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Fiscal Sponsors: The Pacific Zen Institute and the Institute for Historical Study (if you need non-religious sponsor)

This page includes only names from donors since 2012
To those who lent support before then and are not included, my apologies and gratitude. - DC

Contributions of work, time, skills down below.

Contributors 2022-23

Michael Katz
Wendy Pirsig
Jim Mussman
Bob Shuman
Mark Pringle
Jeanne DiPrima
David Hahn
Pam Vore
Barbara Machtinger
Doris Wolter
Brett Masuoka
Edward Brown - Peaceful Sea Sangha
Natalie J Rimber
Peter van der Sterre
Adine Mansholt
Ken & Elizabeth Sawyer
Elizabeth Andrews
Michael McVey
Josho Pat Phelan Cabarga
Carla Antonaccio
Eveline ULmer
Kodo Justin Conlin
David Zimmerman
Allison Tait
Sara Hunsaker
Jozen Gibson
Eli Brown-Stevenson
Edward Sattizahn
Paul Discoe
Sergio Stern on behalf of Montaña Despierta
DBA Bagheera Yoga
Christopher Odle
David Sunseri
Ulrike Greenway
Ron Nestor
Horst Bansner
Taiyo Lipscomb
David Schneider
Linda Lupo Wong
Tim Burkett
Dennis McNally
Gilbert Robinson
David Padwa
Clear View Project
Kamala Buckner
Merrill Collett
Patrick Curry
Robert Glaholm
Robert Britton
Bradley Miller
Bruce Fortin
Mark Blacknell
Gail Kurtz
Kathleen Schlier
Eric Clark
Emitt Johns
Peaceful Sea Sangha
Anne Goodale
Paul Rosenblum
Joan Amaral
George Merickel
Clare Hollander

