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Index for Crooked Cucumber
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"adultery" 28
Aiko (Shunryu's sister) 100
Alexander, Paul 240
Amano, Gen'ichi
agrees to stay for Baker's installation 401
during war-time 100
"Godfather - parent of duty) 87
says farewell to dying Suzuki 397
American Academy of Asian Studies 172
Anderson, Reb 355, 364
Antaiji 263
Baker, Richard 209, 283
as disciple 256
at Rinso-in 360
evaluates his time in Japan 359
his Mountain Seat Ceremony 401
learns Suzuki is sending him to Japan 321
ordained as priest 282
returns from Japan, to assume abbotship 396
Suzuki's view of his work on ZMBM 352
transmission of 361
Baker, Virginia (nee Brackett) 211
BCA, Buddhist Churches of America 243
Becks and Roscoes (Tassajara's preceding owners) 266
Beginner's Mind (book) 321
Blue Cliff Record 238
bodhisattva mind 21
bowing 72, 201
importance to Kishizawa 71
Brown Rice Movement 103
Brown, Edward Espe 298
Browning, Ron and Joyce 355
Cambridge Buddhist Association 229, 278
Carlson, Chester 328
Chadwick, David x, 276
studies Sandokai with Suzuki 342
Suzuki intends to ordain 356
visit to his dying teacher 398
Chino, Kobun 279, 402
at Tassajara opening ceremony 282
Chosan (morning meetings) at Tassajara 294
crooked cucumber 416
Crooked Cucumber
Shunryu's understanding of his nickname 27
Crooked Cucumber (So-on's nickname for Shunryu) 20
Dalenberg, Claude 258
De Martino, Richard 311
Deikman, Arthur (psychiatrist researching meditation) 312
Derby, Marian 253, 352
responds to Suzuki's "I'd like to write a book." 320
Discoe, Paul (architect) 355
Dixon, Mike 352
Dixon, Trudy 321, 352
and Mike 323
"this blessed cancer." 324
Dogen - zazen: to live each moment in total combustion 346
Dojun Kato-roshi 41
dokusan 199
East-West House 173
Eiheiji 64
life at 66
practice at 65
Suzuki and Petchey's visit, 1966 268
winter at 67
Eto, Sokuo 61
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 173
frogs 8
Fujimoto, Rindo 229
Gempo Kitano-roshi (abbot of Eiheiji) 67
Ginsberg, Allen 309
Goertz, Della 174, 185
Goldschlag, Dianne 342
visits Suzuki in hospital to repay a dime 365
Hagiwara, George 178, 326
Haibutsu Kishaku (persecution of Buddhism in Japan) 11
Haiku Zendo 253
Halpern, Bob 261
Hanayama, Bishop 243
Hasegawa, Saburo 173
Hayakawa, S. I. 175
head monk ceremony 41
Hense, Bob 176, 202
departs San Francisco 219
High Grass Mountain Group 97
hippie life 307
Hoadley, Silas 260, 355
Hoitsu (Shunryu's elder son) 130, 133–134, 272
arrives to Suzuki's death-bed 397
his birth 90
his Mountain Seat Ceremony at Rinso-in 274
Human-Be-In 309
Hyphen House 173
intellectualizing 47
Iriya, Yoshitaka 46
Jodo Shin
priests don't practice zazen 244
Jodo Shin ("other power) 243
Johansen, Toni 253
Kanto earthquake 37
Kapleau, Philip 221
karma 317
Katagiri, Dainin 230, 239
decides to resign 367
Kato, Kozo 98, 102
Kato, Wako Kazumitsu (Shunryu's predecessor at Sokoji) 165
moves to Los Angeles 234
Kaye, Les 355
Kesey, Ken 192
kinhin 198
Kishizawa, Ian 69
accepts Shunryu as "follower" 79
Kitano 68
Komazawa Daigakurin (Soto college) 42
Kumazawa-roshi 268
Kwong, Bill 267, 355
first visits to Sokoji 187
his head monk ceremony 398
visits Suzuki in hospital 395
Kwong, Laura
"Your practice can be at home." (Suzuki) 189
Kyger, Joanne 173
