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Wind Bell Excerpts - Places-East Coast

Wind Bells excerpts - East Coast


February 62




September-October 64








November-December 64




February 66


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vek'YY10NT zeta. maybe? 
(Mrs. Dorothy Schatk Zen Cent« in San Francisco for month in arri 
January. She meditat«l twice a day lectures said she it an irnportant 
experience. We certaLnly found her a very to practice Zen with. She hq»es to 
tAin a Zerxio in Vermont which she explains in tik toliowirv article.) 
A Of questions been asked what to 
in V«mom. Where did Rev. Suzuki rally go vben he left the in 
•a attemß to clarify a little. 
My my home in euctiy •itho• 
Massactwsetts. We live in town ot North•mBon with Frank. 
we ate guardiaB. grown up. Smith In 
March•tl. my bas a Protesy« or tor ove thirty •years. 
J.J. (Philip's wife. He is at EiheiJi) tachirw at Smith Dow. Nottbagnpton is 
the the Berkshire M mxntains In Valley. Boston are a or 
•o mites away. atxi New York three &attteixro. Vermont. torty miles to Northwest. 
close to the New Hampshire line. ia onen "The Gateway to the Mountains. 
It in tbe Green Mountains where the is to located. The are mrthwegi 
Ot is famous its autumn color atxi numeraJS resorts. Vermont 
bitty heavily auf made up ot •malt towns village.. with main 
town a village green. • few mostly white ami a like White vo«ien ch.gch with 
• •teqie, roads are that is. Hack top 000 town town all 
ova state. 
a hau is miles hom my home 
up a ste. hill (almost evo miles the old town Waidsb«o. 
road is dirt. accessiNe enm«h in summer. divides the almost halt. on the tight 
side up a steep rise which 100b dowa across the to a drop an area 
where we plan to hiild a "Zen House. " This means a of a guest house And a time • 
temporary The house is to include three principal eooms. with the room glassed in 
down the drop. the window on the flat area could a 
dimly seen ttrough tir trees. eventually a temple. One the three main rooms will • large 
tatami room. with at one erg' which could to make a sleepitw section. 
room could also be tor rn«litaticm. ne other room wilt be a tniroorn. with a screenaj 
porch. vest«n-styte. except that door. are eo be sliding. Vermotg winterø are 
it is always cool in the hills. In fact one or the Jokes mtives summer 
day was summer this When the h'*.ise is attha.rgb 
for it can only open ttr Of



Jan-feb 67




Fall 1967




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Haiku Zendo in Los Altos now has regular meditation from 5:45 am to 
7:40 am daily except Sunday. On Saturdays, except when there is a ses- 
shin in San Francisco, meditation is held from 5:45 am to 9:00 am- On 
December 8, in honor of Buddha's Enlightenment Day, the first formal 
Japanese breakfast was held in the zendo. Members plan to make this a 
once-a-month practice 
On January 12, Suzuki Roshi gave a lecture on Zen Buddhism to a 
group of students at Awalt High School in Los Altos. Roshi reports that 
the students were very interested in "Our Way" and asked perceptive 
Three members Of Haiku Zendo traveled to Japan this fall. Charles 
Hornig spent a week in Kyoto. June French took time out from a confer- 
ence on cancer research held in Japan, to visit Eiheiji with her husband. 
Mary Kate Spencer Sirnt a week in Japan at a Zen Buddhist Temple on 
her way to Nepal. 
A small group of people interested in Zen is meeting regularly for za:cn 
at the home Of Mrs. Dorothy Schalk in Northampton, Massachusetts. 
Suzuki Roshi Was able to visit this budding New England "Zen Center" 
in the fall of 1965. and Mrs. Schalk has come to San Frgncisco twice to 
participate in sesshins. The following news sent to by Mts. Schalk 
and Dorothy McFarland Of Northampton. 
The Northampton Zen Center, which has been meeting in the home of 
Mrs. Dorothy Schalk. held its first formal sesshin September 29 to Octo- 
ber 1, Mrs. Schalk, who attended the vveek-sesshin in San Francisco last 
August, led the group. She was assisted by George We:r, who acted as 
leader of a small group which sat for forty-minute periods upstairs. Those 
less accustomed to long periods Of zazen sat downstairs with Mrs. Schalk 
in the main room. On Saturday afternoon a brief talk was given by Joseph 
Havens, a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts counseling 
service, on his personal interest in Zen. After dinner Robert Hurley, a 
College professor from Vermont, spoke of his experiences in Mr. and 
Mrs. Robert Aitken•s Zen group in Hawaii, where he attended a sesshin 
directed by Yasutani Roshi. Sunday morning after breakfast the silence 
which had been observed during sesshin was broken, and those who 
could drove up to Mrs. Schalk•s property in Vermont where a small house 
is being built as a Zen retreat. Though they had to do without the direct- 
ion and inspiration of a Roshi. the group felt that the sesshin was an 
important and rewarding experience. A total of fifteen people attended, 
including Tord Swenson of the Cambridge Buddhist Society. Mr. and 
Mrs. Renfrew also from Cambridge visited the sesshin Saturday. 
In December the group set aside a quiet day to devote just to the 
practice of zazen. On January 2 they held their second formal sesshin 
lasting one full day from 10 am to 8 pm. Eleven attended. The 
sesshin was led by Phillip Wilson who spent two weeks in Northampton 
over the holidays. Phillip, a member Of the San Francisco Zen Center, re-