Financial Support
Donors to the Cuke Archives
Please inform DC of any omissions

updated December 2021

* asterisk = monthly subscriber

Adine Mansholt
Alan Basset
Alan Block
Alan Hawkins
Alan Senauke
Alan Winter *
Alok Hsu Kwang-han
Andrew Atkeison
Andrew Lenards
Andrew Main
Anne Goodale
Anna Hawken
Anne and David Hinckle
April Bodman
Arnold Kotler
Audrey Hall-Mendoza
Barbara Machtinger
Barbara Wenger
Barrie Mottishaw
Beverly Armstrong
Beverly Harp
Beverly Morris Armstrong
Bill Shurtleff
Blue Cliff Records
Bradley Miller
Brenda Doyle
Brian Bowen
Brian Fikes
Brooklyn Zen Center (Greg Snyder)
Bruce Fortin
Buddhistisches Studienzentrum - Dharma Sangha Germany
Carla Antonacci
Carol Paul *
Carol Williams *
Carolyn Morton
Charles Hintz
Charles Masoomian
Chase Sinai
China Galland
Chris Cguzik
Christian Dillo
Christopher Beeker
Chronicles of CTR
Chuck Gould
Clare Hollander
Clifford Isberg
CMZC – Dharma Sangha US
Colleen Busch
Colleen Gildea
Constance Ralls
Cynthia Seyb
Daniel Hanke
Daniel Kaplan
Danny Parker
Dave JW Day
David Dalenberg
David Hahn
David Haye
David McGrath
David Padwa
David Peterson
David Schneider
Debi Papazian
Dennis Marshall *
Dennis McNally
Dennis Myo Lahey
Diane Dodge
Don Brewer
Donden Chojin Association  - ShuYu Lin
Doug McKechnie
Duncan Rathband *
Dwite Brown
Ed Sattizahn
Edward Brown
Edward (Ted) Howell *
Ellery Samson
Emmett Johns
Enrique Valdivia
Eric Arnow
Eric Clark
Eric Travis
Eric Zsebenyi
Erik Storlie
Eveline Ulmer Zipser *
Flint Sparks
Flora Taylor
Frank Anderton
Frank N Simons
Frazer Bradshaw
Frederic C Hoffman
Gal Cohen
Gail Kurtz
Gennadi Bedjanian
George Merickel
Gerald Linde
Gil Pomeroy
Gilbert Robinson
Gisela Reith Van Geest
Gladys Thacher
Gregory Johnson
Gregory E. Shepherd
Greg Snyder
Haimson Katherine
Heather McFarlin
Hideko Oga
Hope Martin
Horst Bansner
Ilene Oba
Jack Elias*
Jake Fishman
Jacquelyn Z de Bray
James G. Morgan
James Howell
Jan & Linda Derksen *
Jane Hirshfield
Jeanne DiPrima *
Jed Linde
Jeffrey Broadbent (*)
Jeffrey Glenn *
Jenifer Hermes
Jo Wunderly
Jesse Scarbrough
Jessica Harrison
Jessica Tribe
Jim Dreaver
Jim Hare
Jim Richardson
Joan Amaral
Joan Mueller
Joanna Bull
Joanne Lafler
Joe Galewsky
Joe Earl Snow
Joel Barna
John Andrew Grimes
John Bailes
John Busch
John Dutchman
John Grimes
John K. Nelson
John Palmer
John Rauck
John Waggoner
Jonathan Altman
Jonathan Joseph
Jose de los Heros
Joseph Galewsky
Judith Gilbert
Judith Kinst
Julianna Lipshutz
Karin and Joe Engum
Katherine Avilla Peterson
Kamala Cesar Buckner
Kannondo (Les Kaye)
Avilla Peterson
Katherine Haimson
Kathleen Schlier
Katy Butler
Kaveh Moezzi
KC Garrison-Samson
Keith Cowan *
Kelly Chadwick *
Ken Knabb
Kenji Muro
Kevin Souza
Kevin Walsh
Krishna Tateneni
Lane Olson
Lara Summerville
Larry Zoglin
Laura Meltsner
Laura Shelly
Laurie Belzer
Layla Smith Bockhorst
Leidy Sue Samson
Leilani Roberts
Les Kaye
Linda Cutts Weintraub *
Linda Hammond *
Linda L. Taggart
Linda Wong
Lori and John Pickett
Louis Shuey
Lucie Garrett
Lucy and Clay Calhoun *
Lynn Hennelly *
Madeleine Landis
Marc Hirte
Marcia Lieberman
Margaret Denial
Mark Bittner
Mark Blacknell
Mark Foote
Mark Pringle
Marta Dabis *
Mary Price
Mathew Titus-O’Brien
Matthew Jeschke
Meg Gawler
Megan Samson
Melissa Prado Little
Melissa Savage
Merrill Collett
Michael Burdic
Michael Fliss
Michael Gelfond
Michael Katz
Michael Moran
Michael Paris
Michael Sierchio
Mikael & Maj-Lis Bourner
Mo Samson
Molly Jones
Myles Cowherd *
Myo Dennis Lahey
Nancy Glenn
Nick Charles & Louise Pryor
Nina Hagen *
Nitsa Marcandonatou
Pam Vore *
Patrick Curry
Paul Brayne
Paul Forsberg
Paul Gardiner
Paul Rosenblum *
Peaceful Sea Sangha *
Penny Nakatsu
Peter Coyote
Peter Levitt
Peter van der Sterre
Phillip Pang
Rajang Gupta
Ramana Waymire
Ray Watkins
Raymond Sumser
Reirin Gumbel
Richard DeWald *
Rhiana Wiggins
Richard Graf
Richard Jaffe
Richard Jefferies
Richard Levine
Rick Wicks
Rita Barker
Robert Britton
Robert Glaholm
Robert Henderson
Robert Walker
Roger Wallace
Roland Walter
Ron Buckstein
Ron Nestor
Samuel Bercholz
Sara Hunsaker
Scott Norwood
Seth Segall
Shambhala Sun Foundation
Sharon Mullin
Shundo David Haye
ShuYu Lin
Silas Hoadley
Sophia Dillo
Stephanie Kaza
Stephan Hale *
Stephen Henkel
Stephen Kifer
Stephen Mitchell
Stephen Snyder
Steve Ferguson
Steven Weintraub *
Sumi Loundon
Steven Tipton
Stuart Kutchens
Sue Stack
Susan Motheral
Susan O'Leary *
Susanna Rance
Susannah Duerr
Taiyo Lipscomb
Ted Howell
Teresa Rivera
Thibaud Cluis
Thomas White
Tim Burkett
Timothy Atkins
Todd Sullivan
Tracy Cramer
True Nature Zendo (Jenny Wunderly)
Ulrike Greenway
Vladimir Keremidschieff (
Wallace Roger
Wendy Pirsig *
Willard Dixon
Willem Malten
William P. Wreden
Yehudah Alan Winter *
Yozo Novak
Zachary Brown
Zen Center North Shore (Joan Amaral)


