Thank You and OK!

An American Zen Failure in Japan

the unabridged Audiobook for Thank You and OK!
read by the author - Audible/Amazon link

Audiobook for Crooked Cucumber

This is the developing home section for the audiobook (2022).

Introduction to the audiobook

book cover

For the print book

Sample Chapter - the text from the paperback edition

The whole book going here chapter by chapter starting 12-05-15

End Matter

Pieces cut from the book to meet page number requirements

More links to related material  


Introduction to the Audiobook for Thank You and OK! - audio from Audible

Welcome to the Audiobook for Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan, presented by Shambhala Publications which holds the 2022 copyright.

Hi. I'm David Chadwick. I wrote Thank You and OK! Which was originally published in 1994. I will also be narrating it. It's a production of Rumah Putih Studio located upstairs in our home here in the town of Sanur on the edge of Denpasar in Bali.

Unlike the audiobook for Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki, published by Shambhala last year, there are almost no deviations from the text in the book.

Go to to see what these few deviations are. Also there you will find the book's acknowledgments and glossary, notes on the story and stories, the actual names of people and places, updates, corrections, photos, chapters that didn't make it into the book, the story behind the bell you just heard a minute ago - and more. That's at

I'd like to thank my co-conspirator Michael Katz for encouraging me over thirty years ago to write the book, getting a book deal with Penguin, and more recently suggesting I make the audiobook. Thanks to long time associate Peter Ford for making sure it's all in order before it's sent off to Shambhala. Thanks to my dear wife, Katrinka McKay for all sorts of support. Thanks to Sara Namgyel and other excellent staff at Shambhala Publishing for doing what needs to be done and to Shambhala president Nikko Odiseos for his immediate interest in publishing this audiobook. And thanks to Shambhala founder Sam Bercholz for putting the book back out in 2007.

That's enough. The rest you can find out at including links at the bottom of that page to the vast world of Cuke Archive: preserving the legacy of Shunryu Suzuki and those whose paths cross his and anything else that comes to mind. And links to other stuff I'm involved with. But herein it's all Thank You and OK! Come along. I will be your guide.


May all beings be happy.
May all beings be healthy.
May all beings be free from harm.
May all beings love life.
May all beings awaken.

David Chadwick

Sanur, August 15, 2022

Notes for the audiobook

Changes in the audiobook

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