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Zen Is Right Here Anecdote Index

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first anecdote


Thanks to:

the writers who suggested I do this book:  the late wonderful Rick Fields, Lewis Richmond, Kazuaki Tanahashi, and Michael Toms of New Dimensions Radio.

those who shared their memories of encounters with Shunryu Suzuki.

my friend and agent Michael Katz for all the time and effort he put into every stage of the realization of this book. He even wrote his own acknowledgment.

at Shambhala Publications, editor Sarah Bercholz, Sam Bercholz for initial interest, Hazel Bercholz and Steve Dyer.

Kaz Tanahashi for calligraphy for the cover, ima - now. To Kobun (RIP) and Katrin Otogawa for the calligraphy on the title page, hikari - light, to shine.

Holly Hammond for copyediting.

for helping to choose which vignettes to use and more,  Richard Baker, Kamala Buckner, Ann Campbell, Cha Yu, Elin Chadwick, Kelly Chadwick, Diana Hart, Linda Hess, Jane Hirshfield, Joan Hanley, Niels Holm, Bill Lane (RIP), Balthasar Lohmeyer, Heather McFarlin, Elsie Mitchell, Stephen Mitchell, Thomas Moore, Grahame Petchey, Valerie Robin, Renée Roehl, Ken Sawyer, Elizabeth Sawyer, Sahn Bul,  Judy Sandors, Peter Schneider, John Sumser, Steve Tipton, Elizabeth Tuomi, Sojun Mel Weitsman, Dan Welch, Michael Wenger, Clare Whitfield, Carol Williams, Yasodhara.

for other assistance: Tracy Behar, Catherine Anderson, John Bermel, Tim Buckley, Ahdel Chadwick, Clayton Chadwick, Gil Fronsdal, Daya Goldschlag, Amanda Gross, Francine de Gruchy, Rebecca Holland, Taigen Dan Leighton, Tano Maida, Katrinka McKay, Hideko Petchey, Pauline Petchey, Yvonne Rand, Bill Redican, Raymond Rimmer Diana Rowan, Dennis Samson, Bill Schwob, Mickey Stunkard, William Shinker, John Tarrant, and Dan Welch.

And thanks to those whom I have forgotten to mention.

David Chadwick

first anecdote