Tassajara Stories

Stories Index | San Francisco Stories

There's now a Tassajara Stories page on Facebook for you to send yours

Tassajara Hub --- Tassajara History - Tassajara Stories podcasts

There are of course Tassajara stories throughout this website - especially in people's interviews. Will link to some of that from here when it's noticed. - dc

SFZC Tassajara Tales  - In this on-demand course, you’ll hear tales of Tassajara, told in the wild tongue of fire, flood, and the mountain landscape; in the secret dialog of the plants and animals who inhabit and shape it; and in the art and narrative of the people who have cared for and been shaped by this place for tens of thousands of years. This class is available through SFZC’s new Online Learning Center and is designed to be taken at your own pace.

Tassajara Stories podcasts - started working on this in fall of 2015. Has a lot of stuff wouldn't be in a book. - dc

Lost and Found in the Ventana Wilderness - a story about an incident at Tassajara in 1975 by Andrew Atkeison (PDF).

A history of fire at and around Tassajara

How Cabarga Creek got its name

Willem Malten - two stories (posted March 2019) 

20-03-03 - The Garbageman and the Goddess - by David Schneider

22-01-03 On the Way to Tassajara by Summer Brenner - suggested by David Schneider

Pieces from 2016 (below)

5-02-16 - Fred Nason rip

4-07-16 - BOOK REVIEW/LETTER TO REED MAGAZINE from Rick Levine on Crowded by Beauty: the Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen by David Schneider - it's got some good stuff in it relevant to this page. - dc

4-16-15 - Tassajara Bobcat

4-18-15 - Bobcat Update

Cannabis Cookie Freak-out at Tassajara - by Loring Palmer

by Leland Smithson

          Zen Moires

          Spinoffs & Spin Backs

4-28-14 - Gomashio, sesame salt, at Tassajara

8-06-14 - Alan Marlow's Great Moment - Tassajara

11-05-14 - Bulgarian Salt Loaf

11-08-14 - Learning to Unplug

11-09-14 - Nice view

11-24-14 - Strawberries and Soap

11-25-14 - Jays and Pigeons at Tassajara

11-27-14 - Craig's Oryoki Meal

11-28-14 - Niels and DC - Stealing Food

12-06-14 - Rape at Tassajara - a reminder from the cuke archives

12-05-14 - Suzuki coming going

2-28-15 - Herding Flies

Fil Lewitt's story

Tenken Stories

21-02-20 - Mark Pringle sent two stories

Pieces - from 2016


Walter - Audrey and Bob

Dealing with Rowdy Guys

Force - rape at Tassajara