Shunryu Suzuki Quote
Source Check

Shunryu Suzuki quotes on the Internet are almost always not sourced. In seeking a source for a quote, we first check the lecture archive on, then edited books of his lectures. Herein are results for some that we've looked into. See also these related pages: Dubious Quotes and Some Suzuki quotes found on the net.

See SR0249 in the Photo Database for names.

There are, strictly speaking, no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity. May have first appeared in Zen Millionaire: The Investor's Guide to the Other Side by Paul B. Farrell, 2007. Amazon link. [First appearance we find...] - Is consistent with Shunryu Suzuki teaching but no source found yet.

When you feel the oneness of everything, you naturally don’t want to harm anything.  Source: Suzuki disciple Lewis Richmond. Found in Aging as a Spiritual Practice by Lewis Richmond, 2012. Amazon link.

You exist as an idea in your mind. Source: Suzuki disciple Blanche Hartman. Found in Seeds for a Boundless Life: Zen Teachings from the Heart by Zenkei Blanche Hartman, 2015. Amazon link.

This page started 3-26-2023.

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