Suzuki at Be In
photo by Lisa Law

Brief Memories  of Shunryu Suzuki,
Zen Center back then, etc.

Also see:

(Click 🔊 icon below for podcast when available.)

Sheridan Adams (Ericson) - You know nothing! 🔊

Tozen Akiyama - almost met 🔊

Anonymous - sent by Jane Hirshfield 🔊

Beverly Armstrong (Horowitz) - Shhhhh 🔊

Eric Arnow - Don't move! 🔊

Tony Artino - Suzuki lecture brief notes 🔊 🔊 🔊

Barbara Bash - only as a presence 🔊

Carl Bielefeldt - on Soto Zen and Shingon Buddhism 🔊

Carl Bielefeldt - on The Mountains and Rivers Sutra 🔊

Edward Brown - on his shaking and Suzuki 🔊

Edward Brown - more instruction? 🔊

Tim Buckley - in Suzuki's garden 🔊

Joanne Bull - the nature of mind 🔊

Wolf Büntig - friendly attention 🔊

David Chadwick - various 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊 🔊

Dan Chesluk -  you'll always be part of the sangha 🔊

Kobun Chino - a few comments 🔊

David Cohn - Shunryu with Alan Watts 🔊

Eijun Linda Cutts - bow 🔊

Mike Daft - Flowers 🔊

Donnie Deangelo - the birthday photo, a curious tale 🔊

Jeanne di Prima - Broad Mind

Daniel Eggink - Kindness 🔊

Jack Elias - with Maggie Kress 🔊

Mary Farkas - in Zen Notes - an excellent piece on Suzuki and the early Zen Center with comments from an Institute member who practiced at Sokoji before and during Suzuki's early days there. See DC comments on Mark Farkas cuke page.

Bruce Fortin - No 🔊

Charlie Guilford- Try It 🔊

Jerry Halpern - Knife 🔊

Silas Hoadley - Suzuki's wedding ceremony message 🔊

Ned Hoke - Visiting the grave site 🔊

Tony Johansen - a driving story 🔊

Les Kaye - Of Kannon Do 🔊

Mary Kaye - On Suzuki the thief 🔊

Laura Shinko Kwong - Suzuki and Trungpa 🔊

Stuart Lachs - Don't forget 🔊

Fil Lewitt - writes from Japan 🔊

Peter Malakoff - hiking through Tassajara

Jeri Marlowe - sister-in-law of Alan 🔊

Chris Miller - on Suzuki and Trungpa in 1971 at Tassajara 🔊

Diana J. Mukpo - (Chogyam Trungpa's widow) 🔊

James Murphy -  a teenager arrives 🔊

Loring Palmer - excerpts from his cuke interview 🔊 🔊

Loring Palmer - on Suzuki and LSD

Loring Palmer - remembers a doctor who treated Suzuki 

Pat Phelan - the early wakeup bell incident 🔊

Nicolas Pierotti - running for president 🔊

Brit Pyland - don't worry so much 🔊

Audrey (Walter) Robinson - Eliot's Blowout Encounter 🔊

Nanao Sakaki - Hi! 🔊

Dennis Samson - "I think so hard I don't know where I am." 🔊

Sue Satermo - Laughing and crying in Emptiness and What is War? 🔊 🔊

David Schneider & Philip Whalen - “everybody just sits around” 🔊

Ken Schnell - How do I express my gratitude? 🔊

Taisan (Larry) Sheridan - swallowed whole 🔊

Elson B, Snow - Jodo Shin editor 🔊

Gary Snyder - too serious 🔊

Gary Snyder - from Matt J interview 🔊

David Steindl-Rast - various in DC Talking with 🔊

John Steiner - a link to his cuke interview 🔊

Fred Stoeber in Hawaii - thought he should ask a question 🔊

David Sunseri - hippie memories 🔊

Katherine Thanas - Follow the yes. 🔊

Al Tribe - two memories and a poem 🔊

Elizabeth Tuomi - his eyes 🔊

Jack Van Allen - on making a bell  🔊

Bob Walter, Ken Berman - on a pacifist question  🔊

Sydney Walter averts disaster 🔊

Judyth Weaver - from Japan and Rinzai to SFZC 🔊

Joel Weishaus - misty 🔊

Dana Gaskin Wenig & Stephen Gaskin - met as a kid 🔊 🔊

Dennis White - On not trying to be perfect 🔊

Jack Williamson - his posture 🔊

Patrick Woodworth shares a few memories 🔊

Judith Yamamoto on a chance meeting with Suzuki 🔊

from Barbara Young 🔊

Unknown - When's meditation? 🔊


Yours? Please contact DC.