kyudo, the way of archery 18
lay ordinations 357
learning to listen to the other side of the words 24
Los Altos Zendo 253
Maezumi, Taizan 177
reviews Suzuki's contribution (1995) 413
Manchuria (Shunryu's missionary journey to) 102
Marlowe, Alan 344
Matsuno, Masaharu (Mitsu's first husband) 129
McNeil, Bill 202
McNeil, Lou and Bill (first American visitors) 171
militarism 91
Mitchell, Elsie (founder, Cambridge Zen Center) 229, 278
Morgan, Julia (architect, Page Street) 328
Nakagawa, Soen 183, 304, 387
a final visit 386
Nishinakama, Masao 97, 102, 112, 118, 160
Noiri-roshi xv
Obaa-san 128, 135, 139–140, 143, 145, 157
Ogui, Koshin 243
Okamoto, Shoko (dharma transmission from Suzuki) 274
Okui, Koshin 249
Omi (Shunryu's daughter) 101
institutionalized 151
oryoki 286
Otsubo (unstable monk) 138
Petchey, Grahame 206
comes to Tassajara, June, 1970 348
difficulties at Eiheiji 234
elected president of Zen Center 217
ordained 233
questioning Suzuki about not writing Nona Ransom 349
Petchey, Pauline (reaches deep zazen) 225
practice 131, 189, 212
. . . is itself enlightenment. 339
"one step at a time" 221
as schedule 296
counting the breath 337
"discipline" not an appropriate word 247
for allowing a clear mind 224
good deeds not a substitute for 316
having read nothing . . . is the best way to come to 288
human nature encourages 243
is how not to be lost in our problems 367
is to get to True Mind (not accessible to thinking). 358
(mother bird and baby bird) 194
not for gaining a mystical something 224
"Only to sit on a cushion is not Zen." 21
will not take you away to somewhere better 300
practice at Eiheiji
"Don't open that side!" 69
precepts 284
third - "adultery" means attachment 296
meaning of is evolving in America 357
prostrations 201
protesting Bimini radioactivity 147
Pryor, Louise
asserts herself 372
visits Suzuki in hospital 394
psychedelics 308
Quang Duc (self-immolation of) 230
rakusu 226
Rand, Yvonne 306
argues with Suzuki about sending women to Japan 372
Suzuki apologizes for not ordaining 407
Ransom, Nona 49, 332
early view of Buddhism 54
Suzuki explains Buddhism 57
the Buddha statue 58
view of Christianity 53
why Suzuki didn't respond 350
ensaku ("practice of the stick") 219
Rinso-in 29, 88
Ross, Jean 174, 184, 229
leaves for Japan 223
rules, vis-a-vis freedom 290
Ryuho, Yamada
continues shiatsu 393
San Francisco
Suzuki's first view 166
San Francisco Zen Center
incorporation papers filed 217
moving day, November 15, 1969 329
must find a new home 328
nonprofit status is official 226
official opening of Mahabodhisattva Zendo 330
Page Street; concerns in the new neighborhood 330
seeks nonprofit incorporation (1961) 216
Suzuki announces Baker's transmission 352
Sandokai 341
Sasaki, Ruth Fuller 173
satori 31
Sawaki, Kodo 248, 263, 363, 396
Sawyer, Ken 339
Schneider, Peter 321
seiza 270
Selver, Charlotte 210
sesshin (first at Sokoji, Feb. 1960) 198
sesshin at Eiheiji 72
shiho (dharma transmission) 48
shikantaza ("just sitting") 337
Shinto 98
Shinto ("nouveau") 11
Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye) 18
Shoganji 3
Shoganji (Shunryu's father's temple) 7
Shunryu Suzuki, Curriculum Vitae 331
Shunryu's father, Sogaku, died 81
Shuzenji 18
Snyder, Gary 173, 309
a congregation divided 325
older member resentment 194
Suzuki's first view 167
Sokoji and Zen Center 326
