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Reader's Comments about Crooked Cucumber and whatever. December 1999 Prior Readers' Comments: Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Return to Recent Readers' Comments 12/31/99--Happy New Millennium! Been in bed since Xmas with the flu. Doc says I got pneumonia. But will be back soon. Till then be well.--DC 12/23/99--Thanks to Gordon Geist for the corrections of three errors in Suzuki Roshi's Lectures. Gordon says "Thanks again for cuke.com. It is fantastic to see the collecting of stories and tidbits from this amazing man. It has become my favorite site." From Michael at Mercy Center in Burlingame: Hope all is well with you. I've been staying up to date by reading "cuke.com." I wanted to recommend a hilarious spoof book that was just released entitled "The Zen of Farting" by Master Reepah Gud Wan available through Barnes&Noble and Amazon on-line. Knowing your sense of humor I thought you might like to check it out! Best wishes. From Bernd Bender: It's been a while since I have been in touch with you last; hope everything is going well. I would like to inform you that the German translation of "Crooked Cucumber" is finished -- I received very positive feedback from the publishing house who will bring it out already in March. I always tried to be true to your original; I was very cautious with the cuts I made; mainly I cut short passages which I felt repeated certain points and also some passages which I felt might not be so totally relevant for the German public. Nothing major. In any case I would like to thank you for informing me right away when the book was sold to Scherz Verlag last winter; it was very rewarding work for me and I am very grateful to you. I will fly to San Francisco on Christmas day, spend a few days in the City, New Year in Green Gulch and then go down to Tassajara for the winter practice period. I bought woolen longjohns today -- I don't take the cold down there very well. Best wishes for the new year! [I just received a copy of CC from the publisher with Bernd's changes marked for my approval. I just called them and said I approve. We've been in touch the whole time and I trust his judgement and I don't want to know. Why think about it? Thanks Bernd.--DC]
12/8/99--whoohoo! congratulations! just got notice of amazon's top ten eastern religion books of 1999 and "crooked cucumber" is on it [#3]. now the money will come pouring in and you can spend your days goofing off- wait a minute, that is what your have always done. peace, david mcgrath [That's very nice of you to send me this and of the Amazon Eastern religion editors to choose Crooked Cucumber. As for having sales necessary to allow goofing off--we've got a loooooooong way to go. Here's the Amazon list of best books on Eastern religion 1999 made up by Brian Bruya. And while we're at it here's his Amazon.com review of CC from way back in February. And incidentally, amazon.com sales of CC have not increased in the few days since this list came out.--DC] From Dan Kaplan: I just returned from a three day sitting with California Diamond Sangha. A few things occurred I thought you might find of interest. Mayumi Oda gave a 40 minute talk one day and spoke of her gratitude to Suzuki roshi even though she never met him-through her contact with Baker roshi and Katagiri roshi. She mentioned that it was the 29th anniversary of Suzuki roshi's death (must have been yesterday, the 4th). Part of this weekend was also a jukai ceremony where David Weinstein also made mention of Suzuki roshi and how so many people came to Buddhism because of him and the debt all Buddhists owe him. I was very moved by this, having been at Zen Center for 10 years. In the October sesshin, Joan Sutherland was talking on the Sandokai and spoke of her great gratitude to Suzuki roshi for his lectures on the Sandokai which she had read in whatever form one could get it before the book came out. She said it deepened her understanding. Anyway, thought I'd pass this on to you. By the way, Branching Streams is a wonderful book. I have recommended it to many people already. From David Ore Montreal Canada: I have just finished a very special and particular adventure in grace by the name of Crooked Cucumber, and wish to offer you my heartfelt thanks and nine deep bows. Whatever else you may accomplish in this life, know that with this work you have done the world and the dharma a great service by creating this record of Suzuki roshi, his work, life, words and grace. I have only found my way to my current practice after many years of deep involvement with AIDS care and activism here. In the process, much gets broken, out grown or falls away. And your book has just now played a deep and special role in all this. And now I have the wonderful web site too. Heart felt thanks And there's a new marketing comment.--DC 12/7/99--Thanks to Gordon Geist and BH for corrections of errors here and there in the site.--DC 12/1/99--from Scott For the Crooked Cuke Contest... |
Readers' Comments: Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
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