
to Cuke Archives (,, Cuke Audio, Cuke Press, etc.)

to continue our work to preserve the legacy of Shunryu Suzuki
and those whose paths cross his


Contribute by PayPal or check in the mail

with PayPal

for a one time or recurring donation

To receive the fine archival giclée portrait of Shunryu Suzuki signed by Willard Dixon, the artist, with certificate of authenticity, just make a donation of $150 or more, note "portrait please" and include your address. You should then receive an email acknowledging your donation and informing you when the portrait should arrive.

Willard Dixon web Gallery and cuke page

Contact DC if there's a problem

All PayPal donations to the Cuke Archives are tax deductible.

For a donation of $100 or more, we'll send you a copy of A Brief History of Tassajara: from Native American Sweat Lodges to Pioneering Zen Monastery - if you ask for it.

Every donation receives a prompt grateful response. If you don't get one, please let us know - contact DC.

Here are PayPal's instructions in case you need to change your recurring donation.

Tax deductible check donations should be made out to Pacific Zen Institute with "for Cuke Archives" noted on the check and sent to:

Cuke Archives
PO Box 151471
San Rafael, CA 94915

Please do not make checks out to Cuke Archives.

Cuke Archives fund is under the guidance of Michael Katz and the Pacific Zen Institute (PZI) head teacher John Tarrant.

If a non-religious fiscal sponsor is needed, the Institute for Historical Study (IHS) is also a fiscal sponsor. Make the check out to "Institute for Historical study" with a note "for David Chadwick's Cuke Archives" and mail to:

The Institute for Historical Study
1399 Queens Road
Berkeley, CA   94708

The IHS keeps 5% of the donations.
PZI takes nothing.

Cuke Archives has also been called Crooked Cucumber Archives and the Shunryu Suzuki Legacy Project.

Fiscal Sponsors: The Pacific Zen Institute and the Institute for Historical Study—door to all Cuke Archives and DC material

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Bob Halpern, Shunryu Suzuki, Phillip Wilson on a break from stone work in the courtyard at Tassajara, spring 1967.