Jo (Jenny) Wunderly

10-24-16 - The Call Of The Distant Flute - A woman’s healing journey - on her True Nature Refuge blog

8-17-16 - How does the Universe Work? - a true story from Jo

3-15-16 - Jo's You Tube channel

1-10-15 - Great photo of Jenny with family here.

2-19-14 - Rilke and Nanni by Jenny Wunderly

The word Precept as found in Shunryu Suzuki Lectures - Part I  --- Part II

12-26-12 - Comments on the Precept Project by Jenny Wunderly

12-18-12 -Comments on Green Gulch Sesshin

10-18-11 - Jenny Wunderly's wonderlious Art keeps coming. Check out her website.

Jenny Wunderly Art on Facebook.

10-25-10 - This beautiful painting by Jenny Wunderly recently adorned a wall at a John Tarrant sesshin.

Jenny is thanked in the Acknowledgements of Zen Is Right Here for design and production.