- Shunryu Suzuki Index - WHAT'S NEW - table of contents - SR Chronology
All the Wind Bells
--- Wind Bell Excerpts
General, history, news, etc
focusing on the Suzuki era
61-12-02 - December - first Wind Bell Says Shunryu Suzuki came here from Japan on the afternoon of June 22, 1959 contradicting his own datebook which says May 18, 1959.
His associate, Dr. Kato, prof at San Jose State College, assists giving lectures. [Kato is also a Soto Zen priest - dc] - Kazumitsu Wako Kato
Weekly lecture program
WB 62-02 January
WB 62-03 February
WB-62-04 - March
WB 62-05 - April
WB 62-07 - June
WB 62-08 - July
WB 62-09 - August
This first ordination took place on Sunday, September 2nd.
What's on the other side? I think I looked in the Wind Bell archives and couldn't find anything but maybe should try again. - dc
WB 62-11 - October
WB 62-12 - November
WB 62-13 - December
WB 63-01 - January-February
WB 63-02 - March
WB 63-03 April
WB 63-04 May-June
WB 63-05 - July August
WB 63-06 Septmeber
WB 63-07 - November
WB 63-08 - December
WB 64-01 February
WB 64-02 March
WB 64-03 April-May
WB 64-04 May
More from Jean Ross on her
WB 64-05 June
The First Annual Soto Zen Conference - PDF
More from Grahame Petchey about his stay at Eiheiji
WB 64-06 September October
A Mountain Walk - Eiheiji in Japan Report from Jean Ross
WB 64-07 November-December
A Monk's Day at Eiheiji by Grahame Petchey
Image too dark to see in this copy for the image mentioned above
WB 64-08 December
WB 65-01 February
Takuhatsu at Eiheiji by Grahame Petchey
WB 65-02 April
WB 65-03 April (again)
image by Taiji Kiyokawa
WB 65-04 July
Sesshin at Eiheiji by Grahame Petchey
WB 65-05 August
WB 65-06 September
WB 65-07 November-December
WB 66-01 - February
WB 66-02 - March, April
Grahame and Pauline Petchey sent a tape from Japan
WB 66-03 - Summer
A Site for a Monastery in America - see Tass page
WB 66-04 Fall
We need money for the mountain Zen Center - on Tass page
WB 67-01 Jan-Feb
Tassajara Report - PDF
Doubled next payment - Tass page
WB 67-02 Fall
Zen Mt. Center Report and many articles and pages - PDF
London Zen from Grahame Petchey
Suzuki's trip East to visit other groups and Wyoming - see Suzuki page, WB 67-2, p44
WB 68-01 Summer
Zen Center Report pp4-7 - PDF
WB 68-3-4 Fall
In Memoriam Chester F. Carlson by Richard Baker - on Baker's page
WB 69-3-4 Spring - comes before 1-2 (both Vol.VIII)
This whole issue is Suzuki lectures on the Lotus Sutra edited by Tim Buckley - cuke page for these lectures with links to originals
WB 69-1-2 Fall (comes after the Spring 3-4 though both Vol. VIII)
The entire issue is about other lineages and teachers that came to the West and their origins. Mainly Rinzai. It's excellent. As I recall, Peter Schneider did it. - dc PDF
WB 70-1 Winter
Trudy Dixon memorial Issue - See Trudy's cuke page
News on p13 and 14 begins with a short piece on how ZC isn't perfect. There's no editor identified. I'd say either Peter Schneider or Tim Buckley. There's no article in any other Wind Bell remotely like it. - dc
Fraser article PDF
WB 70-2 Summer
From cover
WB 70-71-Fall-Winter
Entire issue discussions on City Practice - See City Neighborhood page
WB 71- Summer
All Katagiri - PDF
WB 86-2 - 25th anniversary issue
Wind Bell beginnings - Peter Schneider
Sokoji - Claude Ananda - PDF
WB 73
General - Yasutani in Memoriam - died 3-28-73 at 88 p.10
Jeanie Campbell 1944-1973
WB 88-1 Spring Early History of Zen Center by Peter Schneider pp29-40 - PDF WB 91-2 Fall Article on Gordon Onslow-Ford about his art and his study with Tobase, the priest at Sokoji before Suzuki. - PDF |