Sotan, Oka 18, 263
Steiner, John 318
Stone, Barton
anti-war activism 317
stones 344
Suetsune, Yasuo (Shunryu's elder daughter) 95
sutra chanting 179
chants in English 284
Suzuki, Aiko (Shunryu's sister) 4, 48, 73, 77, 79
Suzuki, Chie (nee Muramatsu)
as a mother 135
her death 142
marriage to Shunryu 87
Suzuki, D. T. xii, 173, 210
Suzuki, Daito 60, 177
Suzuki, Gyokujun So-on xii, 14, 17–18, 20, 82, 223
death 82
Suzuki, Mrs. Shunryu ("Mitsu", "Okusan") xii, 125, 129–130, 151, 160, 215, 217, 379
"All you'd have to do is show up and stand there." 128
as prospective wife 156
"Clean feet, clean feet" 215
her practice 337
leaves for America 212
locked overnight in the basement 310
new life in America 215
refuses to return to Japan 396
returns to Japan, 1993 413
Shunryu wants her to come to U.S. 186
visit to Japan, August, 1970 358
What should I do when you die? 397
Suzuki, Otohiro (Shunryu's younger son) 101, 213
Suzuki, Shogaku (Shunryu's father) 7
Suzuki, Shunryu
father's death, November, 1933 81
final entrance to the Buddha Hall 402
first wife 81
his cabin at Tassajara 288
his interest in Chogyam Trungpa 373
last public lecture 387
he "Driver Lecture 363
view of enlightenment 339
visits East Coast 278
visits Japan (April, 1963) 228
...without any rules or selflessness. 71
Suzuki, Shunryu - Anecdotes
"You're wasting your time! 218
a little girl - and a train ticket 80
a pot stolen by a monk 150
explodes at student complaints 302
Halpern, Bob (hamburgers and grilled cheese) 299
Kato, Kazumi (her snowball gift to Suzuki) 196
loses his teeth 289
melon incident 40
pickles gone bad 25
Suzuki almost drowns at Tassajara 335
Suzuki, Shunryu - Career
accepts title "Roshi" 277
appointed a missionary priest 105
dharma transmission from So-on 60
"I determined to be a good priest" 13
"I gave up my notion of going abroad" 62
Mountain Seat Ceremony (May 20, 1962) 222
ordinations 355
ordinations (later developments) 356
Suzuki, Shunryu - Education
enters Komazawa University 60
graduates from Komazawa University 61
Kaisei Chugaku 34
Kenko-in in Shizuoka City 41
Suzuki, Shunryu - Health
diet, vegetarianism 299
gallbladder attack in Portland, 1971 364
gallbladder is cancerous 367
hepatitis? 388
"I have cancer." 391
Stunkard, Dr. Albert (diagnoses his cancer) 389
Suzuki visits family doctor (Yaizu, 1970) 361
"This cancer is my friend. . . ." 392
tuberculosis 48
Yoshikawa (doctor in Mori and Suzuki's sponsor) 36
Suzuki, Shunryu - Teaching
arrogance of too much belief in ourselves 219
beginner's mind 36
Buddha practices zazen, not you. 222
duality/oneness 346
enlightenment (Dogen's phrase) 47
gaining idea 313
his indirect approach 300
"If I am dying, beautiful girls will not help." 377
losing oneself in a group 362
mistake of "stepladder Zen" 83
"Our practice is just to sit." 375
"Painted cakes cannot be eaten." 376
riding a horse on a horse (with Chadwick) 382
secret of Soto Zen is just two words - not always so 345
sex 296
study Buddhism, not to study Buddhism but to study ourselves 321
teaching can't be a recipe 301
the first principle 347–348
things-as-it-is 342
things-as-they-are 342
(to Chadwick) "I don't know IS the first principle." 384
true experience of Zen 314
view of enlightenment 314, 338, 345
"When the bell rings, get up!" 19
Suzuki, Shunryu - Traits
absentmindedness 35, 132
