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Arthur Okamura Memorial Page

Elizabeth Tuomi Memorial Page

8-26-16 - A beautiful Bali scene of women in ceremony painted by Arthur Okamura

hit thumbnail to enlarge

This painting is for sale by Arthur's daughter, Jane. Please email Jane or me DC if you're interested or have any suggestions.

7-18-09 - More photos of Arthur and Bobo from Bill Braasch. He sends:

Three more photos of Arthur and here are two more

Arthur making woodblock prints with his student Vera for Bill's 60th b'day

Arthur's Bozart's class. That means Bolinas Arts.

Link to a photo from another page - that's Arthur on the sax. Bobo is Bolinas.

Bill's Bobo photo page

and Another Bobo photo page by Bill

and more

8-16-14 - Joel Weishaus collaborated with Arthur on "Oxherding" and "The Healing Spirit of Haiku," which has just been reissued.  Books by Joel Weishaus

7-17-09 - Photos of the cremation ceremony for Arthur Okamura by Bill Braasch.

7-13-09 - Obituary for Arthur Okamura by Paul Liberatore in the Marin IJ (CA).






7-10-09 - Arthur Okamura, Marin artist and old friend, died suddenly today in Bolinas while walking his dog. Arthur started sitting with Suzuki Roshi and received lay ordination from Baker Roshi and is known to many old-timers. He will be missed.

Arthur is survived by his wife Kitty and children Beth, Jonathon, Jane, and Ethan. His first marriage was to Suzuki student Elizabeth Tuomi with whom he remained close throughout his life.

brief bio

Braunstein/Quay Gallery page on Arthur

Many good photos of Arthur, Kitty, and Bolinas if you scroll down a bit

Wikipedia on Arthur


Arthur's art at the Claudia Chapline Gallery in Stinson Beach, California

The Paper Propeller Book (of tricks) by Arthur

click on thumbnails to enlarge

A photo by Lloyd Kahn of a recent painting

in his studio

two paintings   

 book covers  


with Joanne Kyger

These below are not thumbnails

4-02-15 - Just sent this email to friends and family of Arthur Okamura. Adding to it now. - DC

I play tennis twice a week here in Sanur, Bali, with a man we call Bali Bill who came here from London in 1971. Somehow Bolinas CA came up in conversation and he said he'd been there and asked if I knew Arthur Okamura. I said that I'd known him since the late sixties, had lived for nine years with his prior wife of 20 and mother of his kids, that he'd died in 2009, and that I'd officiated at his cremation (because we couldn't get Mel or any other close ZC priest). Bill said that decades ago - late seventies - Arthur and his mate Suzanne Acevedo were here and they stayed up all night playing music and talking and drinking and so forth. He says the only problem arose when he put on a Neil Young album and Suzanne walked off and he learned Young was an ex of hers. Later Bill stayed with them in Bolinas. He has fond memories of their time together.


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