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turned last fall from a year and a half's stay in Japan, where he spent 
over six months training at Eiheiji Monastery. He brought a gift of a 
•kyosaku• (a long flat stick used to wake up meditating Zen students) from 
Suzuki Roshi, who made it himself for the Northampton Center. During 
the sesshin Phillip gave two lectures, one on the "Kyosaku", its history, 
symbolic significance, and meaning in Zen training, and one on "Breath", 
the in and out flow of Zen practice. It was reported that Phillip was a great 
help to the group, and they appreciated the experience of practicing with



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In May the Zen group in Northampton. Massachusetts, was incorporated as 
Northampton Zen Center. The officers are; President, Mrs. Dorothy Schalk; Clerk, 
Mrs. Helen Walker; and Treasurer, Mrs. Janice (J J.) Wilson (Philip Wilson's Wife). 
The Center meets weekly on Thursday night at Smith College's Helen Hills Chapel 
For infomration contact Mrs. Helen Walker, 76 Elm Street, Northampton. Massa- 
chusetts 01060. 
On February 24 and 25, Suzuki Roshi led a two-day sesshin in Northampton, 
The sesshin was held in the basement Of the chapel at Smith College and between 
twelve and fifteen people attended. The evening before the sesshin Suzuki Roshi 
had given an informal talk on campus. 
Mrs. Dorothy Schalk. the founder of the Northampton Zen Center, left to study 
in Japan early this fall and in her absence the Center is being led by Mrs. Helen 
Walker. On her way to Japan, Mrs, Schalk spent several days at Tassajara. 
On March 8th, Suzuki Roshi gave a public lecture entitled "The Practice of Zen" 
which was attended by about 600 persons at the Community Church (Unitarian) in 
New York City. The lecture was Organized by Peter Schneider and sponsored by the 
Young Adults of the Community Church. 
The lecture was scheduled to beén at 8:00 but the audience. which was the 
Suzuki Roshi had ever spoken to, Was not seated until 8:30. Following the lecture 
Suzuki Roshi and Dick Baker answered questions for another hour and a half. Several 
students who are now at Zen Mountain Center first heard about it then. 



In Memoriam Ruth Fuller Sasaki



Fall 1968


In Memoriam Chester Carlson by Richard Baker -



On the Opening of the Zen Studies Society by Brother David Steindl-rast



Fall 69


On the Cambridge Buddhist Association by Elsie for the Fall 1969 Wind Bell which is full of other articles about East Coast Zen. See the table of contents below. Elsie Mitchell & CBA





1973 Wind Bell




Spring 1986