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WB 61
WB 66-1 Jan - Feb
Election of officers, Sawaki Kodo dies, Redwood City zazen, East Bay zazen, Soto seminar Monterey, GP and PW news, letters from PW at Eiheiji,
WB 66-2 March April
zc officers elected, treasurer's report, Hanamatsuri, SR to New England, on recent lectures, sesshin, lecture tapes, books on Zen, zc memb to Jp. Ralph Wire to Hawaii then Eiheiji, Jeanie and Howard Campbell visit Aitkens on way
WB 66- Summer
66-03 - Sesshin news, SR to Japan, new Los Altos Haiku zendo, mem serv for Hayashi Katagiri's teacher, mem serv for DT Suzuki, funeral for Tanya Woscik, Obon, Preby ministers visit, donation for land, Toni J out Evelyn Lentz in as sec, LA Soto meet, Jp prof visit, sumie exhibit, library revamped, zazen instrction-katagiri, SRL two, site for Zen monastery,
66-4 - Need $ for mt. center, berk zc, haiku, SR quits Rinsoin, Typhoon at Rinsoin, Phillip and GP leave Japan, zazen instruction, sesshin, roshi and sensei terms, zabutans, land project meet, SRL, Sumi lecture,
WB 67 Jan-Feb
Mt. Center Report - first payment met, benefits, mt. center plan improved, immediate plans, reasons for buying, paying for Tass, Richard Baker resigns WB ed, WB 5th anniversary, SR returns from Jp., election trustees, expenses doubled, East Coast visit, ZCLA, sesshin, Buddha's Nirvana, SR speak at Sanford, Lynn Warkov new library head, mailing list, alpha wave study, Jeanie Howard Cambell move to SF no longer Berk zendo, Los Altos news - SR at high school, North Hampton - Dorothy Shalk - SR there in 65, SRL, Katagiri L, SRL reprint from 12-62, no zazen 4 n 9 days, except Sunday when lecture and medtn and wed eve when always lecture.
WB 67-2
ZMC Report, SR on practice period, opening ceremony, 1st practice period, tangaryo, schedule, time sounds, food and meals, sesshin, shusho cer, kobun, men women students, RB TB PS, Jane stone seal, student responses, guest season, restoring Tass, future plans, costs, encouraging letters, Myths, why tass, why zmc, fundraising, contributors, benefit contributors, benefits, poetry reading, snyder reading, watts lecture, selver-suzuki, ali akbar khan, elections and officers, katagiri, space problems, offices and telephone, living groups, guest membership, Haiku zendo, Berkeley zendo, Marin zendo, London zen, Northhampton, SR speak NY, SR East Coast and other groups, wyoming visit, babies - katagiri steiglmeyer, new practice period, Ruth Fuller Sasaki mem, early history of tass, newspaper stories, SR sumi circle and comment, Village Voice, Berkeley Barb, SJ Mercury, Genjo Koan, SR Calig, Beginner's Mind lecture SR, Katagiri lecture, SR lecture sesshin,
WB 68-1-2 - fundraising pitch, Jim Forrest in Guest Season,
68-3-4 - brief intro
WB 69 Spring
69-3-4 - Sokoji altar, gathas, Ed Tim B intro, trikaya,
70-1 - Trudy mem issue, from Katagiri lectures, news, 300 page st, financial report, Charlette selver and chas brooks donations, Christopher Tree concert at Sokoji, Tass report - Eldon, flooding, kitchen, 69 guest season, bread book, guests, tass school, tats, yoshimura, Baker, Chino, Jiyu Kennett, U Nu visit, Sonam Kazi, Dana Frazer, Govinda, SRL, lecture chants
70-71 - Ocean Wind Zendo, Intro by Peter, City Practice - Peter, SR, Jed, Mrs. Luster, Yoshimura, Mary Q, Reb, Bill Lane, Steve W, Loring, others
71 - All Katagiri, photo of lay ordination aug 71
72 - SR mem issue, funeral, BR mt seat cer, GG, the work company, city pract period, mitsu, katagiri, hoichi instead of hoitsu, chino, ryuho, children's center, zmc, city center, founders halls, ashes cer planned, niwa, mumon, Yogo Suigan, Kanze, Tada San, Silas Tanto, Dan Ino, ZC officers, Snyders married, Joshin San, Nakamura, SR at Tass, han, schedules
73 - sr ashes, Yasutani mem, Jeannie Campbell mem, ordinations, katagiri minn, study center-claude, abe, mumon, takata, tantos-yv to tass - directors-sesshins-snyders-claude, park, Nakamura, stitchery (Jeanie campbell), ZMC, Jamesburg house (Hartmans, Jerome), GG, Tass Cooking, Arthur Okamura Shakyamuni butterflies, Gary Snyder poem, Elsie's Sun Faced… book published, support, SR mem lecture by BR, support, SRL SDK1, send SR mem, schedules
74 - 1-2 - SRL, Alan Watts funeral, Vocha Fiske White mem, study center - Claude, Abe, births, shoboan, GG cabinet shop, Niels photo, GG farm report, summer interim in city, SR stories request, how we support ourselves, ZMC winter storms, sterling talk on flowers, Buddha's birthday celebration, thanks to Kobun, lay ord ceremony, BRL, SRL
WB 85-1 Summer
WB 86-1 Spring
WB 86 Fall 25th anniversary Issue
WB 87-1 Spring
WB 87-2 Fall
WB 88-1 Spring
WB 88-2 Fall
WB 89-1 Spring
WB 89-2 Fall
WB 90-1
WB 90-2 Fall
WB 91-1 Spring
WB 91-2 Fall
WB 92 Spring
WB 1992 Fall
WB 93 Spring
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WB 94 September
WB 95 Winter
WB 95 Summer
WB 96 Winter
WB 96 Summer
WB 97 Winter
WB Summer 97
WB 98 Spring/Summer
WB 98 Winter
WB Fall/Winter
WB 2000 Spring/Summer
WB Fall 2000/Winter 2001
Fall Winter 2001
WB 2002 Spring/Summer
WB 2002 Fall/Winter
WB 2003 Spring/Summer
WB 2005 Winter Spring
WB 2006
WB 2007
WB 2012
Zen Center 50