Other Articles
(not on Buddhism)
5-12-14 - HOW THOREAU'S WALDEN POND MIXED WITH THE GANGES AND YOGA CAME TO AMERICA WITH SWAMI VIVEKANANDA. - Reflections on Water by Peter Malakoff - available as an eBook. YouTube video on the book.
Peter Malakoff's blog with a bit on walking into Tassajara posted the other day.
8-18-14 - In response to earlier DC post, Andrew Main on Canon's Corporate Name Etymology
4-25-14 -
Believe me, there is no goal, nor a way to reach it. You are the way and the goal, there is nothing else to reach except yourself. All you need is to understand, and understanding is the flowering of the mind. The tree is perennial, but the flowering and the fruit-bearing come in season. The seasons change, but not the tree. You are the tree. You have grown numberless branches and leaves in the past, and you may grow them also in the future - yet you remain. Not what was, or shall be, must you know, but what is. Yours is the desire that creates the universe. Know the world as your own creation and be free. – Nisargadatta - thanks Andrew Main
3-24-14 - Joel Weishaus, Artist-in-Residence at the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, shares his Beginner's Mind Project with us:
The Introduction has been revised (and to begin again)
"Winter 2013-14," concludes the one-year "Beginner's Mind" project
2-19-14 - Rilke and Nanni by Jenny Wunderly
1-05-14 - A Witness to History by Gregory Johnson
11-01-13- Here's the fascinating talk Malcolm Margolin gave at the New School at Commonweal a few weeks ago. From post on 10-08 - Malcolm Margolin of Heyday Books (30 years specializing in California history and culture) will join with host Michael Lerner of Commonweal and Steve Hellig of the Bolinas Hearsay News. - thanks Ken Adams and HK
1-23-13 - The Spiritual Message of Evolution - Steve McIntosh - thanks Lor
10-18-12 - Sweden as a Monastery by Rick Wicks
10-14-12 - The Diggers Archive with a photo gallery featuring the photography of Chuck Gould.
10-01-12 - Translator interview on Translating the words of Buddha site. - thanks Howie
8-07-12 - Quotes sent by JW
In Book XI, of Milton’s Paradise Lost Adam is about to be cast out of Paradise, and discusses life and death with the angel Michael, since Adam knows nothing about mortality. Around lines 525-555, Adam asks Michael if there is a way to avoid suffering:
There is, said Michael, if thou well observe
The rule of not too much…
Nor love thy Life nor hate; but what thou liv’st
Live well, how long or short permit to Heav’n.
The Roman poet Martial in his tenth Epigram wrote about the things that bring a happy life:
"The need to be yourself
Neither dreading nor desiring thy last hour"
"Do not ask what tomorrow will bring; However many days fate allows count them all as profit." - Horace in his "Soracte" Ode (I, ix)
"Why, indeed, is it necessary to summon trouble, – which must be endured soon enough when it has once arrived, or to anticipate trouble and ruin the present through fear of the future? It is indeed foolish to be unhappy now because you may be unhappy at some future time." - Seneca:
"One should count each day a separate life." - Seneca:
8-05-12 - Religion and Science: A Beautiful Friendship? - Bob Fuller (whom I remember from the Baker days at the SFZC) - thanks John Steiner
8-03-12 - Erik Davis wrote a two part article on RICK GRIFFIN, SUPERSTAR - "an appreciation of the esoteric and religious themes in the work of California's great psychedelic poster/underground comix/surfer illustration artist, who turned to Christ in 1970, during the first flush of the Jesus Freaks." - in HiloBrow.
7-26-12 - Wendell E. Berry Lecture “It All Turns On Affection”
Article on Berry and this talk from Inside Higher Ed with links to talk and longer essay at the end. - thanks Gregory
7-2-12 - Loring Palmer on The Conquest of Peru - his recent inspiring trip and trips there
3-05-12 - A Gangaji rap on who we are with mountains and music accompanying.
12-09-13 - Rev. Steve Frost of the Nepsis site writes about the Son of God and sauntering.
8-23-12 - TDL inscription to Steve Frost
4-06-12 - Good Friday to you - death of the ego day. Here's Father Steve Frost's offering for the day: the Berkeley Core: FORAYS INTO THE PSYCHE OF BEING
1-23-12 - Father Steve Frost's - Clear Light Missiles blog.
Steve separated his FALL SERIES blog posts into their own blog with the great name of the Clear Light Missiles Blog since, he says, they are hopefully the final statement summing up his whole 40 year NEPSIS project that Lew Lancaster put on line at UCB. Its a new layout for his theological/philosophical statement with paintings.
University of California, Berkeley site: Nepsis
Art and Poetry Nepsis site under development
9-27-11 - Father Steve Frost with The Light and the Lonely - a painting and a poem
3-31-13 - REV. STEPHEN W. FROST Ph.D. Easter Message 2013
10-29-12 - Father Steve Frost with a poem, De Deum, and a diagnosis - Paean's Song.
The last two opening quotes from Phillip Alder's bridge column:
To be matter of fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy.- and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful. - Robert Heinlein
The Law of Thumb says, "Somebody who thinks logically is a nice contrast to the real world."
3-21-11 - Three Mid East Tales by Tom Harriman - Tom sent me these short accounts not long ago and he gave me permission to share them here. He's a lawyer, travel consultant, and cousin of Fred Harriman who helped me so much with translation and advice on things Japanese in doing Crooked Cucumber and since. - dc
12-09-10 - South Mountain China Zen Tours - 2010 Report by fearless tour leader Andy Ferguson
10-24-09 - Mooji - the latest greatest Advaita Vedanta guru. I'm a sucker for this stuff. - dc
6-04-09 - Here is a collection of Youtube links featuring Adyashanti [thanks to Joe Veit]
2-05-09 - Gloria (Levine) Simoneaux writes about Harambee Arts12-04-08 - A Seasonal Letter --- from Brother David Steindl-Rast
12-08-07 - Brother David's - Season's Greetings
Full Moon Poetry by Katrinka McKay
Tony Patchell pre Zen stories
Pseudo Dionysius Mystical Theology - from Pseudo Dionysius: The Complete Works (Classics of Western Spirituality). This is the 1988 translation which I prefer over the one found on the Internet though I have no criticism of, nor am qualified to criticize, the latter which I have posted a link to a few times over the years. Jim Wilson of Many Rivers Books and Tea in Sebastopol CA turned me on to Pseudo Dionysius, calling his Mystical Theology the Heart Sutra of Christianity. The pseudo in his name means that the Dionysius was a pseudonym, a common practice for monks. - DC
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