- an archival site on the life and world of Shunryu Suzuki and those who knew
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10-24-10 - Darlene Cohen's brother David needs a place to live in the North Bay - Marin or Sonoma Counties. Near Guerneville where Darlene lives would be good but he needs something, at least temporary soon. Read his note on this. And here's his website.
He found a place. Thanks. - dc In a perfect world I am looking for a space for me and one or two other people. I have reached a point where I don't feel like I can take responsibility for either of them any longer, but if a situation came up that required more resources or people to fill a space, I have them. I am looking for any sort of space, creative or otherwise. Having just come off the road and owning my own portable stove, range, heater etc. I am poised to move into a garage, tool shed or what have you, if necessary. With my many skills, I am prepared to create a living space where none existed before, if that helps in the search. I would really like to live in Marin, near my kids, but I have pretty much let go of that idea. I really don't want to get much north of Santa Rosa, but facing the street in a little over a week, i can't be picky. I intend to keep my storage space, so I can come with as much or as little as is appropriate to the space. I am happy to put my 50" Sony Home theater in the shared space if someone wants or I have a smaller TV for my own room if that is the lay of the land. I am desperate for a space somewhere and not very picky as I can always keep looking after I have found a place to be. Time has become the main factor for now. I have my car and so I can live most anywhere. As I said, I can make a large footprint if that is appropriate or a very small one if that is the case. I would have a hard time paying more than $700 for myself and appropriate multiples for additional people. I wouldn't mind being near the Russian River during this period with Darlene's situation. Thanks David Cohen 415 - 299 - one one seven six virgo[at] |