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Shunryu Suzuki Stories - Suzuki Stories Index


from letters written to Richard Baker, Zen Center, and the Wind Bell, collected by DC in the late nineties while doing research for Crooked Cucumber. In 1973 there was a request in Wind Bell XII for people's memories of Shunryu Suzuki. From these letters, edited stories were published in two issues of the Wind Bell, the first being the 25th anniversary issue. In some cases the source is brief interviews done by Yvonne Rand and maybe some others. She interviewed me as a follow-up to my submission. Many of these stories already appear on DC books, and elsewhere. Some of these letters came later. They're not all actual letters. A couple are off the Internet and I'm sure some were just scribbled on a piece of paper and handed to the person(s) putting this together.

Index of Letters

Mark Abrams

Frank Anderton

Art Atkinson

Peter Bailey

Edward Brown

Tim Buckley

David Chadwick

Ananda Dalenberg

Kent B. Davis

Mike Dixon

Stephanie Flagg

Charles A. Gilman

Della Goertz

Eva Goldschied

Edmond Gordillo

Pat Herreshoff

Irene Horowitz

Durand Kiefer

Richard King

Taiji Kiyokawa

Alan Klein

Alan Marlowe

Molly Jones MacGregor

Willard McCarty

Gerald W. McFarland

Rowena Pattee (Kryder)

Larry Prager

Yvonne Rand

Jerry Ray

Paul Reps

Lew Richmond

Sue Satermo

Ed Sattizahn

Elizabeth Sawyer

Jill Schireson

Jane Schneider

Peter Schneider

Bishop Ippo Shaku

Erik Storlie

Steve Stroud

Teah Strozer

Fran Tribe

Edward Van Tassel

Mel Weitsman

Gerald Wheeler

Stephen Wiltse

what's new this year

There's a lot of old material that's as good as new if you haven't read it. -DC

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