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17 pages on Shunryu Suzuki all added up - more on Dainin Katagiri

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Books by David Chadwick

Gratefully Remembering Kobun to be available soon

DC chapter from this book

Les Kaye

Zen at Work
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A Sense of Something Greater
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Joyously Through the Days
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Books by David Schneider

The Teacup and the Skullcup
Trungpa & Suzuki

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Street Zen
Issan Tommy Dorsey

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Crowded by Beauty
Philip Whalen

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The Zen Environment with Shunryu Suzuki and Sotan Tatsugami and more

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Marian (Derby) Wisberg  


Nothing on My Mind
features Suzuki and Katagiri

Erik Storlie

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Born In Tibet
Epilogue from third edition featuring Suzuki

Chogyam Trungpa

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Dragon Thunder by Diana J. Mukpo
Shunryu Suzuki in this book

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Lotus Girl - My Life at the Crossroads of Buddhism and America (2024) by Helen Tworkov

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All Helen's books on Amazon

Zen in America by Helen Tworkov

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Umbrella Man: Recollections of Sojun Mel Weitsman by his dharma heirs

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Mel Weitsman

Remembering Myogen Steve StückyRemembering Myogen Steve Stücky
by Renshin Bunce (2023)
on Amazon

Sun Buddhas, Moon Buddhas
Excerpt about Shunryu Suzuki

Elsie Mitchell

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The Call of Spiritual Emergency by Emma Bragdon

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A Guided Tour of Hell
Sam Bercholz, founder of Shambhala Publications.

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Fire Monks by Colleen Morton Busch

Tassajara Area Fire History

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Sleeping Where I Fall
Excerpt about Human Be-in mentioning Suzuki

Peter Coyote

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Shoes Outside the Door
Michael Downing Books

Cuke page for this book

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Deep Fool by Barry S. Eisenberg
Focuses on his rape of a guest at Tassajara

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Stephan and Ina May Gaskin

Suzuki story from Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin

Spiritual Midwifery
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Amazing Dope Tales
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Falling Through the Ice by J. D. Hiestand
He grew up in a family involved with Los Altos Haiku Zendo.

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Two of Natalie's books featuring Dainin Katagiri: The Long Quiet Highway and The Great Failure

Natalie Goldberg books

The Great Spring
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Long Quiet Highway
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The Great Failure
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The Zen Follies

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All Fil Lewitt books

Fil Lewitt  

A Heart Blown Open: The Life and Practice of Junpo Denis Kelly Roshi by Keith Martin-Smith Excerpts with Suzuki

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DC on this book  

Nine-Headed Dragon River by Peter Matthiessen

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Silence and Noise by Ivan Richmond

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Two Shores of Zen by Jiryu Mark Rutschman-Byler
Read excerpts from the book at Jiryu's website

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Ambivalent Zen by Lawrence Shainberg
excerpt about Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

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Books by Gail Sher

Gail Sher

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