- an archival site on the life and world of Shunryu Suzuki and those who knew him.

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Go to the New Donate Page
(updated Dec. 1, 2016)

2012 Drive to Raise Funds
for the Crooked Cucumber Archives

Do-it page
Goals - Support Statements - Budget - Contributors - Posts


Donate to the Crooked Cucumber Archives, shunryusuzuki,com,, Shunryu Suzuki Archiving done by DC,  Zen Aluminati, the Cucumber Project, the Zen Alumbrella etc (different names for times with varying emphasis) and help keep this work by DC afloat

2012 PZI Appeal for Funds

Here's a flyer for the Oklahoma retreat to benefit the Crooked Cucumber Archives with all the necessary info. Thanks Frank! (Special thanks for mentioning my books though it should be noted that To Shine One Corner of the World is now called Zen Is Right Here.) - dc


The old donate button was here. Go to the New Donate Page to donate with the new donate button which is now through the Pacific Zen Institute and which has non profit, tax-deductible status and charges less for transactions.

Donations will mean - more interviews with and memories from folks from the Suzuki days, more work to preserve and make available Shunryu Suzuki lectures and the oral and written history surrounding him, more ailing and aging Zennies visited, and more.

new donation methods to come soon - 3-3-12

Tax deductible donations can now be made out to Pacific Zen Institute with "for Crooked Cucumber Archives" or "for Cuke" noted on the check

and sent to

Crooked Cucumber Archives
PO Box  151471
(new box #)
San Rafael, CA 94915

Crooked Cucumber Archives fund is administered by PZI abbot John Tarrant and Michael Katz

The former is now the preferred fiscal sponsor but my former one of many years will also still receive tax deductible donations:

The Institute for Historical Study
PO Box 5743
Berkeley CA 94705

Specify that it's for David Chadwick's

Institute for Historical Study letter attesting to this fiscal sponsorship plus their IRS 501c3 letter.

I'll send an official acknowledgement of receipt of your gift with sincere words of gratitude ASAP so let me know if you don't hear from me. The IHS keeps 5%. If you need more info on the IHS like their 501c3 number or financial statement, just let me know.

If you don't need the tax deduction and you don't care if your donation goes into the Crooked Cucumber Archives fund, by all means send your kind and generous contribution to

David Chadwick
PO Box 151471
San Rafael, CA 94915-1471

Feel free to email me - Contact DC.

For info on past fundraising efforts which really applies pretty closely to what I'm doing now, go to Cucumber Project. There are letters of support, prior fundraising letters and more.

Zen Alumbrella proposal of 10-05 Overview and letters of support

Prior Fundraising proposals for the Cucumber Project

 It's amazing how seldom a donation comes. Almost nothing. Yet we survive and don't get bitter because we do this for ourselves by which I mean me, myself, and I. However I am thinking of using a more forceful approach, like maybe one modeled after this notorious magazine ad. - dc

You are in the power of the divine munificent energy which bids you to fetch an envelope, place in it your generous donations of $1 or more and send to the address above

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