Audio tapes of Shunryu Suzuki lectures

This section is antiquated. All Shunryu Suzuki audio now is at

Shunryu Suzuki on video/film     

10-03-15 - New Additions to the Shunryu Suzuki Audio archive


We have added 217 re-digitized audio files to the archive. They've all had sound work to reduce the background noise and bring out the voice. In most cases the quality of the audio has been improved. Where possible files that were previously split into two or more parts have been combined into one file. A lot of sections that were not Suzuki speaking have been cut. The files are identified as "audio-2015" on "More Files" pages of Shunryu Suzuki dot com.

Thanks to Charlie Wilson for the digitizing and noise reduction and to Peter Ford for extensive subsequent work to get them named and presented correctly and in accordance with our archiving procedures. Work on some of the more serious sound problems and a bit of new transcribing is next. This digitizing was done from the reel to reel masters made by Mark Watts around the turn of the century. There are around seventy-six missing reels from the work Mark did. But we did have those digitized from the master cassettes back in 2008 and that whole set is also on Shunryu Suzuki dot com in the audio archive. Wonder where those are. I haven't tried to find out. Nobody knows where anything is or what happened - lame excuse. As Philip Whalen said, "Just enough survives." - dc

5-03-11 - Some Shunryu Suzuki lecture audio in the archive were fixed.

67-12-01A and 67-12-02

67-12-04 and/or 6712-04A was just renamed as 67-12-02.

The file named 67-12-02 had the second half of 67-12-01A and something else. It was just a mistake. My bad because I listened to the beginning of every tape to compare with the first line of the transcript. I guess that was one I planned to get back to to figure out and then forgot about. But now it's fixed.

The fixed files are in their rightful place on  and also in

Only 16k mp3s - the 32k mp3s are too big to load from here in India, at least where I go to upload.

And for taking so long to get to this, my apologies to Charlie Pokorny of Suzuki Roshi dot SFZC dot org where all the Suzuki lectures are going up one by one in a better presentation than on - dc

2-21-09 - Listen to the earliest recording of a Shunryu Suzuki lecture that we have - and/or read a verbatim transcription - July 26, 1965.

Read it while you listen.

1-26-09 - A very good film with Shunryu Suzuki Roshi footage synched with tape of lecture he was giving, recent Tassajara footage with Suzuki lecture voice over. Put together by Mel Van Dussen. Thanks for the tip to Howie Klein

Better presentation at Video or at Youtube Cuke Archives

3-29-08 - In 1968 Shunryu Suzuki gave two talks at Esalen Institute. These talks are available through Big Sur Tapes.

You can also buy the audio book of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind read by Peter Coyote through that link but cuke suggests you get that through the SFZC Bookstore.

I'm sure the bookstore could carry the Esalen lectures too but I bet they don't. I'll talk to Diane who heads the store about it. Going to the site I don't see any mention of Shunryu Suzuki lecture audio tapes for sale. They've got some - they just play hard to get.

I see they've got a listing for Suzuki Roshi DVD - see Shunryu Video dept. for that