Andrew Atkeison
2-23-20 - Photo of Andrew in Kyoto with his new bicycle Lost and Found in the Ventana Wilderness - a story about an incident at Tassajara in 1975 (PDF). 2-23-20 - Andrew looks over the Cuke 2020 Presentation and writes his own testimonial for Cuke Archives. 9-03-16 - Byodoin (PDF)- Back in January, Andrew sent photos and a report on this temple In Japan. 6-06-16 - Andrew's back in Japan at Fukuoji where Mike Jamvold lived. Here's a page for Fukuoji on his Iron Fulte Song site. 2-11-16 - Andrew's report on attending Shunko Mike Jamvold's funeral in Kyoto. Color Dreams for To Find the Girl from Perth - Illustrations by Andrew, text by DC From the back of that book are the photo to the left and text below. Andrew Atkeison was born in Alabama in 1949. He holds a degree in art and has a fascinating sculpture garden. He has two grown daughters and lives in Northern California with his wife, Rosie. 10-22-15 - Andrew Atkeison on his trip to Japan - Rinsoin, Kyoto, Eiheiji Links related to Andrew on cuke. He's an old friend from the early seventies SFZC and we've stayed close. - dc Occupy Day Santa Rosa, CA, 2011 On Mindfulness - a past note to cuke Tassajara Early Practice Period Alumni Andrew is an artist and sculptor. Here's a piece of his below. He's also a blacksmith and can make just about anything. - DC Here's a link to a book he did on blacksmithing. 5-29-14 - Kelly Chadwick's photo of Andrew Atkeison's iron face sculpture that we had in John Tarrant's field marking boxer Lola's grave. When Kelly trimmed some trees there last fall, I asked him to take it home to Spokane with him. Thanks Andrew.
Zoshi is a wood sculptor. - dc |