get a better message up front.*].

7/4/99--Subject Eureka! Hey David, I just found the link you're looking for. It is http// Rich (RS) This is the site for the Alan Watts Electronic University. He's been called, along with D.T. Suzuki, "the great bridge." Mark Watts, Alan's eldest son, has shown his skill as an engineer in offering to the public his father's tapes and videos, did and still does the excellent tape archiving work of Suzuki-roshi lecture tapes for the SF Zen Center.

"Perhaps the foremost interpreter of Eastern disciplines for the contemporary West, Alan Watts begins with scholarship and intellect and proceeds with art and eloquence to the frontiers of the spirit..." Los Angeles Times.

"Alan Watts is a great Bodhisattva."--Shunryu Suzuki.

[more on Alan Watts* in time]

I traded the great blues singer and fellow Sonoma County-ite, Charlie Musselwhite, a Crooked Cucumber for one of his new CD's, "Continental Drifter." It's gotten a lot of play in our house. Check him out at As I link more, I'll make link sections--this one would be under something like "Friends of"

need a zafu?

 New Dimensions Radio  ---   New Dimensions Radio explores the social, political, scientific, environmental and spiritual frontiers, through radio and television interviews, with many of today's foremost social innovators, thinkers, scientists and creative artists. New Dimensions Radio is a creation of Michael and Justine Toms as is Spirit of the Times, Explorations in Contemporary Culture, a new radio series presented *live* on the Wisdom Network and *live* on the web. All you have to do is click over to Wisdom Radio at this URL [Not working anymore. Probably there's a new one]. The Wisdom Network also broadcasts "New Dimensions" dialogues both on radio and television. - a reader sent in this site on Kriya Yoga fraud

VerbatimIT - Verbatim Instant Transcripts
VerbatimIT transcribes online events or recorded media.
VerbatimIT offers an easy-to-use dictation system:
 Thanks to Alan Kelly, owner/operator of VerbatimIT for his totally pro transcribing for - DC

Kyoto Journal (Perspectives on Asia) - an excellent magazine out of Kyoto, once called by Howard Rheingold the best magazine in the world, with a good solid web site that is informative and being upgraded right now - 3/26/04. Back issues to 1987 are available and each one is superb. It's ridiculously non profit for a publication so professionally well done. These guys want to keep it a labor of love and earn money in other ways. If I did it I wouldn't have another job, but I guess that's why it's so good. - DC