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Sangha News     ---  Tassajara Fire History page

August 2016 Soberanes Fire in Big Sure

Please send any updates or relevant links - contact DC. Thanks. dc

Photo from LA Times of fire at Palo Colorado Canyon in Big Sur

Frequent updates at:

Tassajara ZMC - Facebook page

Big Sur Kate Blog

Cal Fire dot gov - search for Soberanes in the searchbox up top for many links.

US Forest Service Soberanes Fire page

9-30-16 - Here's how a post from a few hours ago on the Tassajara Facebook page starts: SOBERANES FIRE UPDATE as of 9/29. Dear Sangha -- We have good news. The likelihood of the fire coming to Tassajara has now been designated as very low, and the fire is 92% contained. For that reason, Tassajara practice period students will be returning to the monastery this weekend to help with a short work period. The Winter Practice Period will start on October 15th led by Central Abbess Linda Ruth Cutts. 

9-10-16 - Tassajara ZMC - Facebook page update

and just discovered this:

Tassajara Jamesburg Cachagua Community News - Facebook page

9-07-16 - Tassajara Zen Facebook page updates on the 5th.

Big Sur Kate has an update from the 6th.


Monterey NPR radio station KAZU has a nice report from the 1st. - thanks Katrinka

8-31-16 - Soberanes Fire near Tassajara update On the Tassajara ZMC Facebook page - it's a creeping fire still five miles away but only 60% contained.

8-27-16 - Rest of Tassajara Guest Season cancelled due to Fire - A letter about this from SFZC president, Susan O'Connell

8-21-16 - An op-ed piece in Monterey Peninsula Herald by Colleen Busch, the author of Fire Monks - on Tassajara and the current Soberanes Fire. Fire Monks book Facebook page

Right now Big Sur Kate Blog has the most up to date reports.

Fire moving slowly, maybe reach Tassajara within a week. They're prepared. Guest season cancelled. - dc

8-09-16 - Still about ten miles away but now 50% contained. See Tassajara Facebook page.

Here's an article in Lion's Roar about the fire.

8-04-16 - Tassajara Facebook page - with up to date news on Soberanes fire and Tassajara. 

8-03-16 - The fire is now 25% contained according to Cal Fire Incident Page on Soberanes Fire - redirects now to a page I couldn't open - dc, 8-21-16

8-02-16 - SFZC Sobranes Fire Update page

Everything I see on the fire (see links at top of cuke page for this fire or below in prior posts) still says it's just 18% contained with 40,000 + acres burned. It's still way over in Big Sur but the evacuation orders still cover Tassajara Springs and the Jamesburg house. - dc

8-01-16 (2:02am CA time) - Cal Fire Incident Page on Soberanes Fire

Big Sur Kate Blog - lots on it here

Going to leave these two up top because they update

Seen both Sobrane and Sobranes and Soberanes - ah, the latter highlightedone is it I can see the reports all moving to that spelling.  dc

8-01-16 - Tibetan Buddhist teacher Anam Thubten's Sweetwater Sweetwater Sanctuary burns down in Soberanes fire. - thanks Michael Katz

8-01-16 - (another report from yesterday late) Soberanes Fire grows to 40,000 acres, now 18 percent contained (new spelling) - from KSBW

8-01-16 (1:50am CA time) - LA Times on Big Sur fire

8-01-16 (1:31am CA time) - Tassajara Area Fire Threat

Evacuation Orders and Warnings – Cachagua and Tassajara - at the BigSurKate site. More later when something more is known. - thanks Jane Hirshfield. 
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