
This page is not an all-inclusive presentation of Buddhist, Zen, Soto Zen sutras, chants, gathas. Just what's happened to have ended up on cuke and a few other places in the Shunryu Suzuki lineage but surely that's a lot missing that should be linked to from here.

Berkeley ZC Chants

SFZC - Services, Sutras, Texts, and Songs

Soto Zen Scriptures for Daily Services and Practices

Heart Sutra page

Trikaya - Shunryu Suzuki lectures on the Lotus Sutra

Lotus Sutra lectures on

Taigen Dan Leighton on Shunryu Suzuki and the Lotus Sutra

Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - spirit of the Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra by H. Kern which Suzuki quoted from in his lectures.

Sandokai - Suzuki lectures on - plus more

Eko - the short chants after the tutras in a service dedicating the merit
Eko study book - Suzuki lectures on the Eko - go to and in the lecture search page [just use that link] chose Eko lectures in the Subject dropdown and click on the Search button and all six will line up below.
A brief Eko written romanized by Shunryu Suzuki with translation

Blue Cliff Records lectures

At lecture Search Form on Subject dropdown includes these plus Eko and Genjo Koan lectures

Two Suzuki lectures on the Ryaku Fusatsu ceremony chant

Buddha's First Sutra

The Way of Eiheiji booklet with recordings of chants from Eiheiji

Charley Pokorny sent March 2021
     a study of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi he made almost 20 years ago.
     Evolution of the Precepts which includes a character study of the precepts

Charlie writes
For Dogen, I love Okumura's comentaries, some of which have been published in the Soto Zen journal, "Dharma Eye," online here: - They are not character studies, but he does get into some of the terms.

from Kokyo Henkle
     Texts for Daily Services
Zazenshin poem with Chinese
     Gejokoan in Jp and Eng
Jiryu Mark Rutschman-Byler's thesis on Nishiari Bokusan from his Shores of Zen website. Here's the page for it here with an introduction. Nishiari Bokusan

---------- Sutras and Kanji from the booklet

Dogen's Mountain and Rivers Sutra - art by Dan Welch plus translation and comment

DC Meal Chant study with old Tassajara meal chant card

DC chant and other studies - Genjokoan, Fukanzazengi, Sandokai, Eko Study Book

Diamond Sutra

A copy of the Chinese version of Diamond Sūtra, found among the Dunhuang manuscripts in the early 20th century by Aurel Stein, was dated back to May 11, 868.[1] It is, in the words of the British Library, "the earliest complete survival of a dated printed book." - from Wikipedia

The Diamond Sutra at Tassajara

Thank You and OK - Ch54 - Dueling Sutras

Jack van Allen sent this years ago and wrote it was a 6th century heart sutra but I don't see those characters and the file name included "mahapari" which must be the Maha Parinibbana Sutra. - dc

Gary Snyder's Smokey the Bear Sutra from the summer 1970 Wind Bell

Gary Snyder page

From Charlie Pokorny

a study of the Jewel Mirror Samadhi I made almost 20 years ago.
And a study evolution of the precepts which includes a character study of the precepts.

I don't know of any other "character studies."
I have compiled the Chinese of the koans from the major collections with English translations. If that is of interest, I can send those along.
For Dogen, I love Okumura's commentaries, some of which have been published in the Soto Zen journal, "Dharma Eye," online here:
They are not character studies, but he does get into some of the terms.

I do have the Japanese of the whole Shobogenzo as a Word table. It is not a character study, but I use it for research all the time.

I am also attaching Kokyo's nice study guide for daily services which includes helpful resources.

I would say that there are easy to use online look up tools for Chinese characters. So, with access to a Chinese text in a word doc, it's pretty easy to explore on your own.
There is also the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism which can be very helpful, although it has restrictions on free use (I think 10 searches/day).
