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Shunryu Suzuki Stories MEMORIES OF SUZUKI Roshi FROM WIND BELL AND DC FILES Letters on Suzuki Index - with more on these letters
Straight Back Still Mind One day I complained to Suzuki Roshi that my mind would not be still, but chattered at me constantly during zazen. "When your back gets straight your mind will become quiet," he answered. *** On another occasion, while serving as his anja, I came to his cabin at Tassajara and found him sitting in his underwear scrubbing out the toilet. "I should be doing that," I said, with some embarrassment. "Sit down and have some tea," he answered. I sat down in my robes and prepared two cups of green tea at his table. "Roshi, what is the difference between you and me?" I asked. "I have students and you don't," he answered without hesitation. *** One day while working on the editing of a transcription of his first lecture on the San Do Kai, I came on the phrase, "Things as it is," and asked Suzuki Roshi if perhaps he had not meant to say things as they are, which I thought to be proper syntax. "No," he said, "what I meant is things as it is." So much for syntax. Alan 12/1/75 |