Thanks to these folks for their recent contributions in the last couple of years to cuke, to the Crooked Cucumber Archives. Should go back in time and credit others which will be a long list with inevitable omissions—please remind me. - dc

Special contributions of work, time, and skills in random order, some present, some way past. Someday organize better.

From the Who We Are page - more on them there

* Michael Katz - key advisor and agent, significant donations through the years, early Suzuki tape archivist
* John Tarrant - major support for nine years, arranged PZI fiscal sponsorship
* Peter Ford is redoing majorly the presentation of and maintains the site. too.
* Wendy Persig working on Suzuki lectures, editing DC, generous donor
* Bill Redican - checking audio, copyediting
* Fred Harriman - Japanese language, history, culture, interviews and other translation
* Susannah Duerr - Japanese language Soto Zen scholar
* Gus Awan - help in Bali with images, podcasts
* Katrinka McKay - all sorts of help
* The Institute for Historical Study - fiscal sponsorship since around 2001
* The Pacific Zen Institute - principle fiscal sponsor since 2011

In the past

* Judith Gilbert - paid for half of AW's Genjoji sesshin and worked with AW on Suzuki audio tapes, especially those that haven't been transcribed. Judith has transcribed some Suzuki lectures we can now hear better as a result of this work. She also has researched and walked me through what to do to get audio software at a nominal price for non-profits.
* AW - worked with Suzuki audio tapes to improve quality
* David Cohen - tech support going back past memory
* Edgar Arnold - transcribed Suzuki lectures, proofing German
Crooked Cucumber
* Michael Joshin Podgorschek -
scanned German Crooked Cucumber for republication
* Ray Watkins -
proofed Suzuki lecture Edgar transcribed and did major Suzuki lecture transcript reorganization, did a Crooked Cucumber index. Reformatted all Suzuki lectures making heading and body style uniform.
Christopher Modec-Halverson hosts (got the site and pays for it) for cuke and photos file work
* Jenny Wunderly prepared the lengthy series of Suzuki's use of the word "precept."
* Dan Kaplan - photo archive search for CC photos for new German edition and transcribing interview with Brit Pyland
* Layla Smith deferred some payment in working on email list database and transcribing of interviews..
* Palden McLennan for suggesting the recurring payment option.
* Liz Tuomi - lots of transcribing at cut rate
* Howie Klein - loans to get by, handyman work in office, moving assistance (partial deferred)
* Clayton Chadwick - loans to get by, moving assistance
* Jeff Miller, Bill Hackenberg, CM Sword of Monju, J Bearden, Robert Barrer, Dan Sonik - worked on new transcriptions of Suzuki lectures  - 9-2012. Thorsten Bauer, Chris Damian  joining that 11-2012
* Chris Damian, Jeff Tollefsrud worke on light edits - 9-2012. Clare transcribing Suzuki film, scanning
Wind Bell material.
* Thorsten Bauer - problem audio transcribing
* Kaveh Moezzi - mailing - lots of it
* Dylan Lepus - audio work
* Dennis Samson - fundraising
* Andrew Main - errata, editing, major help with
A Brief History of Tassajara
* Lawrence Burns - Set up Cuke Press LLC, became treasurer
* John Rauck - PZI treasurer for patient assistance 2012

Check History of Suzuki Archiving for more names.

* Doesn't include all the people who email suggestions, material, and corrections for Like late April 2012 Mark Bittner finding Steve Gaskin pieces on Suzuki in his books and sending them in.

A million thanks, nine bows—to those who've donated time and money to keep this work going. - dc

Cuke Archive History - mainly the Suzuki lecture archiving

our websites: & &

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