apologizes for losing his temper 303
impracticality 217
love of English 36
short temper 34
sternness with his children 134
Suzuki, Sogaku Butsumon (Shunryu's father) 4–6, 9–10, 12, 17, 20, 31, 42, 48
after the earthquake-a walking story 37
names his first born Shunryu 3
Suzuki, Yasuko (Shunryu's daughter)
sees her father in a new light 400
Suzuki, Yone (Shunryu's mother) 3, 5, 7, 31, 34, 48, 89
her death 89
Takashina, Rosen (abbot of Eiheiji) 231
takuhatsu 101, 430
as co-ed 283
children 380
eight teachers visit (1968) 303
history of site 264
Horse Pasture 266
May, 1970 - a high point in Suzuki's life 340
no longer a "baby monastery" 340
opening - Zen Mountain Center ("Zenshinji") 281
Suzuki's first visit 265
the first rule 290
the rules take on importance 289
the schedule 284, 286
women and men practicing together 340
wrangling over food 297
Tatsugami, Sotan 230
at Tassajara 340
Zen Center board discusses his role 369
The Three Pillars of Zen (Philip Kapleau) 261
Tipton, Steve 344
Tobase, Hodo 153
Suzuki dismisses for his complaining 197
Tokyo in the twenties 43
transmission - the final stage of ordination 353
Trungpa, Chogyam
brings son for Suzuki's blessing 374
comes to Tassajara 373
visits Suzuki in hospital 394
Uchiyama, Aiko 100
Uchiyama, Kosho 79, 263, 349
a visit from Suzuki and Petchey 360
"mob psychology" 363
vow or aim to accomplish 79
walking 37
war 314
Warren, Betty 174
Watts, Alan 172–173, 185, 188, 206, 210, 258, 266, 277–278, 311
at Tassajara 380
Watts, Alan and Jano
visit Suzuki in hospital 394
Way of Zazen, The (Rindo, Fujimoto) 230
Weitsman, Mel 259, 315, 355
Welch, Lew 173
Whalen, Philip 173
Wilson, Phillip 191
Wind Bell (a newsletter is born) 220
Yamada, Gido 132, 153
Yamada, Ryuho
shiatshu for Suzuki 388
Yasutani 304
Yasutani, Hakuun 183, 221, 261–262, 273, 304, 312, 372
Yosemite (vacation with the Johansens) 254
Yoshinami (Shunryu's older half-brother) 4, 7
zazen xii, 17
Dogen - the only necessity 56
Kishizawa - the central practice 79
Shunryu defines for earliest students 176
Shunryu explains to Mitsu 131
Shunryu introduces to earliest visitors 175
Shunryu refines students' 180
Zen and psychology 311
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind 323
"I didn't write it, but it looks like a good book." 352
the book arrives at Page street 351
the "Zenefit" 278
Zoun-in 7


7-31-12 - Thanks to Ray Watkins for putting tons of time into doing this index which is still a work in progress. When it's finalized there will be a printable version that can be inserted into the book or not.

7-11-12 - We really should have included an index with the book when it came out. An index makes a biography more appealing to libraries and reviewers I gather. A number of people have bemoaned the lack of an index in CC. Well, now, thanks to the noble efforts of tireless cuke volunteer Ray Watkins, we have one - in progress. Take a look and make any comments you wish. Contact DC I see the index being presented in three ways: here on cuke to refer to, a printable version on cuke that can be used with the book or even attached to the back end of it (that was Ray's excellent idea), and, ideally, included with a later edition of Crooked Cucumber along with some maps and a few errors corrected (such as getting Phillip Wilson's first name spelled right).